black manager at McDonald's tried to rip me off

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black manager at McDonald's tried to rip me off

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:14 pm

So I go into McDonald’s today and I wanted two McDonald’s ice coffees with extra cream and extra sugar so I can trade my crypto like Einstein and this black manager rang me up and I watched her make my two coffees and I noticed when she gave them to me they looked extra dark like lack of cream so I tasted it and I said these are made wrong. She said what was wrong with them and I said they have no extra cream and no extra sugar. She said you watched me put extra, and I said well then why does it taste like shit? And she said “idk white boy” so I flipped shit and said your lucky white people tolerate your racism or you’d be in deep shit. And she tried to walk off and I said get back over here shaniqua and give me my money back or a store credit and I’ll come back later, her name was “divina” and she said what did you say? I said you heard me shaniqua. Now give me my money or my credit and she got so mad and started cursing until the white manager came over and gave me my money and a credit and I said you guys should fire her for being impolite and the manager says she does this more than you know. White ppl were smiling, racist as fuck I walked out with a smile. Thanks for reading faggots

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Re: black manager at McDonald's tried to rip me off

Post by C-Mag » Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:36 pm

So, Shaniqua is off the Xmas list ?


Don't fear authority, Fear Obedience

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Re: black manager at McDonald's tried to rip me off

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:39 pm

And everyone clapped

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Re: black manager at McDonald's tried to rip me off

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:59 am

This is how real civil war looks like - sides are difined not by common vision of the future, but by rejection of alternative. The civil war is coming bros.