Viktorthepirate wrote:You're correct. A peaceful transformation to a modern state will take at least a century, probably more.
With endemic corruption, sickness, and poverty it will be a very long time to "naturally" occur.
But again, if a strong man took over several resource rich African states and brutally instituted modernization, it could happen within a generation.... with many deaths. With a net positive if measured in a timeframe of 200 years.
However the international community would stop it... so it won't happen.
You are under the assumption that this end state looks like the western world. They are a completely different group of humans with subtly different biases to how they socially organize. Those subtle differences scale up to big differences when you begin to talk about civilizations.
If you want sub-Saharan Africans to create their own civilization, you have to let them figure out how to get passed the Malthusian trap on their own for one thing. You have to let them figure out how to scale up their social biases to the level of civilizations. The African civilizations in the past were nothing like our own. They have their own way of doing things, and as long as we interfere and try to make them into little westerners, they will perpetually be stunted like we see today.
What is happening in this case, in particular, is that the white population artificially elevated the blacks beyond the Malthusian trap. When you removed the whites from the equation, food yields plummeted. They can't handle this shit. There is more to it than people realize. Everybody on Earth has access to knowledge about how to organize a society and boost food yields, but if their social structures cannot support that, then they aren't getting there.