The Chapel

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Re: The Chapel

Post by DrYouth » Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:28 pm

katarn wrote:I introduced this at the old place, but election stuff buried it a bit before I though justice was done in discussion.

The Kalam Argument (Simple Version)
1. Everything that begins to exist has a cause
2. If the universe began to exist, it had a cause
3. The universe began to exist (based on most current data and theory)
4. The universe had a cause
4a. That cause must be without properties introduced inside the universe, like time
5. That cause has supreme power as relates to the universe
6. This cause has the properties of a deity
Conclusion: If the universe began to exist, there is some extrauniversal deity that is eternal and omnipotent
Causes are very linear.
Does this argument take into account chaos theory and emergence?
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Re: The Chapel

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:32 am

katarn wrote:I introduced this at the old place, but election stuff buried it a bit before I though justice was done in discussion.

The Kalam Argument (Simple Version)
1. Everything that begins to exist has a cause
2. If the universe began to exist, it had a cause
3. The universe began to exist (based on most current data and theory)
4. The universe had a cause
4a. That cause must be without properties introduced inside the universe, like time
5. That cause has supreme power as relates to the universe
6. This cause has the properties of a deity
Conclusion: If the universe began to exist, there is some extrauniversal deity that is eternal and omnipotent
I have a couple of problems with this.

The first is that cause and beginning are synonymous, so the first premise could be: Everything that begins to exist has a beginning. Cause typically implies agency, so it is ushering in the idea of will under the radar to make the conclusion seem more plausible.

My second problem is with 4a... 'must be without' should be 'could be without.' There is nothing that demands that whatever caused the universe doesn't operate with the same mechanics that our universe does, it just doesn't have to. This premise exists to undermine the problem of infinite regress that always haunts first cause arguments, but it does so in a very unsatisfying way.

Premise 5 is simply a statement from the chair, without any rationale as far as I can discern. Why must the cause have any power as relates to the universe other than just being it's progenitor?

Finally, whatever constitutes the 'properties of a deity' is guesswork at best. Premise 6, like 5, comes out of nowhere and is nowise related to the premises before it. 4a, 5, and 6 all claim things that still need to be proven, and only exist to make the desired conclusion sound more plausible.

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Re: The Chapel

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:18 am

A pointlessly convoluted ten step process to arrive at the circularly reasoned conclusion "the universe happened; because God." Derp.

Would be intellectually honest at least, to simply assert the circularly reasoned conclusion, so as for the sake of argument you could get on to the much more relevant question of "why did this God create the universe". If it's a deity, it must have some reasons, as without those reasons, the diety becomes moot.

Religeon is not about what created the universe, religeon assumes a diety, the question religeon is intended to answer, is what is this diety's purpose therein?

God created quantum mechanics? OK, but why? What was the purpose? Why didn't God make the universe orderly? What's with all the quantum foam? Why did God create more than four dimensions? What is he using those other dimensions for? Why is God making space-time expand? Why is God making all the matter in the unverse expand away from itself? Why did God make 300,000 kilomteres per second the cosmic speed limit, when he's making everything expand away from itself faster than that? Why is God so hooked on math? If he's supreme and all powerful, why doesn't he just use magic? If it is the universe of a diety, what's with the total lack of miraculousness? Why not just miracle shit all over the place? "God" invokes an orderly Cosmos, but what's with all the quirks?

For the sake of argument, assume your diety exists, now explain to us what his purpose is? A diety without a purpose is no diety at all. If you can't answer the why's, then your God doesn't exist, "what" is irrelevant, all that matters is "why?"
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Re: The Chapel

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:11 am

Is Christmas because of Santa Claus, or is Santa Claus because of Christmas? Don't tell us there's a Santa Claus, without telling us what Santa Claus is for. If you can't explain what Santa Claus is up to and why he is doing it, then for all intents and purposes, there is no Santa Claus, motherfucker.
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Re: The Chapel

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:30 am

Based on all the available evidence, God clearly exists to ensure that the virtuous are duly punished while villains thrive.

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Re: The Chapel

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:39 am

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:Based on all the available evidence, God clearly exists to ensure that the virtuous are duly punished while villains thrive.
God could just be an evil deity, why do you assume the deity is good and not evil? More cogently, why would you assume that you and the deity have the same definition of virtue and vice? Are you anthropomorphising this deity, motherfucker? Who says this Deity is modeled on a human or anything like?
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Re: The Chapel

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:45 am

Smitty-48 wrote:
Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:Based on all the available evidence, God clearly exists to ensure that the virtuous are duly punished while villains thrive.
God could just be an evil diety, why do you assume the diety is good and not evil? More cogently, why would you assume that you and the diety have the same definition of virtue and vice? Are you anthropomorphising this diety, motherfucker?
My knowledge that God is evil is sustained only by my faith.

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Re: The Chapel

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:52 am

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:
Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:Based on all the available evidence, God clearly exists to ensure that the virtuous are duly punished while villains thrive.
God could just be an evil diety, why do you assume the diety is good and not evil? More cogently, why would you assume that you and the diety have the same definition of virtue and vice? Are you anthropomorphising this diety, motherfucker?
My knowledge that God is evil is sustained only by my faith.
So you worship an evil God. I see. Fair enough.
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Re: The Chapel

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:57 am

Nothing is more mundane than good. Regular old idiots are perfectly capable of good. What is truly AWESOME is turning someone into a pillar of salt just for watching you firebomb sodomites.

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Re: The Chapel

Post by DrYouth » Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:08 pm

That's where I feel Monotheism hits it's limits.

If you have an allpowerful benificient god.... you kind of need to pit him against another entity that explains all the crap.

God invokes Satan...

It tends to get all Manichean.

That's what the polytheistic traditions had going for them...
Many different altars to choose from depending on what's divine assistance you seek.

You got your War God, your Mother Goddess, Your Ruler of the Underworld... all take you to different divine realms...

Monotheism - has simplicity going for it, but the limits of the all-powerful, one stop shopping, benign deity are frustrating...

Mind you that's all probably part of his plan.
Deep down tho, I still thirst to kill you and eat you. Ultra Chimp can't help it.. - Smitty