Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:31 am

C-Mag wrote:
Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:04 am
BjornP wrote:
Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:30 am
Fall of Western Roman empire: 476. Cause: Years of Germanic migrations and invasions, followed by Ostrogoth king retiring the last - in all but name only - (western) Roman emperor.

Fall Eastern Roman Empire: 1453. Cause: Ottoman Turkish conquest, following years of wars with Arab and Turkic Muslim rulers.

Note: ERE always considered itself as Roman and referred to themselves as such till the end. "Byzantine" is a much later historiographical designation, not what anyone actually called them at the time.

All True.
I don't know what other learned, but every history class has referred to the Fall of Rome in 476, and noted the Eastern Empire moved on. A long, long time ago I listened to a podcast that did an entire series on the Fall of Rome. That guy, Dan something or another, referenced this as well as accepted history.

As far as nations that referred to themselves as 'Rome' It was not just the ERE, it was also the Holy Roman Empire in Germany from 800 to 1800; the Russians have there claims, as well as about a dozen other nations claim to be successors to the Roman Empire.
There was this testicularly deficient Austrian chap who also claimed that in the 1930's and 40's. He was not a big fan of diversity either.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:05 am

C-Mag wrote:
Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:04 am
BjornP wrote:
Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:30 am
Fall of Western Roman empire: 476. Cause: Years of Germanic migrations and invasions, followed by Ostrogoth king retiring the last - in all but name only - (western) Roman emperor.

Fall Eastern Roman Empire: 1453. Cause: Ottoman Turkish conquest, following years of wars with Arab and Turkic Muslim rulers.

Note: ERE always considered itself as Roman and referred to themselves as such till the end. "Byzantine" is a much later historiographical designation, not what anyone actually called them at the time.

All True.
I don't know what other learned, but every history class has referred to the Fall of Rome in 476, and noted the Eastern Empire moved on. A long, long time ago I listened to a podcast that did an entire series on the Fall of Rome. That guy, Dan something or another, referenced this as well as accepted history.

As far as nations that referred to themselves as 'Rome' It was not just the ERE, it was also the Holy Roman Empire in Germany from 800 to 1800; the Russians have there claims, as well as about a dozen other nations claim to be successors to the Roman Empire.
Yeah, HRE was more of a self/papally appointed succesor compared to the Romanov czar who had actually married into the (Paleleogios, or something) dynasty, the dynasty of the last Christian ruler of Constantinople.

Also, the Ottoman ruler who conqered Constantinople also laid claim to the title of "Rome", btw. Right of conquest, essentially.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:08 am

The "Byzantines" were Romans. They didn't call themselves Byzantines. That's a word used by historians to distinguish them from the older western half of the empire that collapsed previously. The people of Constantinople called themselves Romans. They just spoke Greek instead of Latin.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:09 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:31 am

There was this testicularly deficient Austrian chap who also claimed that in the 1930's and 40's. He was not a big fan of diversity either.
Are you referring to the "Third Reich" thing? Because that’s not a reference to Rome. First Reich's the Frankish Empire.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:34 am

Not the only time Hitler was wrong however he did claim to be the successor to the Holy Roman Empire or first reich as he called it.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by nmoore63 » Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:32 am

The problem I have with the Western Roman Empire's fall being caused by "migrant barbarians" is that diagnosis is similar to saying a 400 lb fatass died of heart failure.

The romans had been successfully dealing with migrant barbarians for over 500 years.

Migrant tribes violently invading or peacefully settling inside the empire is not the condition that changed.

Additionally, as I linked before, new cultural blood being injected into the system saved the romans ass many many times throughout their history.

Their single minded unity certainly proved decisive for the roman republic in the Punic wars, but if the roman empire had been a homogenous, closed society, they would have fallen long before they did.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:10 am

C-Mag wrote:
Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:57 pm
I hope you've had a good life Tommy, the government is plotting to silence you permanently.

REPORT: Britain’s New Muslim Home Secretary Sajid Javid Behind Tommy Robinson Transfer to Dangerous Prison ... us-prison/

UPDATE: Tommy Robinson Receiving Death Threats in New UK Prison – Imam Places Hit on Tommy Robinson (VIDEO) ... son-video/
Hate to return to this shitshow of lies CM but I though you might like to read this... ... n-12706229
Far-right MEP Janice Atkinson launched a spirited defence of Tommy Robinson on the floor of the European Parliament today.

The ex-Ukip politician claimed Mr Robinson was in danger because he had been moved to a prison with a "high Muslim population".

And she sparked anger by making her statement moments after the chamber had taken to their feet to mark the anniversary of the murder of Jo Cox.

Rumours of Mr Robinson's transfer have swirled around social media today, with some sources claiming he had been transferred to a prison with a 71% Muslim population.

But he hasn't.

Here's why.The claims originate from Tommy Robinson's 'manager', a man called Caolan Robertson.

And he made the claim directly to Alex Jones, boss of far-right crank conspiracy theory website InfoWars, who broadcast them to his millions of followers.

Robertson told Jones he had been on the phone to Robinson who had told him he had been moved from HMP Hull which was "relatively safe" and had around a "2%" Muslim population, and placed in the "main wing" of a new prison.

He went on: "We’ve found the statistics of the prison, it’s about 71% Muslim. Really, really, really disastrous. The last one was close to 2%."

