MHF Dictionary: "Racism"

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Re: MHF Dictionary: "Racism"

Post by BjornP » Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:54 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:37 pm

I think you should pay more attention to the words ''prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism'' rather than splitting hairs over whether people are racist because they think rugby is superior to American football or some other national/cultural rivalry.
Explain why I should "pay more attention" to that and why? Because you're not making any sense. The only relevant word to care about when defining if something is racist is obviously what constitutes "a different race". Being prejudiced, discriminatory or antagonistic against fat people, or disabled people is not racist unless there is some sort "race", involved, after all.

I'm not the one saying they'd be racist, I'm the one pointing how absurd it would be to call you criticizing US football "racist". Prejudice, antagonism and discrimination based on difference in nationality can simply be labelled "prejudice/antagonism/discrimination against people with a different nationality". If the word "vegetarian" came both to mean "someone who refuses to eat meat" as well as "someone who only sometimes eats meat", how could that improve upon the meaning of the word "vegetarian"?
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Re: MHF Dictionary: "Racism"

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:35 pm

BjornP wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:54 pm
Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:37 pm

I think you should pay more attention to the words ''prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism'' rather than splitting hairs over whether people are racist because they think rugby is superior to American football or some other national/cultural rivalry.
Explain why I should "pay more attention" to that and why? Because you're not making any sense. The only relevant word to care about when defining if something is racist is obviously what constitutes "a different race". Being prejudiced, discriminatory or antagonistic against fat people, or disabled people is not racist unless there is some sort "race", involved, after all.

I'm not the one saying they'd be racist, I'm the one pointing how absurd it would be to call you criticizing US football "racist". Prejudice, antagonism and discrimination based on difference in nationality can simply be labelled "prejudice/antagonism/discrimination against people with a different nationality". If the word "vegetarian" came both to mean "someone who refuses to eat meat" as well as "someone who only sometimes eats meat", how could that improve upon the meaning of the word "vegetarian"?
Prejudice and antagonism against a nationality, in English, is called jingoism.

Which is another abused word. In common parlance in the MSM today, jingoism is another fallacious attack on any American who puts American interests first.

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Re: MHF Dictionary: "Racism"

Post by heydaralon » Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:22 pm

BjornP wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:54 pm
Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:37 pm

I think you should pay more attention to the words ''prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism'' rather than splitting hairs over whether people are racist because they think rugby is superior to American football or some other national/cultural rivalry.
Explain why I should "pay more attention" to that and why? Because you're not making any sense. The only relevant word to care about when defining if something is racist is obviously what constitutes "a different race". Being prejudiced, discriminatory or antagonistic against fat people, or disabled people is not racist unless there is some sort "race", involved, after all.

I'm not the one saying they'd be racist, I'm the one pointing how absurd it would be to call you criticizing US football "racist". Prejudice, antagonism and discrimination based on difference in nationality can simply be labelled "prejudice/antagonism/discrimination against people with a different nationality". If the word "vegetarian" came both to mean "someone who refuses to eat meat" as well as "someone who only sometimes eats meat", how could that improve upon the meaning of the word "vegetarian"?
Advocacy groups, Academics, politicians, lawyers and celebrities make money by not defining words in a specific way. This isn't a new thing. If you muddy the waters and obfuscate, you can change the meanings or words, or make them not mean anything, which is even better. Its on page one of the Totalitarian handbook. It does eventually produce cynicism among the populace though. If everything is racist, eventually nothing is racist. If everyone is a Nazi then no one is a Nazi.

As an aside, I hate Danish people, and always have. That doesn't make me racist though, because I simply hate Denmark and anyone who incidentally lives in its borders. Since borders are imaginary, so is my racism. But I do hate Danes, especially after their cartoons mocked the Prophet...
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Re: MHF Dictionary: "Racism"

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 09, 2019 7:01 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:08 pm
Except, other than Nukedog, the only people around here who think one race is superior or inferior to any other are leftists..
Oh what the fuck ever I just watched you go on for pages about how superior Europeans are to every other race excepting Asians.

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Re: MHF Dictionary: "Racism"

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 09, 2019 7:11 pm

The term "good schools" is code for mostly white. White flight is code for getting away from black people. Everyone hates black people, maybe not on an individual basis, but as a collective group. Few people talk about it honestly. My Spanish co-workers don't like them. My jewish bosses don't like them. Is that racist? Is not wanting to be forced to assimilate with smelly apes racist? No it isn't. And if you willfully introduce yourself into a predominantly black situation you deserve everything coming to you.

I could go on about other races I don't like but black people are just an easy example.

Happy black history month
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Re: MHF Dictionary: "Racism"

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 09, 2019 7:14 pm
