China, A Communist Nation

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:25 pm

Martin Hash wrote:I'm with Smitty on this: you fly the Hammer & Sickle, de facto "Communist." And people who espouse Marxist ideology are Marxist, I don't care if they say they're "Progressives" or not.
Many Progressives are closet communists if not Communists, but I generally refer to them as "pseudo-Bolsheviks" or "Faux Bolshies", to be more accurate, although, If somebody does call them Commies, I know what they mean by that.
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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by ssu » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:33 pm

Martin Hash wrote:I'm with Smitty on this: you fly the Hammer & Sickle, de facto "Communist." And people who espouse Marxist ideology are Marxist, I don't care if they say they're "Progressives" or not.
That's the problem I have nowdays with political parties, especially with the conservatives: they say they are for ideology they were created on, but their actions, actually policies they implement, are totally different from those ideas.

Well, taxes are higher in the US than in China.

And at least officially, China spends less percentage of the GDP on the government than the US. And when we look
at the social safety nets and redistribution through taxes and subsidies, it isn't so clear either just what is so socialist.

But you call just the China Communist and the US a beackon of capitalism then.

A land that cherishes it free market capitalism, that it's President elect tries to micromanage where factories are built By threatening with tariffs.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:39 pm

Micro manage for now. Once the tariffs are cleared it will be macro managed. Once he cuts taxes there will be no reason for good, patriotic companies offshoring to Chyna.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:45 pm

Postmodern communists, and Communists as well, still aspire to an utopian state run centrally planned classless society devoid of private property, they've just had to switch to coaching it all in spurrious euphemism, lest they raise the alarm against them.
Last edited by Smitty-48 on Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by ssu » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:47 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Micro manage for now. Once the tariffs are cleared it will be macro managed. Once he cuts taxes there will be no reason for good, patriotic companies offshoring to Chyna.
A true believer in free market capitalism wouldn't go that route.

But then again, not many believe in ideologies. Those that actually endorsing the "free market" are basically promoting an oligopolistic system where if bad things happen, it's the governments job to rescue the fat cats.

For me Communism was something that had to do with Marxism and the Marxist thought. Some "socialist market economy" doesn't have anything to do with Marx. But naturally the Chinese won't admit that.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by ssu » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:50 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Postmodern communists, and Communists as well, still aspire to an utopian state run centrally planned classless society devoid of private property, they've just had to switch to coaching it all in spurrious eupemism, lest they raise the alarm against them.
Likely the objective for the Chinese Communist Party is simply to stay in power. So they will choose any ideology that can be whimsically said to be Communist, if it helps them.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Fife » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:51 pm

ssu wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:Postmodern communists, and Communists as well, still aspire to an utopian state run centrally planned classless society devoid of private property, they've just had to switch to coaching it all in spurrious eupemism, lest they raise the alarm against them.
Likely the objective for the Chinese Communist Party is simply to stay in power. So they will choose any ideology that can be whimsically said to be Communist, if it helps them.
Sorta makes them intellectually honest, at least (and there's not much whimsy going on, IMNSHO).

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:52 pm

Communism predates and is not bound to Marxist-Leninism, Marxist-Leninism is only one iteration of Communism, the Jacobins were Communists, but they had never heard of Marx nor Lenin, because neither had even been born in 1789.
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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:53 pm

A true believer in free market capitalism wouldn't go that route.
First of all, none of us know what that looks like. Secondly, I would be loath to find out. No doubt it involves open borders and further de-racification of my volk.

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Re: China, A Communist Nation

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:57 pm

ssu wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:Postmodern communists, and Communists as well, still aspire to an utopian state run centrally planned classless society devoid of private property, they've just had to switch to coaching it all in spurrious eupemism, lest they raise the alarm against them.
Likely the objective for the Chinese Communist Party is simply to stay in power. So they will choose any ideology that can be whimsically said to be Communist, if it helps them.
There are factions in the Chinese Communist Party, it's true, Deng Xiaoping was on the moderate end of the spectrum, but Xi Jinping is a classical Maoist, Mao himself was willing to make deals of convenience with the West in order to prop up the Revolution, although, no doubt you'll be telling us that Mao was not a Communist next, right, fuckstick?
Nec Aspera Terrent