Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 13, 2017 8:46 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
California wrote:Is it surprising they're arresting people for taking photos? I mean the whole goddamn country is under video surveillance.

No one in Europe understands what true freedom is.
Taking photos in a court precinct and publishing them in an attempt to subvert the course of justice. A clear case of contempt of court.
No stranger to the law either, in addition to serving time for mortgage fraud he previously amassed several offences whilst leader of the EDL.
On 24 August 2010, Robinson was involved in a fight between supporters of Luton Town and Newport County in Luton, on the evening that the two clubs played at Kenilworth Road. Robinson reportedly led the group of Luton fans, and played an integral part in starting a 100-man brawl, during which he chanted "EDL till I die". Eleven months later, in July 2011, he was convicted of having used "threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour" on the night of the incident. He was given a 12-month community rehabilitation order and a three-year ban from attending football matches. He was also sentenced to 150 hours' unpaid work, and ordered to pay £650 in costs.[27]

Robinson was arrested after an EDL demonstration in Tower Hamlets on 3 September 2011 for breach of bail conditions, as he had been banned from attending that demonstration. After his arrest, Robinson began a hunger strike in custody in Bedford Prison, saying that he was a "political prisoner of the state",[28] and refused to eat what he believed was halal meat.[29] A local paper reported that Bedford Prison sources had said that the hunger strike lasted only 24 hours.[30] A handful of EDL supporters protested outside the prison in support of Robinson during his incarceration; the support peaked at a turnout of 100 protesters on 10 September.[31][32][33] Robinson was released from prison on 12 September.[34]

On 29 September 2011, he was convicted of common assault after headbutting a fellow EDL member at a rally in Blackburn in April that year.[35] He was given a 12-week jail term, suspended for 12 months.[36] Robinson said that the assault had happened because of a confrontation with a neo-Nazi who had joined the EDL's rank and file.[37][38][39] Interviewed on BBC Three Counties Radio on 9 October 2013, the day after he had resigned from the EDL, Robinson said: "One of the things people condemn me for is having a criminal record; what they don't wish to say is that part of that criminal record is for confronting neo-Nazis in Blackburn at one of my demonstrations, where I was taken before the courts and charged for assault...during the last four years we've had in-house battles, physical battles to keep these elements out. Now I’ve got to the point—listeners can look on Youtube for 'RVF EDL', they'll see there's these Nazis and they're talking to me telling me they're going to kill me—and there are fifty of them with balaclavas on."[39]

On 8 November 2011, Robinson held a protest on the rooftop of the FIFA headquarters in Zürich against FIFA's ruling that the England national football team could not wear a Remembrance poppy symbol on their shirts. For this he was fined £3,000 and jailed for three days.[40]

In October 2012, Robinson was arrested and held on the charge of having entered the U.S. illegally. Robinson pleaded guilty at Southwark Crown Court to using someone else's passport—"possession of a false identity document with improper intention"—to travel to the United States in September 2012, and was sentenced in January to 10 months imprisonment.[41][42] He was sentenced under the name of Stephen Lennon, but the judge added that he suspected it was not his true name, in the sense that it was not the name on his own passport (not the borrowed one), Paul Harris. Robinson was released on electronic tag on 22 February 2013.[43] On being released, Robinson told the BBC that he was dismayed to discover that the EDL's ranks had been swollen with racist and neo-Nazi supporters: "I've battled for four years to keep certain elements out of this movement, to keep it down the path that we want to take it down. And I've seen that they've been welcomed back, they're the Nazis and the fascists—they were welcomed back."[

There was no justice to subvert, Monty. The woman was gang raped and the government is protecting the rapists while arresting anybody who tries to raise the alarm about it. I know of at least two people who have made a stink about this injustice themselves getting arrested. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if they just arrest Chelsey herself.

Are you this fucking far gone, man? My God.

You should spare a little of that alleged humanity you pour out on 21 year old jihadis for your own women.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat May 13, 2017 10:17 pm


Hundreds of pages about false rape allegations, and the evils of women, but a few twitter posts from the other side of the world, and now it's Muslim rape gangs, and this is the Land of Freedom again. Bunch of monkeys fucking a football around here.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 13, 2017 10:30 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Yawn.

Hundreds of pages about false rape allegations, and the evils of women, but a few twitter posts from the other side of the world, and now it's Muslim rape gangs, and this is the Land of Freedom again. Bunch of monkeys fucking a football around here.
Except it's not a false rape allegation. Subsequent rape kit testing showed evidence of two of the men's semen in her, and a blood test showed the presence of a date rape drug used to subdue her. Eye witnesses saw her fleeing the house, the men chasing her, physically attacking her, and trying to drag her by her hair back into the house.

What's ridiculous here is how people like you and Monty constantly virtue signal about how you care about women and then, when faced with a brutal rape that is a consequence of the mass migration policies you championed on this forum, you couldn't care less about the women who are actually raped.

It's long since been apparent that neither of you took the side of compassion. You use human decency as a weapon to champion indecent politics.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat May 13, 2017 10:45 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Yawn.

