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Post by DBTrek » Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:38 pm

Dude . . . I handed you a quick ten links off the top of my head demonstrating how false the prevailing narrative is.
That's the water.
You're the horse.
I've led you.


I wasn't expecting you to actually assimilate any new data, or weigh it. I fully expected you to respond with your thoughtless, robotic, scripted responses, and you did not disappoint.
  • "I get it though, Red man bad, Orange man good no matter what the truth is. God bless Trump and God bless the US of A. 21,000 dead and counting..."

  • "21,000 dead Americans and counting goes to show that simply stopping flights from China was never going to be enough."
10 Print "21,000 dead Amercans" + randomStrawMan
20 Print "Trump" || "Drumpf" strcat " is a failure"
30 GoTo 10

Everything is great here in Seattle, where we're taking hundreds more free ventilators than we need, building field hospitals only to tear them down, and encouraging people in lockdown to call 911 if they hear "racism".

Life's just peachy here, in spite of the best efforts of clueless leftists.
"Hey varmints, don't mess with a guy that's riding a buffalo"

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:57 pm

Zlaxer wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:26 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:29 am
It's starting to hit the press.
According to the Daily Mail, analysis of the genetic history of SARS-CoV-2 or the novel coronavirus shows that Type A, which is the strain that came from bats and jumped to humans from pangolins, was not common in China--the origin of the outbreak.

Instead, Type B, which is derived from Type A coronavirus via two mutations, is more prevalent in the country, specifically in ground zero: Wuhan.

Nevertheless, the original variation has been found in over 400,000 COVID-19 cases in the United States and Australia.

Two-thirds of the samples acquired from the U.S. showed that they have a Type A novel coronavirus and that the infected patients did not come from New York, which is considered an epicenter of the COVID-19 infection in the U.S.

Instead, most of the patients came from the West Coast.
https://www.techtimes.com/articles/2487 ... iation.htm

We obviously need quite a lot more data to say for sure. This is becoming one of the greatest science mysteries of all time.

I’m not following you. The virus is from bats native to China - there’s evidence China was experimenting with this virus (or close relatives) at least 2 years ago or more - the first known Americans to catch covid had direct contact with Wuhan....what am I missing?

Even your own evidence tends to show Chinese connection - West Coast is a boat or plane ride from Wuhan - NYC looks like it got it from Europe (although all major strains have been found). We know covid spreads via packages - how many of those used to come from China - trying to see your point....what is your theory then?
We do NOT know the exact animal origin of the virus, only that it is 98% similar to a known bat coronavirus.

As far as the origin, we have no proof of anything, but the evidence we do have (not "my"evidence but THE evidence) does not actually point towards an origin taking place in Wuhan at all. The genomic data, sparse as it is, points to two possible locations of origin: China and the US. The China part is most likely SE China where there are actually bat species that could carry something like this.

All I am saying here is that the evidence suggests we also consider the very real possibility that this disease originated in the Western United States. It's not implausible at all and it eventually can be confirmed or ruled out just by testing antibodies in older blood samples. This is what California is doing right now, since their own health department concluded this disease must have been transmitting in their population at least as far back as December. They are going through blood samples now to look for antibodies.

The fact that the precursor to the type B coronavirus that took hold in Wuhan is monopolized by Americans (and to a lesser extent Australians) is odd and does not in any way support a China origin by itself. It's still possible it originated in China and by some weird transmission circumstances became prevalent in the United States but not China where it started. But to cling to a China origin no matter what the evidence tells you is just silly. It's not scientific and it's not very intelligent.

I would not be surprised if there are several twists in the this pandemic's origin story. It's already an extremely fascinating topic.


I would even add to the plausibility by pointing out that lots of people in Western North America cave dive to collect bat guano they use as fertilizer in agriculture.

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Post by Montegriffo » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:20 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:38 pm
Dude . . . I handed you a quick ten links off the top of my head demonstrating how false the prevailing narrative is.
That's the water.
You're the horse.
I've led you.


I wasn't expecting you to actually assimilate any new data, or weigh it. I fully expected you to respond with your thoughtless, robotic, scripted responses, and you did not disappoint.
  • "I get it though, Red man bad, Orange man good no matter what the truth is. God bless Trump and God bless the US of A. 21,000 dead and counting..."

  • "21,000 dead Americans and counting goes to show that simply stopping flights from China was never going to be enough."
10 Print "21,000 dead Amercans" + randomStrawMan
20 Print "Trump" || "Drumpf" strcat " is a failure"
30 GoTo 10

Everything is great here in Seattle, where we're taking hundreds more free ventilators than we need, building field hospitals only to tear them down, and encouraging people in lockdown to call 911 if they hear "racism".

Life's just peachy here, in spite of the best efforts of clueless leftists.
...and I resisted handing you 10 links to show how Trump's failures have made the situation worse than it could have been.
His own words about how it was no big deal and 15 cases would miraculously become 0 ought to have been enough but if you can't see it I can't make you.
But sure, continue to blame the out of power ''lefties'' while giving a free pass to the denier in chief.
In the meantime, the bug does not care which side of the political divide it kills.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:27 am

Yet another reason to be suspicious of common assumptions..

RaTG13 is the name, rank and serial number of an individual horseshoe bat of the species Rhinolophus affinis, or rather of a sample of its feces collected in 2013 in a cave in Yunnan, China. The sample was collected by hazmat-clad scientists from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan that year. Stored away and forgotten until January this year, the sample from the horseshoe bat contains the virus that causes Covid-19.

