Net Neutrality

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Speaker to Animals
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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:44 pm

Now I am really excited for the alt-right to get kicked off the internet. That's going to make me really fucking happy after today.

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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:44 pm

heydaralon wrote:
DBTrek wrote:
heydaralon wrote:I love it when you talk down to me. (u lie!) Its even better when you don't have an argument.(Your inability to understand an argument is entirely different than me not having one) Explain to me how this is gonna benefit you?(It's not about benefiting me. It's about not being a reactionary puppet for democrats and Silicon Valley) You haven't done that yet. I'm open to your thoughts on it. And yeah, sometimes big business aims do align with consumers. Companies selling ecryption works out for people who care about the fourth amendment etc. I'm just not impressed with the end regulation for free market argument. I may be naive for assuming that NN is the be all end all, but you are naive if you think ending it will lead us to Thomas Sowell land.
Answers inline.
Ask yourself this - who convinced you that Netlix and Amazon's loss to AT&T was also your loss? Talk about misidentifying. Dude, it doesn't matter if the content providers jack your service rates, or if the ISPs jack your access rates. Your rates will be jacked by some company somewhere. So who fooled you into being a foot soldier for Bezos?
Cuz you done been swindled.
Comparing Amazon or Netflix, which are purely elective services, to ISPs which in this day and age are right behind energy providers in terms of necessity is a completely disingenuous comparison. I haven't bought something off Amazon in almost 18 months (well, take that back, I downloaded an mp3 a few weeks ago) and I don't have a netflix or hulu account. That doesn't bother me going without for those things. In this day and age though, the internet has seeped into everything. Whether its getting a college degree, having a job, paying bills, or doing banking stuff, the internet is vital. For many of these things, you are forced to use the internet now and cannot perform these tasks offline. I'm not completely sold on how digitized our society has become, and I certainly didn't vote on it. That's just how it is though. With that in mind, I'm not a fan of these internet companies, which run areas of the country like their own fiefdoms, singing the blues to Congress and the public acting like they are in Stalag 17 because of Net Neutrality. I lived in Gville and only had comcast available to me. I never met a single person that had a single good thing to say about it. Even the creepy cult like Sillicon Valley companies have some fans, which tells me that they must make something of value. No one I have ever met has had anything good to say about Comcast. If there was actually competition available, that company would go bankrupt overnight. But Comcast and its ilk have made it so that no other ISPs and options are available, and now they have finagled a way to get even more money out of an already pissed off market. Maybe I am brainwashed, or maybe I don't buy your false equivalencies. Comparing Amazon to an ISP is a bit like comparing Sirius Satellite Radio to a highway you need to get to work every morning.
That's two separate issues, Net Leftality has never done anything to inject more ISP's into the market, it does not foster greater competition, the regulation you are seeking is called "local loop unbundling" and there was nothing in the Obama law with regards to that.
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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by Fife » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:44 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:It's a fucking sham.

How can you defend this pile of shit? This Pajeet faggot even claims the authority now to preempt states from enacting their own net neutrality laws. Excuse me? Who gave the FCC the power to preempt state legislation??
We demand that net remain a public utility under federal law, just like muh radio as declared by FDR and Barry!!!

Wait, wait, wait, fuck that pajeet fagggot.... We demand that federal law be powerless to preempt state legislation!!!


:goteam: :drunk:

Last edited by Fife on Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:46 pm

Fife wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:It's a fucking sham.

How can you defend this pile of shit? This Pajeet faggot even claims the authority now to preempt states from enacting their own net neutrality laws. Excuse me? Who gave the FCC the power to preempt state legislation??
We demand that net remain a public utility under federal law, just like muh radio!!!

Wait, we demand that federal law be powerless to preempt state legislation!!!


:goteam: :drunk:

So Mr. Muh Liberty thinks it's okay for Pajeet, whoever the fuck that clown is, to decide he has the authority to preempt state laws?

Jesus Christ this forum has gone to crazytown.

You cannot defend this shit without the snark and insults. We can all see it. There's no good argument in defense of this. If you want to get the FCC out of it, fine, but to claim that now the states cannot enact net neutrality laws?? You are a mammon-worshiper, not a pro-liberty guy. You just proved it.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by DBTrek » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:46 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:For a facts and reason guy, you seem pretty well bereft of facts or reason today, DB.
The facts have been presented, the battle is over.
Now we drink, post, and watch the clown show.

All the facts in the world cannot dissuade the fanatical ideologue. They’ll simply ignore the facts, as demonstrated in this thread.
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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:47 pm

I honestly haven't seen you make an argument in years, DB. That's not an insult. It's the truth. All you do is post snark and insult. People call you out on the most ridiculous things and you just monkey about.

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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:48 pm



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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:49 pm

Question to so-called "libertarians":

Why do you believe the FCC chairman has the authority to preempt state laws with respect to net neutrality?

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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by Fife » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:49 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:So Mr. Muh Liberty thinks it's okay for Pajeet, whoever the fuck that clown is, to decide he has the authority to preempt state laws?

Jesus Christ this forum has gone to crazytown.
You don't what the fuck I think. No matter what argument I post, or what things I ask you to read, you ignore everything except that you want a tyranny that does only the tyrannical shit that you want it to do.

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Re: Net Neutrality

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:50 pm

I don’t recall joining the “Ohio internet”.. must be in the small print.
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