An article based on Robertson's comments claimed he had been moved to a prison "in the Midlands" - this was later rumoured to be in or around Leicester.The claims were later picked up by former Breitbart editor, failed Ukip leadership candidate and self confessed provocateur Raheem Kassam, who Tweeted them to his followers - although he did note that the 71% figure was not correct, putting the figure around "one in five"

Kassam also claimed the decision to move him from one prison to another was made by the UK Home Office, specifically by Home Secretary Sajid Javid.

But the claims were spread further by British InfoWars writer Paul Joseph Watson, on his Twitter account.

When he was told the figures, Alex Jones declared: "This is surreal, like something out of a fiction novel."

And for once, he was right. It is entirely fiction.

Let's look at the claims one at a time.Is Hull Prison 2% Muslim?

No.The most recent inspection of HMP Hull found the Muslim population was 79, which is 7.4%.
Has he been moved to HMP Leicester?

We don't know.

The Ministry of Justice don't comment on individual cases, and wouldn't confirm whether Robinson had been moved and if so, where to.
If he has been moved there, does HMP Leicester have a 71% Muslim population?No.
According to the most recent inspection of HMP Leicester, the Muslim population was 44, which is 14.3%.

The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that not only does Hull have almost twice the number of Muslims as Leicester, there are also more Roman Catholics in HMP Leicester than Muslims.OK, so it must be another prison in the Midlands, right?

Fraid not.

We checked the religious breakdown of every prison in the Midlands, because that's our job. We even included Derbyshire, which isn't really the Midlands, for completeness sake.

The prison with the highest Muslim population in the Midlands is Onley, which is nowhere near Leicester. Some 30.4% of Olney prisoners are Muslim.

Second place goes to Lowdham Grange, which is also nowhere near Leicester, and has a 24.3% Muslim population.

In fact, no prison in the country has a 71% Muslim population.
Did Sajid Javid order Robinson to be moved between prisons?No.

Sajid Javid is the Home Secretary.

The Home Office don't deal with prisoners, the Ministry of Justice do.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:15 am

nmoore63 wrote:
Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:32 am
The problem I have with the Western Roman Empire's fall being caused by "migrant barbarians" is that diagnosis is similar to saying a 400 lb fatass died of heart failure.

The romans had been successfully dealing with migrant barbarians for over 500 years.

Migrant tribes violently invading or peacefully settling inside the empire is not the condition that changed.

Additionally, as I linked before, new cultural blood being injected into the system saved the romans ass many many times throughout their history.

Their single minded unity certainly proved decisive for the roman republic in the Punic wars, but if the roman empire had been a homogenous, closed society, they would have fallen long before they did.
You're bending over backwards to dismiss what actually happened by presenting hypotheticals that didn't happen.

No one knows what might have happened if ... We do know what did happen.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by nmoore63 » Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:27 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:15 am
nmoore63 wrote:
Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:32 am
The problem I have with the Western Roman Empire's fall being caused by "migrant barbarians" is that diagnosis is similar to saying a 400 lb fatass died of heart failure.

The romans had been successfully dealing with migrant barbarians for over 500 years.

Migrant tribes violently invading or peacefully settling inside the empire is not the condition that changed.

Additionally, as I linked before, new cultural blood being injected into the system saved the romans ass many many times throughout their history.

Their single minded unity certainly proved decisive for the roman republic in the Punic wars, but if the roman empire had been a homogenous, closed society, they would have fallen long before they did.
You're bending over backwards to dismiss what actually happened by presenting hypotheticals that didn't happen.

No one knows what might have happened if ... We do know what did happen.
You still drunk from last night?

Shit wasn't remotely new to the western empire.

The non-roman tribes were essential to the state's surivial. Without Illyrians, Isaurians, Gauls, Goths, Numidians, soldiers the western roman state would have collaped hundreds of years sooner.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:39 am

I agree that, by itself, the mass migrations of Germanic peoples into the imperial borders wasn't the single cause. It was more of a process whereby allowing all of those migrants into the borders for economic reasons was but the next step in regression to death. That's where you went wrong.

It's happening to us today. This mass migration phenomenon represents the next step towards our dissolution as a civilization. Insomuch as that is the case, to resist that dissolution, we must resist the mass migration. These mass migrations, in point of fact, are indistinguishable in final effect from a military invasion. Foreign peoples will occupy our territory and we will be driven out or extinguished.

This is where your heart attack analogy breaks down. In the analogy of the heart attack, the man's death corresponds to the final collapse of civilization in Western Europe, not the barbarian migrations. The migrations were more like the fat man shoving junk food into his face for temporary gain at the cost of his life in the longterm. All the other reasons causing him to want or feel the need to slowly kill himself through poor nutrition were analogous to all the complex issues that fed into the collapse of the western empire.

Indeed, the eastern empire resisted the migrations and they persisted until they were genocided by Muslims between roughly 800s to the final Turkish conquest of their last stronghold in the 15th century.

You will not have western civilization in America in the near future. Perhaps in your own lifetime, in your very old age, you will finally realize what we are trying to tell you. But it will be too late. Huge swaths of America will be divided up by foreign peoples and will no longer be western. You will have bequeathed to your white grandchildren a nation that will not accept them and will actively try to drive them out. America will be as western as Turkey is today. That is -- not western and not your people.