Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:43 am

Yeah, they can't have the British people making life so uncomfortable for the replacement population that those replacements decide to self-deport back to their own countries..

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:42 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
So instead of removing all the Muslims from your societies, you just removed the human rights? Whatever makes you feel safer, I guess. Didn't seem to do any good, though.
All the Muslims? How much state violence against British subjects who don't want to leave their country of birth are you prepared to accept?

''first they came for the Muslims and I said nothing..........''
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:45 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:Yeah, they can't have the British people making life so uncomfortable for the replacement population that those replacements decide to self-deport back to their own countries..
What are we talking about here? Persecution and illegal intimidation of a minority while the authorities look on and do nothing? Not the kind of country I want to live in.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:59 pm

Okay, Monty. Let's talk about state violence..

You have a government that has decided to replace the indigenous people of the nation they are supposed to protect. They didn't ask anybody whether the British people wanted to be replaced. They just went ahead and did it.

They did it by flooding your cities with Muslims from the third world who promptly set out to bankrupt your social welfare services, form rape gangs across the UK, and to perpetrate terroristic violence against the English people.

Now English are a minority in their own capital, and when they get attacked week after week by these Muslim replacements, they can't really speak out against it else they get rounded up in the early morning to rot in jail for "hate speech". Your London mayor has complained he just doesn't have the resources to track all the Muslims they know are terrorists, but he sure as shit has enough resources to have imprisoned over fifty British people for daring to question the wisdom of flooding England with these people in the first place. You have tens of thousands of Muslim terrorists in your country, by your own government's estimates, and they can't be bothered to do anything about it because they are too busy policing any dissenters and imprisoning anybody who dares to criticize their genocidal policy.

The piece of filth that killed over twenty people in Manchester was a known terrorist. The American government warned the UK government that he was a terrorist and planned to perpetrate a terror attack on the British people. The UK government did nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. They spent all that time trying to get even more of these terrorist-sympathizing third worlders into the UK.

One might get the impression that all the state violence in England is being directed at the English people, Monty.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:16 pm

More fun cultural enrichment in England:
Counter Terrorism Police have been alerted after three women, alleged shouting “Allah will get you” and quoting the Quran, stabbed a nursery school worker in North London.
The victim was waiting at a junction in Wanstead at around 9.30am when she was attacked from behind by the trio, pulled to the ground, and attacked with a blade. The women’s injuries are not said to be life-threatening, but the school is on “lockdown”.

The BBC described the attackers as “three Asian women dressed in black”, but declined to mention the reports of “Allah” chants, and insisted it was not being treated as a terrorist incident at this time. ... ith-blade/

It's insane how the dishonest little cunts at the state propaganda outlet, BBC, will cover up the facts by referring to the Muslims as "Asians" and omitting the fact that the attackers were shouting “Allah will get you” as they tried to murder a woman.

While we are on the topic of state violence...

But don't mind me. I am just saying what you can't say if you don't want to be imprisoned..

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:46 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:Okay, Monty. Let's talk about state violence..

You have a government that has decided to replace the indigenous people of the nation they are supposed to protect. They didn't ask anybody whether the British people wanted to be replaced. They just went ahead and did it.

They did it by flooding your cities with Muslims from the third world who promptly set out to bankrupt your social welfare services, form rape gangs across the UK, and to perpetrate terroristic violence against the English people.

Now English are a minority in their own capital, and when they get attacked week after week by these Muslim replacements, they can't really speak out against it else they get rounded up in the early morning to rot in jail for "hate speech". Your London mayor has complained he just doesn't have the resources to track all the Muslims they know are terrorists, but he sure as shit has enough resources to have imprisoned over fifty British people for daring to question the wisdom of flooding England with these people in the first place. You have tens of thousands of Muslim terrorists in your country, by your own government's estimates, and they can't be bothered to do anything about it because they are too busy policing any dissenters and imprisoning anybody who dares to criticize their genocidal policy.

The piece of filth that killed over twenty people in Manchester was a known terrorist. The American government warned the UK government that he was a terrorist and planned to perpetrate a terror attack on the British people. The UK government did nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. They spent all that time trying to get even more of these terrorist-sympathizing third worlders into the UK.

