Living In The Bronx

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Re: Living In The Bronx

Post by Smitty-48 »

brewster wrote:Don't know what you're talking about, aristocrats are rarely revolutionaries, though they're sometimes "reformers" like Lafayette, till it got away from him. They're the conservative "haves", and revolutions are by the "have-nots", but what the have-not leaders historically mostly lack is not wealth, but power. The bourgeois.
The bourgeoisie are literally the antithesis to revolutionaries, you really have no idea what you're blabbering on about, the revolutionaries are the aristocrats, whether that be the American planting aristocracy, the Jacobins, the Wall Street abolitionists, or the Marxist intellectual elites, bourgeois is literally the word to describe the class of people who cling to the ancien regime to the last, the bourgeoisie are not the have nots, they are the middle classes who will not kill nor die for a cause, but are otherwise quite powerful politically, because they are the proverbial merchants and shopkeepers who keep the burg afloat.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, that's because you don't know what bourgeois means apparently /shrugs.
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Re: Living In The Bronx

Post by Fife »

Fake Sans-Culottes gonna fake, cousin.
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Re: Living In The Bronx

Post by Smitty-48 »

Certainly revolutionary aristocrats may attempt to radicalize from the ranks of the bourgeois, but once radicalized, you're no longer bourgeois, by definition.

The Great Silent Majority writ large, is not conducive to radical actions of any sort, which is why the elites who seek to overthrow the ancien regime in order to install themselves, so often target the student unions via the academic enablers to be the foot soldiers in the streets.

College campus loonies the only real fertile ground for radicalization in the ranks the bourgeoisie, same as it ever was, the name of the game is to turn the children on the Great Silent Majority, to shield the revolutionary aristocrats from the grapeshot.
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Re: Living In The Bronx

Post by heydaralon »

Shit I always just assumed the Sans Culotte was a French version of Sandlot where they have to retrieve a ball signed by the Great Bambino from that junkyard dog.
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Re: Living In The Bronx

Post by Smitty-48 »

The Sans Culotte were not the Bourgeoisie, that's the peasants and labourers, the Bourgeoisie is the merchant class, who own the means of production, it's never in the interests of the Bourgeoisie to overthrow the Ancien Regime who guards the walls of the burg, was the Bourgeoisie after all, who ended in the apple carts under the Sword of Liberty at the hands of the Commune.

The Bourgeoisie are the Kulaks, they go to the gulags with the Ancien Regime, come the revolution.
Nec Aspera Terrent