Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

172 Climate-Deniers


Climate Change denial is a sophisticated tactical position: Climate-deniers don't actually believe their arguments, they simply don't want any of the proposed "solutions" imposed on America, all of which are insidious wealth redistribution schemes. It's easier to deny the whole thing, and it gets an Environmentalist's goat too, which Climate-deniers see as an especially savory benefit. If the debate changed to "prepare for the results of climate change" rather than "America's redistribution responsibility," then the Climate-deniers would probably go along.

It's blatantly clear that the Climate-changers are using alarmism for dubious reasons, that the ulterior motive behind the Global Warming movement is a transparent power grab. Much of The World wants their vision to be the archetype: that borders are open, and all nations share in the chaos. Americans don't get it because only a subset of us have socialist leanings, so the majority of us are not aware of the subtext of what The World is proposing: that America should not be a liberty nation, and instead we must do-the-most-good-for-the-most-people. By denying Climate Change the deniers keep a stalemate going with little downside risk to their eyes: if the world is going to die, what can humans do about it? Of course, there is some sincere disbelief that the climate is changing or that humans caused it but that view belongs in the same realm of conspiracy theories. Climate-deniers are simply engaging in Amercain-style leverage politics.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 2.28MB - Duration: 2:29 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)