Hundreds of pages about false rape allegations, and the evils of women, but a few twitter posts from the other side of the world, and now it's Muslim rape gangs, and this is the Land of Freedom again. Bunch of monkeys fucking a football around here.
Except it's not a false rape allegation. Subsequent rape kit testing showed evidence of two of the men's semen in her, and a blood test showed the presence of a date rape drug used to subdue her. Eye witnesses saw her fleeing the house, the men chasing her, physically attacking her, and trying to drag her by her hair back into the house.
Do you have a source, other than a fucking blog post? I should think that would be in a record somewhere, unless the vaunted journalist at The Rebel is somehow privy to rape kit results.
What's ridiculous here is how people like you and Monty constantly virtue signal about how you care about women and then, when faced with a brutal rape that is a consequence of the mass migration policies you championed on this forum, you couldn't care less about the women who are actually raped.
How is your mind so fucking simple? Does this nonsense work with your church group? You're reducing anything that you don't agree with to a simple caricature, lest it challenge your beliefs in any way. The epitome of Stupid.

'Constant virtue signaling for women'.
'Rape is a consequence of migration'
'Mass migration policies that WE CHAMPIONED'
And then we don't care about rape.
It's long since been apparent that neither of you took the side of compassion. You use human decency as a weapon to champion indecent politics.
Oh fuck you. Now we are being disingenuously compassionate, so that we can assist somehow with a Big Brother agenda on a web forum? There is no limit to the depths of your paranoia. Pathetic display as usual.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 13, 2017 10:49 pm

Do you have even the slightest bit of agency?
September 26, 2016, The Daily Mail reported that a young mother from Sunderland had allegedly been kidnapped and violently gang-raped by six men. The sexual assault reportedly only ceased when she managed to escape.

Law enforcement arrested the six men. All were refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Bahrain. However, they were never even tried in court. Instead, they were released; the authorities are no longer pursuing an investigation.

Chelsey Wright is that mother of three. She was out for a night with her friends and after taking a drink, she blacked out, only to awaken in a room naked except for her underwear. There was a strange man in the room who laughed at her, she said. She stated that she tried to flee and only managed to escape the room when another man opened the door.

According to her account, several men then chased Chelsey, trying to drag her back into the house by her hair; at one point, they threw her down a flight of stairs. Once outside, the men tried to tackle her in broad daylight. She managed to run away to a relative’s house where she called the Sunderland authorities.

Wright was examined and it was determined she had been raped by at least six men. The police raided the house and arrested all of the suspects.

She described the ordeal on social media, “...the next thing I remember is waking up in a strange house with no memory of how she got there. Waking up in only her knickers to next to a man she did not know. My head was pinned against the door."

Multiple witnesses came forward testifying that they heard Chelsey’s screams as the men tried to keep her trapped in the house. Many saw her flee, almost naked, down the streets of Sunderland.

As supporters called for a trial, the men were released on bail. When it was announced there would be no charges, the British authorities moved the Middle Eastern men to a safe house and later released them. ... acob-airey#

Would you want to live in a country that has rape kit test connecting multiple men to a brutal gang rape along with eye witnesses that then tries to cover up the crime for political correctness by arresting people who organize marchers to get the word out to people that they are doing this?

Imagine if this were six white frat boys doing it. Would the police drop the charges and arrest all the feminists who inevitably march in the streets to raise a stink about it?

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 13, 2017 10:58 pm

Weird how all the reporters and cameramen involved in this interview outside a British courthouse have not been raided in the middle of the night and dragged to jail.


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Sun May 14, 2017 1:33 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Yawn.

Hundreds of pages about false rape allegations, and the evils of women, but a few twitter posts from the other side of the world, and now it's Muslim rape gangs, and this is the Land of Freedom again. Bunch of monkeys fucking a football around here.
Except it's not a false rape allegation. Subsequent rape kit testing showed evidence of two of the men's semen in her, and a blood test showed the presence of a date rape drug used to subdue her. Eye witnesses saw her fleeing the house, the men chasing her, physically attacking her, and trying to drag her by her hair back into the house.
Do you have a source, other than a fucking blog post? I should think that would be in a record somewhere, unless the vaunted journalist at The Rebel is somehow privy to rape kit results.
Rape trials take time. If there is DNA proof that any of the men accused were guilty they will be successfully prosecuted in due time. DSL wants lynch mobs and instant ''justice'' for brown men and has nothing but excuses when it's a white guy.
As for the Rebel they make Breitbart look like a respectable Liberal site.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun May 14, 2017 6:03 am

There will not be a rape trial, genius. They refused to prosecute the rapists even though they had the DNA evidence and eye-witness testimony.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Ex-California » Sun May 14, 2017 6:27 am

I think these guys just had a "sexual emergency?"
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Montegriffo » Sun May 14, 2017 8:14 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:There will not be a rape trial, genius. They refused to prosecute the rapists even though they had the DNA evidence and eye-witness testimony.
Neo-Nazi blog not acceptable.........
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.