Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:51 am

BjornP wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Uh.. yeah.. and the rest of the story if you do the search yourself will show that he was kicked out of his home, had nowhere to go, and he froze to death. Meanwhile, what is the Swedish government giving to people from across the Muslim world??
You do realize that Sweden has taken in alot of Christian Syrians, as well, right? Anyway, he was homeless. Homeless people are at risk of dying from exposure anywhere, refugees or no refugees. He may also have been a junkie, a drunk or had mental troubles that made him decline housing or shelters.

You could link to another story with evidence that he, specifically and individually, lost housing because of Muslim refugees, but you know.... your previous article lied, so why should I believe such an article even if I wanted to? That's the trouble with the sort of news sources you're using, StA.
No, Bjorn, you SJW sonovabitch. We should fly out all refugees/asylum seekers and shut the borders if even a single citizen freezes to death, because that's how resources work. Why do you hate the military, man? You know what the military does? They shit freedom all over your undeserving ass, and bring Peace. I can't believe you'd choose Arab Muslim Invaders over your military, you traitorous basterd.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Sprout » Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:44 pm

BjornP wrote: Won't get any arguments from me that the Commission needs to go. Especially given that certain members of the Commission being vocal about USE being the only "solution" for Europe. I'm just not 100% sold on the notion that the EU is too broken yet (as in too many bureaucrat and national leaders pushing for a USE, making it the inevitable destination of "european integration"). National governments still call the shots, and it's them on the Council. While there are openly federalist PM's in Europe (Italy's Renzi) I think most countries are not willing to give up national sovereignty. But we're way overdue for our elected leaders clearly telling the federalist factions that.
Just out of curiosity, what would you replace the commission with? Currently the commissioners are nominated by their respective governments and this plays into the theme of them in charge. The only power not directly controlled by them currently is the EP, which has been relegated the dubious duty of approving legislation. If you were actually to "democratize" the EU by empowering the parliament for example, you would be moving power away from the national governments and placing it directly in the hands of the people. Which sounds great to pretty much everybody, until one realizes that this is pretty much what one could call federalization.

At least that's how I see it right now. Just wanted your take on it.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:32 pm

Fucking wow.
All these instincts, when put together, are the stuff of suicide. They spell out the self-annihilation of a culture as well as a continent. Conversations with European policy makers and politicians have made this abundantly clear to me. They tell me with fury that it “must” work. I suggest that with population change of this kind, at this speed, it may not work at all.

Yet still it is possible that the publics will not go along with the instincts of their leaders. Earlier this year, a poll of European attitudes was published in which citizens of 10 countries were asked a tough question: whether they agreed that there should be no more Muslim migration into their countries. Majorities in eight out of the 10 countries, including France and Germany, said they wanted no more Muslim immigrants.

Over recent decades Europe has made a hasty effort to redefine itself. As the world came in, we became wedded to “diversity.” As terrorism grew and more migrants arrived, public opinion in Europe began to harden. Today “more diversity” remains the cry of the elites, who insist that if the public doesn’t like it yet, it is because they haven’t had enough of it.

The migration policies of the political and other elites of Europe suggest that they are suicidal. The interesting thing to watch in the years ahead will be whether the publics join them in that pact. I wouldn’t bet on it.

Look who published it.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:36 pm

WSJ just called out israels ties to ISIS as well. I don't trust them one bit. Playing both sides. As usual.

Edit: maybe it was Israel's ties to destabilizing Syria. Going to have to find it now


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:59 am

Sprout wrote:
BjornP wrote: Won't get any arguments from me that the Commission needs to go. Especially given that certain members of the Commission being vocal about USE being the only "solution" for Europe. I'm just not 100% sold on the notion that the EU is too broken yet (as in too many bureaucrat and national leaders pushing for a USE, making it the inevitable destination of "european integration"). National governments still call the shots, and it's them on the Council. While there are openly federalist PM's in Europe (Italy's Renzi) I think most countries are not willing to give up national sovereignty. But we're way overdue for our elected leaders clearly telling the federalist factions that.
Just out of curiosity, what would you replace the commission with? Currently the commissioners are nominated by their respective governments and this plays into the theme of them in charge. The only power not directly controlled by them currently is the EP, which has been relegated the dubious duty of approving legislation. If you were actually to "democratize" the EU by empowering the parliament for example, you would be moving power away from the national governments and placing it directly in the hands of the people. Which sounds great to pretty much everybody, until one realizes that this is pretty much what one could call federalization.

