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Post by Ph64 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:03 pm

Hastur wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 2:52 pm
It only works till it doesn’t.
Kinda like socialism, eh?

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Post by ooky » Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:15 pm

C-Mag wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:25 pm
Well welcome back Ooky.

I've noticed you only have time for us when you think you have some poop to fling on Trump.

I'm just writing this to let you know I won't be engaging with you on that subject. I politely asked if you wanted a serious debate in your previous drive by poop flinging. You said you did, but you didn't.

Therefore, I am letting you know your poop flinging carries no credit with me, and I won't waste my time with it.

Best regards, I will continue to engage you on other topics like History.

Have a nice day.
Look, when I say anything on here, I breathe new life into the echo chamber. All the sudden I have dozens of replies to any post I make, most of them dismissive, insulting, lacking in meaningful content for rebuttal, and wrong. It makes it very hard to keep up or to want to stay on posting every day, even if I did have the time, which I don't. I went back and forth with you for multiple posts on our last go-round, with lots of quotes and sources and back up (i.e. not "poo flinging") and was still waiting on your next reply when I went on vacation. By the time I got back, the forum had moved on. I do my best, but I'm not trying to only come here when I have poo to fling - I'm this mad about what's going on every. single. day. I read on here a lot and never comment because I honestly feel like the people here are living in an alternate universe and I try to continue to understand how the group does not see anywhere close to the same reality I do. Basically you and Nick have been the only ones who help me much with that.

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Post by ooky » Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:27 pm

Hastur wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:35 pm
ooky wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:25 pm
Hastur wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 12:31 pm
It’s a fucking clown show. The leftist MSM and the dems are embarrassing themselves in front of the entire world. Our domestic media is caught up in the same hysteria. It’s hard to believe this shit show is put on by people aspiring to lead the world.
Trump can't even spell "counsel" correctly despite trying 100s of times, fires off in the middle of the night sounding unhinged, insults our long standing allies, cozies up to dictators, makes concessions and tells the world we have a "great deal" with North Korea who promptly go back to doing more mad nuke stuff, and obviously retweets talking points minutes after they are said on Fox news, and WE are the embarrassment?

Let me spell it out in terms that you can understand: the presidents personal attorney pleaded guilty to 8 federal charges, 2 of which directly implicate Trump in a felony, in the same hour that his campaign director was convicted on 8 federal charges (and who is facing many more trials to come for other charges). The lawyer for his personal atty says "we know more, come and ask us". His national security adviser pleaded guilty. His deputy campaign manager pleaded guilty. The two congressmen who first endorsed trump have been indicted in other frauds and crimes. It would be CRAZY for the MSM to not see this as a huge deal and report on it accordingly. Any other sitting president from either side of the aisle would be in a media frenzy right now, however if it was Obama they'd already have impeached him.

Only Nick is trying to actually engage with my arguments, as usual (Carlus does too).
I don't even know what to say. After all this scrutiny and God only knows how many manhours and treasure spent this is all they got? It's practically jaywalking. It's nothing. Total delusion.
It's only practically jaywalking if you are of the belief that rich white men can commit whatever financial and fraud crimes they want, be as corrupt as they want, break any white collar laws they want, and hide information from and lie to our intelligence agencies from major positions of power.

And for the original investigation, which we still don't know what Mueller has, its only jaywalking if you believe it should be fine for a candidate to collude with a foreign adversary known for its authoritarianism and human rights violations, ask them to attack other Americans, and then lie about it later to the American people. That it is only jaywalking that his loyalties appear to lie more with Putin than roughly 55% of his own countrymen.

And as for manhours and treasure, WHEN did the right start being obsessed with that? This has gone on for far less time than either Benghazi or the Ken Starr investigation, with many more pleas, convictions, and indictments.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:30 pm

It's different when the black guy did it..


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Post by DBTrek » Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:42 pm

You knew “fucking whites, fucking men, fucking rich fucks” was coming up as soon as ooky reappeared, it was only a matter of how much sand slipped through the hourglass before it happened.


Like clockwork.
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Post by Ph64 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:15 pm

ooky wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:15 pm
I do my best, but I'm not trying to only come here when I have poo to fling - I'm this mad about what's going on every. single. day.
Really not healthy to carry around all that anger, every single day.

I read on here a lot and never comment because I honestly feel like the people here are living in an alternate universe and I try to continue to understand how the group does not see anywhere close to the same reality I do.
Maybe that's because some of us aren't so invested in how "correct and righteously moral" "our side" is? I didn't vote for either Trump or Hilary myself, and I'm not overly invested in either other than that,yes, Trump won the election and is "our" president. The partisan bickering and poo flinging is, IMHO, at a level I don't recall ever seeing in my life, even after living through Nixon/Watergate - I'll be honest, Trump doesn't worry me half as much as watching leftist-communists fighting in the streets, pulling down statues, and doing their outright best to divide/destroy this country from within.

If that is your reality then no, I don't see the same reality as you either. I'm not eating myself up with anger over it daily though.

I don't want to see this country continue to get angrier and angrier until it explodes in violence, I'm not a fan of violence unless absolutely necessary, but I honestly see it headed that way if nothing changes. And if it does, while I won't want to, I will take a side. I'm guessing from your posts it wont be yours.
Last edited by Ph64 on Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:30 pm

Ookers needs to study up on the Spanish Civil War. There ain't no pussy pass in that shit. She will likely end up in a ditch just like men.

Fucking stop trying to cause a civil war already.

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Post by pineapplemike » Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:46 pm

ooky wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:25 pm

Only Nick is trying to actually engage with my arguments, as usual (Carlus does too).
this is the truest statement in this thread

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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:12 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:30 pm
Ookers needs to study up on the Spanish Civil War. There ain't no pussy pass in that shit. She will likely end up in a ditch just like men.

Fucking stop trying to cause a civil war already.
...says the guy literally agitating for a civil war every day. :lol:
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Post by The Conservative » Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:17 pm
