Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

1407 Corporal Punishment


At some point, cuffing a child, a light tap on the face, back of the hand or buttocks, has not only become unfashionable, the WHO considers it a crime! It’s a sign of the feminization of the West; corporal punishment is condemned because it makes the child momentarily anxious and uncomfortable, and women tend to evade accountability. That huge issue aside, that stance is also incredibly short-sighted; how does any animal learn if not through trial & error? The quick verbal & physical rebuff of a child playing in a light socket will modify the behavior without any detrimental side effects, whereas allowing the behavior to continue will only exacerbate it, if not being downright dangerous. Men live in a male dominance hierarchy where there is threat of physical repercussions; boys don’t do things that will tempt stronger boys to violence. Girls live in a world of words, and as the old idiom goes: sticks & stones may break my bone but words will never hurt me. However, boys know that words trigger sticks & stones. It’s the reason that in a traditional family setting, fathers are the disciplinarians; mothers don’t like conflict: “wait until your father gets home.” Without corporal punishment, the kids turn out poorly, the men are emasculated, and the women are disappointed in their mating opportunities. Of course, some people will claim they never punished their kids; yeah, we can tell.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 2.08MB - Duration: 2:36 m (112 kbps 44100 Hz)