My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

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My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:59 am

Myth of the 20th Century has probably been my favorite podcast all year. I have a thread here somewhere where I share some of their stuff. I need to update it now because they have moved hosting sites for some reason. Anyway, every once and a while a particular podcast seizes my interest in particular and I have to start a whole new thread just about that one. This is one of those.

Myth of the 20th Century - Episode 77 - Ivory Tower - White Slavery

This ep goes into a somewhat deep dive about the murky past of "indentured servitude" that many Southrons on this board are already familiar with. Well as deep as it can get because this is a bit of hidden history that apparently has been redacted with intention in some cases, carelessly preserved in others, often times misinterpreted by historians attempting to start with a hypothesis and work backwards to prove it, while otherwise hinted about in contemporary works when they aren't being quickly suppressed.

The fact is, "indentured servitude" was out right slavery. Many people, myself included, assumed that it just meant people that were conned into working like a slave for some years in the hopes that it would lead to freedom and a new chance, but it's just a window dressing of a term used by contemporary historians to cover up hundreds of years of outright White slavery, often times far more depraved in practice than any negro's, that stretched back to the very beginnings of this country and further back in time into the primordial mist of European history, to the very beginning.

To the beginning of all humanity's history. Dan has done a good podcast about this in the past. But this one challenged a bit of a preconceived notion I have been stewing on for at least a few years; the notion that America was founded by White people for White people. After listening to this podcast I'm just disgusted. Nothing further from the truth could be.
Slavery – the ‘original sin’ of America. Considering how the United States was founded on a frontier and worked for its immense agricultural and material wealth by poor immigrants, securing this labor pool on a vast scale, at low cost, and in a rapid scramble to secure territory from other ambitious competitors – slavery indeed seems a predictable outcome. But how sinful is the practice when considering the global nature of slavery throughout history? And if it is sinful, then why is the practice of white slavery almost never mentioned in the modern mainstream academic and media circles, whereas African slavery get almost exclusive attention? Today we explore these questions with author James LaFond, who has spent countless hours researching this subject with original archival sources, meticulous documentation of first hand accounts of children captured in the middle of the night in places as far north as Scotland, and in fact is descended from people who were brought over to the original colonies to work with no land to their name and no right to own it for an extended period – violations for which they could be severely beaten, or even killed.
Some parts of this show had me metaphorically writhing on the ground and tearing my eyes out. I'm going to have to go back and listen to it again and read more about it, but my entire world view that I have been formulating in an incubatory milieu of thought crime has been rocked to the core. Give it a listen and lmk what you think.

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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:24 pm

Bump. I'm going to feel like a real asshole if I don't at least get one response to that effort post I made coming down off modafinil. Fuck you guys.

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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:45 pm

It was literally slavery. I am not exactly sure why we retroactively label it as something softer, but I doubt it is for modern leftist politics. This recharacterizion happened long ago, possibly to bolster the justification for racial slavery that followed.

Benjamin Franklin, if I am not mistaken, called it slavery. He himself was a fugitive from indentured servitude in Massachusetts, which is how he ended up in Philadelphia.

I also read in a few history books that in some of the southern colonies they basically worked these people to death before the indenture was up. There was basically no way out alive unless you escaped for the mountains out in the frontier. Hence Appalachia.

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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by Ex-California » Wed Jul 18, 2018 1:54 pm


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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:06 pm

I know I'm walking into a trap here, but yeah...

I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't aware of this. It's kept pretty quiet, in the popular narrative. We've discussed it here before, but it always seems to be glossed over.

America has a pathological history of enslaving new groups. It started with European prisoners, until they stumbled across the Africans. After Emancipation, it was the Chinese, then once we became the global piggy bank, Mexicans.
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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by Okeefenokee » Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:19 pm

SuburbanFarmer wrote:
Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:06 pm
America has a pathological history of enslaving new groups.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:54 pm

Like for example you would have Headrights

Basically in Europe if you weren't someone's property you would be quickly rounded up and sent to the "plantations." Apparently some of the burgeoning youth of Europe were not lucky enough to already be apprenticed and/or enslaved off and they would get the bright idea to move to the "plantations." Painted in rosy terms no doubt by some beady eyed coin grubber that was passing out pamphlets full of lies which lured them to them. Probably these same beady eyed fucks would then offer them passage to the "plantations" for a small loan that they would have to work off. If they worked off the 14 years of service (plus interest for room and board of course) they would be entitled to 50 acres of land which meant jack shit anyway in some parts of the country. Problem is, 96% of these Europeans youths never survived. Guess who gets the "Headright" if they die. That's right, the same fucking beady eyed shekel grubbing race traitor that probably produced the pamphlets of lies and certainly lent them the money in any case. They were fucking murdered. By the god damn thousands.

I can't take this country seriously anymore. The Constitution was a fucking lie. They never gave a shit about their fellow White man. They were just greedy fucking merchants. Even worse than jews. At least jews stick together. The fucking Quakers in Pennsylvania sucked jew dick biblically day in and day out while they treated their fellow man as chattel to such a degree that I have serious doubts any other race outside of the Chinese could have been so god damn callous.

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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by MilSpecs » Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:10 pm

Indentured servants were temporary slaves. They were free after the period of indenture and had some protections during. The litmus test is that their children weren’t born slaves. That’s the difference between indentured servitude and chattel slavery. That and that it’s voluntary. Chattel slavery isn’t voluntary.

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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by Okeefenokee » Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:17 pm

Not temporary.

Not voluntary.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: My retconned views of a White Nationalist American founding just got retconned

Post by MilSpecs » Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:25 pm

Were they all pressed into service? Were they not freed at all the end of their terms?

It sounds more like jail. You're out when your sentence is over. A slave’s sentence is never over.