Politics & Philosophy by Dr. Martin D. Hash, Esq.
When I was growing up, I felt like I was only one who didn't know what was going on, everything was confusing, life seemed too complex to understand. I wanted to know. Now, after an expansive education, after multiple careers, after a lifetime of searching for wisdom, I've finally figured it out, and I've codified it, and I'm going to give the Secret-of-the-Universe to you.
I'll start with the observation that it is probable that computers will one day mimic humans, and since computers only use binary logic, that proves that any decision can be derived from a series of yes-no questions, regardless how complicated or seemingly intractable the problem is. Intuitively, anybody who played 20-Questions as a kid knows that you always start with the question that eliminates the most possibilities, and each subsequent question should narrow the options more and more until there is only one possible outcome. In fact, it’s not the answers that are difficult, it’s the questions. Therefore the Secret-of-the-Universe is to determine what questions to ask, and in what order to ask them. There are no gray areas, and the answers will have the unequivocal certainty of deductive logic.
These podcasts will be short, a few minutes at most, one idea at a time, each building on top of the other.
Categories | PRay TeLL, Dr. Hash
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 1.93MB - Duration: 2:07 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)