CS315 - War on a Whim?

Hwen Hoshino
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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by Hwen Hoshino » Wed May 10, 2017 2:16 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:The epoch you are living in now, was born of Watergate, Watergate was the event which created the media as you know it, everything is before Watergate and after Watergate, after Watergate; the media has been trying to recreate it ever since, it's a constant search for the next Watergate, as Watergate was the thing that made the media into the leviathan you see now, it went 24hr, it spread through the internet, but the driving force behind all media flappery, is the search for another Watergate moment. The closer they feel themselves getting to it, the more aroused they become.

Watergate is the event, wherein for the first time in American history, everyone was tuned in, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, must watch media, all the time, it is the model upon which the contemporary media has been built, it is the "ah-ha" moment that they are ceaselessly trying to get back to.

Politically, Watergate was the breach in the Truce at Pearl Harbor, the event which cracked the Bipartisan Consensus, for the Left, it was the downing of a Right Wing Tyrant, for the Right, it was a Leftist Coup de Tat, and for the media, it was pure extasy, which they became addicted to, on the spot.

"What did the President know and when did he know it?!", "Is this another Saturday Night Massacre?!", "Where are the tapes and who has them?!" over and over and over, etcetra, etcetera, ad nausem.
They would have never Watergated Obama. Watergate just made people more aware.

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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by apeman » Thu May 11, 2017 7:00 am

Martin Hash wrote:The SJWs purport to speak for you, but I'm of the opinion that the majority of young people are NOT socialists, yet the minority has established the narrative otherwise.

p.s. I could be wrong on young people not being socialists?
My contemporaries actually think the words "markets" and "liberty" are evil code words. They are used to mask underlying devotion to greed, racism and oppression.

There is a widespread belief that anyone with money has done something evil to get it.

The oOverton window on healthcare has moved so much that anything short of fully funding everybody's medical problems -- AND not charging sick/unhealthy folks any extra $$$ whatsoever due to their increased medical needs -- is equivalent to Hitler.

My state announced free college* for certain income brackets, the young people not appreciative, because the package is not generous enough, they are entitled to MOAR.

Single payer is inevitable, unless there is a major change in sentiment.

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Martin Hash
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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by Martin Hash » Thu May 11, 2017 7:20 am

Young people are attracted to the extremes, Socialism or Libertarianism. The Libertarians will eventually join with us Liberals, but I don't know what fraction of the young they represent. It's a push among the crowd around me.

p.s. "Young" applies all the way to 40 now-a-days.
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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by apeman » Thu May 11, 2017 8:04 am

Martin Hash wrote:Young people are attracted to the extremes
Good point.