At least that's how I see it right now. Just wanted your take on it.
I do understand that the often-mentioned "democratic deficit" of the EU isn't solved solely by removing the EU Commission, and you're right, simply handing over legislative power for the whole of the EU to even the democratically elected of the individual countries, would strengthen federalisation. So, I would remove the Commission, replace it with nothing, and severely restrict the EUP's scope in regards to what sort of EU-wide legislation they can enact. I'd really prefer a return to pre-EU EEC, with maybe some law enforcement cooperation, and possibly a shared European defense (though only defense and no "war on terror"-like "wars", either).

Are you for leaving the EU entirely? Which country are you from?
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:20 am

I work at a web based legal publishing company. We constantly track all new or changed legislation that is relevant to our customers. I can literally see at all time the stream of new legislation pouring out of Brussels. It's a huge task for our legal experts to keep up. It dwarves the domestic legislation by a lot. And then you have to keep in mind that most of domestic lawmaking now is just national transposition measures to keep up with the EU legislations. We have signed away our sovereignty to a bureaucratic monster machine.
Go here if you want a taste of what I have to deal with: It's Byzantine compared to what we used to have.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by ssu » Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:56 am

BjornP wrote: I do understand that the often-mentioned "democratic deficit" of the EU isn't solved solely by removing the EU Commission, and you're right, simply handing over legislative power for the whole of the EU to even the democratically elected of the individual countries, would strengthen federalisation. So, I would remove the Commission, replace it with nothing, and severely restrict the EUP's scope in regards to what sort of EU-wide legislation they can enact. I'd really prefer a return to pre-EU EEC, with maybe some law enforcement cooperation, and possibly a shared European defense (though only defense and no "war on terror"-like "wars", either).
The fundamental problem with the EU is that it basically is a confederation of independent states, not a federation, yet tries to act as a federation while it simply cannot be such a federation as the US. What's worse is that that the EU believes that the only way forward is a deepening integration to become a federation. Like nothing else, no other policy, exists. It simply cannot achieve these goals and will not ever be happy with what it has achieved. It simply won't budge, won't listen and will go forward with the federalist agenda by ridiculing any other views as nationalist/xenophobic/racist or whatever...

Brexit should have been the time for serious self-examination and self-criticism, but no. That's the worrying thing here...

I say the whole discourse has to change. And it should change by the following thing to be understood:

"The federalists and the federalist push are the real enemy for the existence of the EU".

Think about it. If for once it wouldn't be the bureaucrats in Brussells trying to create their own space of power that would be guiding the EU. If only the agenda would be a realistic and modest one. Because the idea of an United States of Europe similar to the US is simply delusional. And not only is it just a crazy hallucination, but in reality it is the biggest threat facing the EU itself. Because it simply doesn't work, will not work and will create problems, strains which will not go away. Nothing of a necessary "European" identity exists, similar to what binds Californians, Texans and New Yorkers to be "American" or the "British" to be British, not just English, Scottish or Welsh. Those identities didn't emerge because of some paper-pusher writing legislation. Hence it is the federalist agenda that is the biggest threat to the European Union. It's the biggest thing that creates alienation against the EU.

Hence if the supporters of the EU would start from reality, from what is achievable and acknowledge that the EU cannot be anything else than a confederation independent countries trying to work together as well as possible, then the whole construct would be on a firmer basis. That would be a start in the right direction.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Alexander PhiAlipson » Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:48 pm

Why do they want to blow up Brussels? they're practically on the same side.
I love the sign on the right--
Un vrai Party Animal prend le train des festivals.--
I think that translates to, A true <<party animal>> takes the train to the festivals.
"Allahu akbar" the party animal is quoted as saying just before boarding the peace train. ... ation.html
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by ssu » Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:25 pm

Yep, terrorist attacks or plots are quite ordinary nowdays in Europe.

We btw had on sunday our first "terror scare" for ages, I think. Very rarely you see police here with assault rifles and flak vests and the "threat level" is raised. The potential target was a Church that is an tourist attraction.

Last time the Police used deadly force in the vicinity of the same Church was with a wounded Moose that had wondered there. Yep, you come moosing around in the city center, your put down!


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:27 pm

Moose meat is just part and parcel of Finnish life