We Live in a Simulation

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Martin Hash
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We Live in a Simulation

Post by Martin Hash »

Simulation Matrix.jpg
Of my 10 most-likely possibilities of where people come from, the newest & most intriguing, and the one gaining traction among intellectuals, is that we live in our own simulation. Many successful people recognize they have been inordinately lucky, and the only thing they can think of that separates them from anyone else is that they wanted it more, wished for it harder, directed the outcome in some way. Notice how it's still them in control, and their self-justification for their success crosses over into pseudo-scientific mysticism. It's the Elon Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Scott Adams types, and many others among the Silicon Valley crowd; these “self-made” individuals that need a creationist story that accounts for their King-of-the-World status and involves them earning it.
Simulation Elon.jpg
Simulation Neil.jpg
Simulation Scott.jpg
Scientology receives much the same confirmation bias: Tom Cruise and John Travolta know in their hearts that their inordinate success is not logical, and rather than believe in chance, they make it about their own ability to wish it so. Other people, you see, just don't wish as hard.
Simulation Jiminy Cricket.jpg
“When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are., anything your heart desires will come to you.” - Jiminy Cricket

Oxford University professor Nick Bostrom computes the odds at 20%, Scott Adams puts them at 98%, and Musk says the chance that we are living in “base reality” is only “one in billions.” But I bet if you ask a regular poor schmuck, fighting a mortgage, and whose teenage daughter is sleeping around, they won't think it's a simulation.
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Re: We Live in a Simulation

Post by SuburbanFarmer »

Excellent post.
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Re: We Live in a Simulation

Post by Montegriffo »

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Excellent post.
That post is only there because you created it in your own simulation. The credit belongs to you. Mind you this post also is credit to you, your requirement for self validation is a little needy. :lol:
Last edited by Montegriffo on Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We Live in a Simulation

Post by SuburbanFarmer »

Well, humans have always had an innate need to explain the randomness of our world - that's where religion came from. Now we're just replacing "magic sky man" with the Divine Self. We need something to worship and be worthy of, because if we were to fully accept the random tragedies around us, we'd go insane. Or perhaps regain sanity... :think:
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