Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

89 New Concepts Vol 8


New Concepts Vol 8

Let's review another batch of new & exciting original concepts:

1. Liability is a justiceless lottery that preys on greed while suppressing innovation.

2. If an enfranchised nation wants families it will have to pay for them.

3. Integration makes for a cohesive society but diversity tears it apart.

4. Everyone thinks they are being discriminated against at some point.

5. Political Correctness is a rude attempt to usurp power from the courteous.

6. The irrational rewards of victimhood have made it desirable.

7. The only thing equal about people is equality under The Law.

8. Equal-pay-for-equal-work is a cynical slogan that does not mean same-pay-for-same-work, but instead is a subtle attempt at imposing Marxism.

9. There is no systemic discrimination against women in the modern workplace.

10. Testosterone is the difference between men & women.

You may get your news somewhere else but take your advice from me, the Wysest Myn in the Wyrld.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 1.99MB - Duration: 2:11 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)