No Business Taxes

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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:39 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:I'd love to see that property taxed.

Never mentioned it once, folks.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by MilSpecs » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:51 pm

Okeefenokee wrote: That's about the most idiotic thing I've ever read in my life.

Fucking gas taxes are lightyears closer to being egalitarian than property taxes. Are you fucking brain dead?

I can't fathom the mental gymnastics that you must have gone through to come to that conclusion. The idea that those who own property are expected to pay for benefits for all, while those who don't are not, but still enjoy those benefits... you think that is egalitarian? Have your head examined.

I live 1423 miles from my house in Georgia. 45% of those property taxes go to a school system that my children could not attend tomorrow if I started driving right now. Egalitarian, huh? I work an entire month every year just to pay property taxes on one house, where nearly half of that goes to pay for schools where none of my children will ever attend, and you call that egalitarian? You think that's equality?

Add on to that the property taxes I pay where I live. Taxes on this house are another two months of income.

Listen, I'm a property owner in multiple states, and I learned a long time ago that said ownership means taxes, but don't come around here with some bullshit commie statements about it all being part of some equal system where everyone is treated equally.

It's nonsense. The first time my wife saw the tax bill from a house she's never lived in, she couldn't understand it. She said, "but you don't have any kids going to school there." I said, "I remember my elders saying the same thing about my great-grandmother's tax bill when all of her children were collecting social security."

Egalitarian... the fuck are you smoking?
You're not making any sense. If you're renting houses then your tenants are paying your property tax for you through their rent and either way investment property is treated differently under tax codes. You're making even less sense complaining that property tax is unfair because you pay for schools you may not use when you obviously can use them (don't your tenants have kids?). We don't pay school tax according to the number of kids we personally have, just like you don't get social security and Medicare based on the number of kids you personally have. It's a pool that comes out of everyone's property tax. It's only corrupt if the houses are unfairly assessed or (as we are arguing) some properties are exempt. You have to pay for garbage pickup and that comes out of property tax. The roads have to be paved and fires have to be put out. This is the core of taxation: the things we need or overwhelmingly want as a group.

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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:57 pm

I want free healthcare.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by MilSpecs » Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:01 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:I want free healthcare.
I want affordable health care and I'm not getting that either.

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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by Hwen Hoshino » Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:12 am

Martin Hash wrote:
Hwen Hoshino wrote:
Martin Hash wrote: Agreed. I was thinking Russia.
Why not let them contribute?
You get the Zionist situation where America is Israel's bitch.
They have to sell their stuff as good for America, so what is the difference?

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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:30 am

Hwen Hoshino wrote:
Martin Hash wrote:
Hwen Hoshino wrote: Why not let them contribute?
You get the Zionist situation where America is Israel's bitch.
They have to sell their stuff as good for America, so what is the difference?
A society is a carefully balanced artificial construct. People have to WANT to follow the rules, and people have to trust one another enough to assume they will follow the rules, which is why "diversity" is so corrosive to the cohesiveness of society. What you see going on in America today is building mistrust because groups are becoming distrustful of other groups. Unless some unifying principle, like patriotism, remedies the situation, this shit's going to explode. Patriotism is by definition, nationalistic, which is naturally adversarial with other nations. Meddling in the governing structure of other nations is like your guy secretly being their goalie.
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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by Ex-California » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:37 am

Martin Hash wrote:
Hwen Hoshino wrote:
Martin Hash wrote: You get the Zionist situation where America is Israel's bitch.
They have to sell their stuff as good for America, so what is the difference?
A society is a carefully balanced artificial construct. People have to WANT to follow the rules, and people have to trust one another enough to assume they will follow the rules, which is why "diversity" is so corrosive to the cohesiveness of society. What you see going on in America today is building mistrust because groups are becoming distrustful of other groups. Unless some unifying principle, like patriotism, remedies the situation, this shit's going to explode. Patriotism is by definition, nationalistic, which is naturally adversarial with other nations. Meddling in the governing structure of other nations is like your guy secretly being their goalie.
We have a situation where being patriotic is seen as "problematic" while the opposition is feeding off an enemy of my enemy is my friend situation with their embrace of things like Islamic culture despite the fact it literally flies in the face of everything they supposedly believe in
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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by Hwen Hoshino » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:23 am

Martin Hash wrote:
Hwen Hoshino wrote:
Martin Hash wrote: You get the Zionist situation where America is Israel's bitch.
They have to sell their stuff as good for America, so what is the difference?
A society is a carefully balanced artificial construct. People have to WANT to follow the rules, and people have to trust one another enough to assume they will follow the rules, which is why "diversity" is so corrosive to the cohesiveness of society. What you see going on in America today is building mistrust because groups are becoming distrustful of other groups. Unless some unifying principle, like patriotism, remedies the situation, this shit's going to explode. Patriotism is by definition, nationalistic, which is naturally adversarial with other nations. Meddling in the governing structure of other nations is like your guy secretly being their goalie.
It's up to the citizens to hold their elected accountable. What would change if you allowed foreign money?

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Martin Hash
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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:51 am

100s of millions of people living together in harmony is NOT the natural state of things. An evil actor, someone intent on exploiting the weaknesses, can exert enough pressure to take over: see every totalitarian society in history. Monitoring for evil intent from your family is a whole lot different that the leeway you would give Atilla-The-Hun. Better to build a Great Wall and line it with soldiers.
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Hwen Hoshino
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Re: No Business Taxes

Post by Hwen Hoshino » Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:04 am

Martin Hash wrote:100s of millions of people living together in harmony is NOT the natural state of things. An evil actor, someone intent on exploiting the weaknesses, can exert enough pressure to take over: see every totalitarian society in history. Monitoring for evil intent from your family is a whole lot different that the leeway you would give Atilla-The-Hun. Better to build a Great Wall and line it with soldiers.
You still did not explain what would happen?