I Got a Check for Nothing

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Martin Hash
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I Got a Check for Nothing

Post by Martin Hash »

I got a check from a school district for nothing, $0.00.
Check for 0 amount.jpeg
I got another check from for $8.85 from the U.S. Treasury in restitution for mail fraud. Several thousand more of those and I'll be all restituted.
Fraud Restitution check.jpeg
I went to the zoo, there were no live animals. They had all died and only their stuffed carcasses were in the cages. They did have live alligators though, but I don't know for how long because the snack shop sold “gator nuggets.” Similarly, at another zoo, whenever an animal died, they left the cage empty but put up signs that explained the animal's passing. For example, when their “Domestic Cat,” Max, got too old, the vet put him down.
Zoo Sign.jpg
The U.S. military spent $millions dropping leaflets on Iraq. The soldier who sent me one tried to explain what they meant but finally he just shrugged.
OBL Afghanistan Leaflet 1.jpeg
Capital One, the “No Hassle” credit card company canceled my credit card then about a month later, sent a letter saying it was an accident, and reinstated it, and then canceled it again a few months after that.
Credit Card.JPG
The garbage company wants to sell me pink garbage cans for breast cancer.
Pink Garbage Pails.JPG
I like Pink Floyd. If you do too, take a picture of yourself in front of this picture.
Pink Floyd.JPG
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Re: I Got a Check for Nothing

Post by K@th »

Suffering from a little ADD today, Martin?


I remember getting a past due notice once for $0. I called the company, we had a good laugh....
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Re: I Got a Check for Nothing

Post by SuburbanFarmer »

SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: I Got a Check for Nothing

Post by DBTrek »

You’re not special.
The Conservative gets a check for nothing every day.
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Re: I Got a Check for Nothing

Post by DrYouth »

Kath wrote:Suffering from a little ADD today, Martin?
The meds are wearing off...

Double up for a couple of days Marty. ;)
Deep down tho, I still thirst to kill you and eat you. Ultra Chimp can't help it.. - Smitty