The scientists were mostly sampling a very similar species with slightly shorter wings, called Rhinolophus sinicus, in a successful search for the origin of the virus responsible for the SARS epidemic of 2002-03. That search had alarming implications, which were largely ignored.

In Shitou Cave, south of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan, they found viruses in the bats’ droppings and anal swabs that were more similar to human SARS than anything found in palm civets, the small mammals that until then were presumed to be the source of human infection. Back in the laboratory, they found that one of the viruses from bat droppings, called WIV1, could thrive in monkey and human cells specially engineered to activate the gene for ACE2 receptors, the lock to which a coronavirus’s spike protein can fit as a key. This suggested that people could catch SARS directly from a bat dropping.

Then in 2016, Ralph Baric and colleagues at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that the same bat virus could infect live mice that had been engineered to express the human gene for the ACE2 receptor. The virus was “poised for human emergence,” as the title of Dr. Baric’s paper put it.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.co ... 1586440959


So if you go back to that chart, the original bat virus they used as the precursor to type A coronavirus, if I am not mistaken, came from bat RaTG13. Sure, that bat was collected from a cave in Yunnan province, but it also made its way to that research lab in North Carolina. Now, given that the first cluster of mutations (type A) are monopolized by Americans, and it is mostly found in samples taken here in the United States, I would argue for the possibility (maybe even the higher likelihood) of this actually starting from a lab leak in North Carolina.

Obviously the genomic data is sparse. But I think there are too many coincidental interactions between humans and this virus to dismiss a lab leak, and the assumption that any lab leak had to be from a Chinese lab unsupportable based on evidence. It is possible it leaked from one of these two labs, but also possible it leaked from the lab in North Carolina.

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Post by Zlaxer » Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:15 am

Plausible based on what we know - but what does Occam's razor say?

If this came from NC lab, I think NC would have been epicenter - not seeing that.

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Post by Montegriffo » Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:34 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:27 am
Yet another reason to be suspicious of common assumptions..

RaTG13 is the name, rank and serial number of an individual horseshoe bat of the species Rhinolophus affinis, or rather of a sample of its feces collected in 2013 in a cave in Yunnan, China. The sample was collected by hazmat-clad scientists from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan that year. Stored away and forgotten until January this year, the sample from the horseshoe bat contains the virus that causes Covid-19.

The scientists were mostly sampling a very similar species with slightly shorter wings, called Rhinolophus sinicus, in a successful search for the origin of the virus responsible for the SARS epidemic of 2002-03. That search had alarming implications, which were largely ignored.

In Shitou Cave, south of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan, they found viruses in the bats’ droppings and anal swabs that were more similar to human SARS than anything found in palm civets, the small mammals that until then were presumed to be the source of human infection. Back in the laboratory, they found that one of the viruses from bat droppings, called WIV1, could thrive in monkey and human cells specially engineered to activate the gene for ACE2 receptors, the lock to which a coronavirus’s spike protein can fit as a key. This suggested that people could catch SARS directly from a bat dropping.

Then in 2016, Ralph Baric and colleagues at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that the same bat virus could infect live mice that had been engineered to express the human gene for the ACE2 receptor. The virus was “poised for human emergence,” as the title of Dr. Baric’s paper put it.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.co ... 1586440959


So if you go back to that chart, the original bat virus they used as the precursor to type A coronavirus, if I am not mistaken, came from bat RaTG13. Sure, that bat was collected from a cave in Yunnan province, but it also made its way to that research lab in North Carolina. Now, given that the first cluster of mutations (type A) are monopolized by Americans, and it is mostly found in samples taken here in the United States, I would argue for the possibility (maybe even the higher likelihood) of this actually starting from a lab leak in North Carolina.

Obviously the genomic data is sparse. But I think there are too many coincidental interactions between humans and this virus to dismiss a lab leak, and the assumption that any lab leak had to be from a Chinese lab unsupportable based on evidence. It is possible it leaked from one of these two labs, but also possible it leaked from the lab in North Carolina.
Seems to me that this paper just adds credence to the theory that it may have started in a wet market that illegally sold live bats.
Back in the laboratory, they found that one of the viruses from bat droppings, called WIV1, could thrive in monkey and human cells specially engineered to activate the gene for ACE2 receptors, the lock to which a coronavirus’s spike protein can fit as a key. This suggested that people could catch SARS directly from a bat dropping.
Theories about the virus escaping from bio-research labs are fun n'all but Occam's razor still suggests that poor hygiene in a crowded market full of live animals is the most likely source of the spread.
Wouldn't even need to have patient zero catching it at the market. The guys who go into batshit filled caves to catch the bats could have caught it first and then spread it person to person when they went to the market to sell their wares.
If we are going to speculate we might as well start at the most likely explanation rather than worry about those which are far less likely.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Post by Zlaxer » Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:47 am

Except there are multiple reports from people who worked that market and said no bats were sold - only people claiming bats sold at market are members of PRC - who has an excellent record of credibility.

The video I posted has testimony from alleged eye witnesses that a lab worker was shit on by some of the bats.

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Post by Zlaxer » Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:54 am

Also, don’t you find it very suspicious that the PRC has banned all research into the origins of the virus?

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Post by Zlaxer » Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:55 am

:facing mirror with lights off: KATSUNG! KATSUNG! KATSUNG!

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Post by Xenophon » Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:02 am

Zlaxer wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:55 am
:facing mirror with lights off: KATSUNG! KATSUNG! KATSUNG!
Dude, what are you doing?!

*turns lights on*

*grabs shoulders*

He....he searches himself. He'll know what you did...