Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

929 Free Speech Warrior


Social Justice Warriors unironically named themselves that, and maintain their self-proclaimed title proudly even though it’s ridiculed by The Right, actually reaching the status of a slur. Similarly, the term “Free Speech Warrior” is denigrated by The Left, even though Free Speechers don't get offended by the title. Unfortunately, SJWs seem to far outnumber their Free Speech counterparts, and the small number of vocal advocates for free speech are continually besmirched by the media as “Right-Wing,” which they equate with Nazis.

The arguments against Free Speech sound bizarre to someone raised to believe it's one of the most basic Rights; SJWs claim your speech is constrained by them being offended; but isn't that exactly the point? This complete misunderstanding about Free Speech is only possible by not teaching students in public schools what it is, how precious it is, and how important it is to protect. A Leftist arguing against Free Speech by burning a U.S. flag at a protest is beyond hypocrisy; especially when at the same time they use Free Speech to smear their rivals. I, for one, would be proud to be called a Free Speech Warrior, but without Free Speech, I guess that won't be possible much longer.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 1.84MB - Duration: 2:24 m (107 kbps 44100 Hz)