One might get the impression that all the state violence in England is being directed at the English people, Monty.
Hyperbole much StA?
The government is not intent on ''replacing'' the British population with Muslims. The current population of Muslims is around 5%. Most of them have been here for generations and almost all of them are not terrorists.
There are 3000 known ISIS supporters and they cannot all be watched around the clock as this would take a huge amount of manpower and resources to do. They are under various degrees of surveillance depending on their activities and ranked in order of their perceived threat. Many terrorist plots have been foiled including 5 in the month preceding the Manchester bombing.
Are our security and intelligence forces fallible? Yes of course they are. Is the government doing nothing? No of course it is not. Do I want to live in a police state so that the risk of these sorts of attacks can be eliminated? No I bloody well don't.
Is there state sponsored violence directed at innocent members of the public? No of course not, don't be so bloody stupid.
Are questions being asked about how these men have avoided being stopped from committing these crimes? You bet, there has been little else talked about in the run up to the election tomorrow. Will the British people vote in large numbers to elect UKIP so that innocent Muslims will be deported from the country? No, it is unlikely that UKIP will get a single MP elected to parliament. Will the former home secretary and current PM be blamed for allowing these attacks to happen due to her spending cuts on security and reduction in police numbers by 20,000? It's a real possibility, the socialist Labour party has closed the gap to 1% from nearly 20% according to recent polls.
You may be happy to want to live in a neo-fascist police state which rounds up minorities and forcibly deports them despite the fact they have committed no crimes. The vast majority of British subjects do not.
Read my sig and mind your own business unless you have something useful to contribute in future.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:59 pm

It wasn't hyperbole. It's what is happening to you right now. You are a minority in your own capital. You are being attacked, raped, and brutalized regularly by the people your government selected as your replacements. If you speak out against this replacement, you will be imprisoned. Meanwhile, the government doesn't seem to have the resources to actually do anything about the terrorists. They have plenty of resources to hound Englishmen who dissent from this genocide on social media, invade their homes in the early morning hours, and imprison them for months. But they don't have enough resources to follow up on warnings from the American intelligence community that a specific individual is a terrorist, received training in Libya, and was planning an attack on the English people.

What the fuck is that if not state violence?

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:00 pm

Hey Monte, I've been meaning to ask you how you will be voting. Understandably I know it won't be May, but are there any good candidates? Please don't say Corbyn.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:42 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Hey Monte, I've been meaning to ask you how you will be voting. Understandably I know it won't be May, but are there any good candidates? Please don't say Corbyn.
Until quite recently I was fairly satisfied with the way May was running the country but her election campaign has been terrible and she has been avoiding speaking in public and refused to appear on the leaders debate on TV. She has been nicknamed ''the Lady not for turning up'' :lol:

Corbyn is an unashamed 1970's socialist with crazy ideas about refusing to re-new our nuclear deterrent and re-nationalising the railways. He is promising to spend,spend,spend without telling anyone where the money is coming from except some vague statements about taxing the ''rich''. I have never voted Labour and could not vote for this fool.

Tim Fallen the Liberal Democrat leader comes across the best of the 3 major candidates. I like his honesty and the fact he wants to stay in the EU and legalise the growing and use of cannabis amongst other things like putting 1 pence on income tax to spend exclusively on the NHS. He is the real radical not Corbyn in my mind. However he is a born again God botherer who refused for several years to say that he did not consider homosexuality to be a sin despite voting against the Tories homophobic ''section 28 bill'' back in the time of Maggie and Major and also voted in favour of gay marriage.

So to answer your question I'll probably support the Green party as usual because I couldn't vote for any of the others with a clean conscience.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:45 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:Hey Monte, I've been meaning to ask you how you will be voting. Understandably I know it won't be May, but are there any good candidates? Please don't say Corbyn.
Until quite recently I was fairly satisfied with the way May was running the country but her election campaign has been terrible and she has been avoiding speaking in public and refused to appear on the leaders debate on TV. She has been nicknamed ''the Lady not for turning up'' :lol:

Corbyn is an unashamed 1970's socialist with crazy ideas about refusing to re-new our nuclear deterrent and re-nationalising the railways. He is promising to spend,spend,spend without telling anyone where the money is coming from except some vague statements about taxing the ''rich''. I have never voted Labour and could not vote for this fool.

Tim Fallen the Liberal Democrat leader comes across the best of the 3 major candidates. I like his honesty and the fact he wants to stay in the EU and legalise the growing and use of cannabis amongst other things like putting 1 pence on income tax to spend exclusively on the NHS. He is the real radical not Corbyn in my mind. However he is a born again God botherer who refused for several years to say that he did not consider homosexuality to be a sin despite voting against the Tories homophobic ''section 28 bill'' back in the time of Maggie and Major and also voted in favour of gay marriage.

So to answer your question I'll probably support the Green party as usual because I couldn't vote for any of the others with a clean conscience.
Dude weed and fags. Holy fuck our political compasses are retarded.

Don't know anything about your greens m8. I actually kind of liked Jill Stein myself, memes aside. Cheers.