Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

1045 Anarchists are Fascists


The whole idea of anarchy is fundamentally flawed because those on the anarchy side believe they live in a fantasy world that can ignore bad people. As the drift towards Communism has gotten more pronounced, the backlash has emboldened the anarchists, and some, like Michael Malice, are starting to get famous but they never get past that basic flaw; they must have holes in their brain where logic used to be: they don’t seem concerned that the first time the lights go out and the cops stop showing up, some guy and his well-armed cousins are going to show up at Michael’s house to kill him, rape his wife & eat his kids. It took some circular debate but I finally understand why anarchists aren’t concerned about their safety: it’s not all authority they reject, just government authority: they’re fine with private elites using their power to protect him. It’s apparently the way other anarchists feel: they don’t have a problem with aristocracy nor concentration of wealth or power; they if a company makes demands on employees that infringe their liberty, anarchists say the employee can quit; and anarchists certainly aren’t fans of democracy. In essence, calling yourself an anarchist is just a sneaky way of saying you’re a Fascist.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 1.78MB - Duration: 2:12 m (113 kbps 44100 Hz)