Dr. Martin Hash Podcast

Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.

48 Entrepreneurship


Ambition is the alchemy of greed , vanity & pride, the basic fuel society runs on. America's liberty environment nurtures the desire to start your own business, build it, wallow in its success, despair in its failure. It becomes job, hobby, entertainment & identify. The lowliest street vendor finds more satisfaction in their career than anyone working in a cubical. Entrepreneurship is the catalyst of small & large business alike. Immigrants come from all around the world in pursue of it. Nothing defines the American Dream more than a striving entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs also have an overabundant helping of naive optimism, otherwise they would never even pursue their dream against such long odds. Their hope overcomes history & facts. They work at levels of productivity that no employer would ever attain from a captive workforce. That's why most entrepreneurs are young, because the innocent eagerness hasn't been beaten out of them yet, and their focus still has not been captured by other aspects of society like family & reputation. America's success rests on the backs of entrepreneurs, young & old, clever & perseverant, colorblind & tone deaf.

There is a significant component of the Left, the strong socialists bordering on Marxists, who denigrate entrepreneurship. They associate it with selfishness, competitiveness & aggression, which is true because those are the ingredients of any good entrepreneur, but the naysayers are simply expressing their own envy, spite & resentment. On-the-other-hand, many of these same anti-entrepreneurs have a place in their heart for food carts, small-scale organic growers & folk jewelry-makers who are obviously entrepreneurs. Interestingly, today's modern entrepreneurs & anti-entrepreneurs alike congregate together in the great Western port cities of Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco & San Diego in a vibrant cultural mishmash, but entrepreneurs are everywhere if you just look for them.

Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 2.99MB - Duration: 3:16 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)