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Re: Brexit

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:08 pm

The work is harder. If strawberry picking were as comfortable to you as cooking, you'd be out in the fields picking strawberries. Here you are complaining that they make more than you, but I don't see you lining up to pick strawberries.

Both are unskilled labor. One is harder than the other. If you want people to do harder jobs, you should pay them more.

You have to work with supply and demand. When you try to get around it, you fuck something up somewhere. Flooding labor markets with unskilled labor just increases the welfare state and forces the taxpayers to pay for both the displaced workers and the services those new workers need just to live. When you add up the costs, the people hiring the foreign labor make out like bandits because they bleed the nation dry of capital and taxes. It's a scam. Always was.

Eat a TANSTAAFL pill and wake the fuck up already.

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Re: Brexit

Post by Montegriffo » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:07 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:The work is harder. If strawberry picking were as comfortable to you as cooking, you'd be out in the fields picking strawberries. Here you are complaining that they make more than you, but I don't see you lining up to pick strawberries.

Both are unskilled labor. One is harder than the other. If you want people to do harder jobs, you should pay them more.

You have to work with supply and demand. When you try to get around it, you fuck something up somewhere. Flooding labor markets with unskilled labor just increases the welfare state and forces the taxpayers to pay for both the displaced workers and the services those new workers need just to live. When you add up the costs, the people hiring the foreign labor make out like bandits because they bleed the nation dry of capital and taxes. It's a scam. Always was.

Eat a TANSTAAFL pill and wake the fuck up already.
You don't know what you are talking about. I cook because I enjoy it. Why on Earth should I leave a job I enjoy to take a temporary job picking fruit for the same money. I have skills learned from nearly 40 years doing the job I love. Strawberry picking is not particularly hard, they are grown on tables so you don't even have to bend down to pick them. It's just that I don't need or want to do it. If it paid a lot more than I get I might think about it for 5 or 6 weeks a year but it doesn't. It is not low paid though it pays a fair wage for unskilled work,in fact it pays better than many more skilled jobs.
No one is avoiding taxes, these are legal workers paying tax on what they earn. Now there will be 20% less tax from migrant workers. It is not the same situation that you have with your black market illegal immigration. There are no displaced British workers being undercut for jobs they used to do, immigrants have done these jobs for years and nobody complained. Now there will be fewer jobs like this in the future and it will be the farmers and the treasury who suffer.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Brexit

Post by TheReal_ND » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:12 pm

Like how long does it even take to pick all the strawberries? Am I missing something?

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Re: Brexit

Post by Montegriffo » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:17 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Like how long does it even take to pick all the strawberries? Am I missing something?
The season varies depending on the weather, this is a good year so it will be longer than usual.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Brexit

Post by TheReal_ND » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:19 pm

I bet I could pick every fucking strawberry on that island in a couple weeks wtf? How many strawberries we talking? Do Europeans even into how to work hard?

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Re: Brexit

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:21 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:The work is harder. If strawberry picking were as comfortable to you as cooking, you'd be out in the fields picking strawberries. Here you are complaining that they make more than you, but I don't see you lining up to pick strawberries.

Both are unskilled labor. One is harder than the other. If you want people to do harder jobs, you should pay them more.

You have to work with supply and demand. When you try to get around it, you fuck something up somewhere. Flooding labor markets with unskilled labor just increases the welfare state and forces the taxpayers to pay for both the displaced workers and the services those new workers need just to live. When you add up the costs, the people hiring the foreign labor make out like bandits because they bleed the nation dry of capital and taxes. It's a scam. Always was.

Eat a TANSTAAFL pill and wake the fuck up already.
You don't know what you are talking about. I cook because I enjoy it. Why on Earth should I leave a job I enjoy to take a temporary job picking fruit for the same money. I have skills learned from nearly 40 years doing the job I love. Strawberry picking is not particularly hard, they are grown on tables so you don't even have to bend down to pick them. It's just that I don't need or want to do it. If it paid a lot more than I get I might think about it for 5 or 6 weeks a year but it doesn't. It is not low paid though it pays a fair wage for unskilled work,in fact it pays better than many more skilled jobs.
No one is avoiding taxes, these are legal workers paying tax on what they earn. Now there will be 20% less tax from migrant workers. It is not the same situation that you have with your black market illegal immigration. There are no displaced British workers being undercut for jobs they used to do, immigrants have done these jobs for years and nobody complained. Now there will be fewer jobs like this in the future and it will be the farmers and the treasury who suffer.

Bullshit. If picking strawberries were worth the income, and the wages were much higher than cooking, your fat ass would be out in the sun picking strawberries.

Lots of people enjoy cooking. They work at other jobs because cooking pays shit wages.

If you are unskilled labor, then your options for higher wages involve harder labor. If you want to pay people to pick strawberries what you pay people to cook omelets, then good luck with your economy. That game where you flood the labor markets with foreign workers lasts only so long before the whole house of cards collapses. It's like that guy living it high on credit cards. You can tell him he's going to pay the price for it down the line, but he doesn't care. Maybe it's just maladapted behavior that needs to get weeded out of the gene pool when this behavior, collectively, causes entire nations to collapse under the weight of the welfare leviathan, and the jihadis are attacking everybody in the streets. Oh wait. That's England now, isn't it..

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Re: Brexit

Post by TheReal_ND » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:23 pm

Meh. The pay is inversely proportionate to how hard the manual labor is in most cases. Why do you think "only Mexicans can do this xDDDD"

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Re: Brexit

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:24 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:I bet I could pick every fucking strawberry on that island in a couple weeks wtf? How many strawberries we talking? Do Europeans even into how to work hard?

That's the problem. Their welfare system is so generous, that they make the decision to live on welfare rather than work hard. So they don't give a shit that these farmers are paying slave wages to foreigners. Because their schools are run by communists, they have no idea that this will eventually collapse their entire economy, and trying to explain that to them results in them screaming racist.

I don't really know the ins and outs of the English welfare system, but since that's already in place, the wages for hard labor like farm work have to be higher than what you can get through welfare services at bare minimum. Even if they are only slightly higher, it might not work because you have to factor in the personal costs of hard labor and the softness of the people raised in a system like that.

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Re: Brexit

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:26 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Meh. The pay is inversely proportionate to how hard the manual labor is in most cases. Why do you think "only Mexicans can do this xDDDD"

No, dude. You are falling into the same trap. Those wages are low because they can still hire Mexicans to do them at those shit wages. If you closed the border and deported all the migrant workers, you better believe wages will go up.

We don't have a very good welfare system outside of big cities, so I guarantee there are people who will fill those jobs. You just have to pay people commensurate with the difficulty of the work.

Wages are supply and demand just like apples and blowjobs.

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Re: Brexit

Post by TheReal_ND » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:29 pm

You're missing part of the equation but arguing with you is pointless. Hard physical labor pays shit because any sub 75 IQ mongrel can do it. The more complex the task the more pay and benefits go up. But I hate illegal immigrants so keep pushing your narrative I won't stop you.