Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

1313 Who are the NeoCons?


The terms “NeoCon” and “NeoLiberal” differ only whether it’s corporate authoritarianism vs. state authoritarians, both typically foreign interventionists. In fact, many early Republican NeoCons were transplants from the Democrat Party. For a better understanding, it helps to know who is considered a NeoCon: Max Boot, Fred Barnes, Paul Bremer, David Brooks, Newt Gingrich, Henry Kissinger, Charles Krauthammer, “Scooter” Libby, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Novak, Karl Rove, Richard Scaife, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Liz Chaney, Dick Chaney, George H. W. Bush & George W. Bush. There’s actually a NeoCon club, with a magazine, “The Weekly Standard,” and membership in the “Project for the New American Century:” Francis Fukuyama, Elliott Abrams, John Bolton, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz & Donald Rumsfeld. Another thing all these people have in common is Never-Trumpism, exemplified by “The Lincoln Project,” self-proclaimed Republicans that promote & vote for Democrats.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 1.73MB - Duration: 2:18 m (105 kbps 44100 Hz)