Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by clubgop » Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:53 am

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Huh? I was responding to Penner's assertion that Trump is alt-right because he hired Steve Bannon, who is from Breitbart, which she claims is alt-right, and therefore Steve Bannon is a nazi and by the transitive property of woo woo Trump too is a nazi.
Are you referring to this post:
Penner wrote:The fact of the matter is that Trump connected his campaign to the Alt-Right which is pretty much made up of racist neo-nazi. Although, no one has said that Trump is anti-Semitic just that lately a lot of hate groups seem to be acting like they got really pumped up at something.
Where neither Bannon nor Breitbart are mentioned, and nobody calls Trump a Nazi?

Either way, I think we can all finally agree that necromancers are likely the vandals.
So Penner ran away and the last refuge of the liberal is deployed. Obtuse dishonesty. Clearly we have won.

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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:03 am

clubgop wrote:
Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Huh? I was responding to Penner's assertion that Trump is alt-right because he hired Steve Bannon, who is from Breitbart, which she claims is alt-right, and therefore Steve Bannon is a nazi and by the transitive property of woo woo Trump too is a nazi.
Are you referring to this post:
Penner wrote:The fact of the matter is that Trump connected his campaign to the Alt-Right which is pretty much made up of racist neo-nazi. Although, no one has said that Trump is anti-Semitic just that lately a lot of hate groups seem to be acting like they got really pumped up at something.
Where neither Bannon nor Breitbart are mentioned, and nobody calls Trump a Nazi?

Either way, I think we can all finally agree that necromancers are likely the vandals.
So Penner ran away and the last refuge of the liberal is deployed. Obtuse dishonesty. Clearly we have won.
Whatever helps you. It's pretty exhausting to deal with being shouted down every time you post.

Basically the same as a toddler throwing sand at all the other kids, and then declaring ownership of the sandbox. Great job, I guess?
Last edited by SuburbanFarmer on Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:08 am

clubgop wrote:
So Penner ran away and the last refuge of the liberal is deployed. Obtuse dishonesty. Clearly we have won.
Obtuse I may be, but dishonest is fightin words.

Now then, my stupidity makes it difficult for me to pierce the many layers of post-post modern quasi irony that allows the alt-right to post anti-Semitic and Fascist material while being neither... and that same ill-lettered dumb shittery makes it hard for me to understand how exactly we can figure out if Breitbart is or isn't alt-right, or how that is relevant to the topic at hand... but I do try to argue honestly with the statements presented without recourse to remotely viewing the contents of my fellow board members' much more powerful minds.

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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:24 am

You are being dishonest and you know it.

The entire fake news narrative pushed by the left is that Steve Bannon is a white nationalist and Trump is a Nazi for appointing him.

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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by Penner » Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:38 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:And George Soros was born Gyorgy Schwartz to a pair of Hungarian Jews, so it couldn't possibly be a liberal.

So... cui bono?

Obviously this was done by an apolitical necromancer.

How can you all be so blind?

Huh? I was responding to Penner's assertion that Trump is alt-right because he hired Steve Bannon, who is from Breitbart, which she claims is alt-right, and therefore Steve Bannon is a nazi and by the transitive property of woo woo Trump too is a nazi.
And like Hanarchy Montanarchy, I really don't think it's some secret false flag of George Soros and/or SJWs- which is what you are saying it is.
Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
clubgop wrote:

So Penner ran away and the last refuge of the liberal is deployed. Obtuse dishonesty. Clearly we have won.
Obtuse I may be, but dishonest is fightin words.

Now then, my stupidity makes it difficult for me to pierce the many layers of post-post modern quasi irony that allows the alt-right to post anti-Semitic and Fascist material while being neither... and that same ill-lettered dumb shittery makes it hard for me to understand how exactly we can figure out if Breitbart is or isn't alt-right, or how that is relevant to the topic at hand... but I do try to argue honestly with the statements presented without recourse to remotely viewing the contents of my fellow board members' much more powerful minds.
I just went to bed for the night.

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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:54 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:You are being dishonest and you know it.

The entire fake news narrative pushed by the left is that Steve Bannon is a white nationalist and Trump is a Nazi for appointing him.
Bannon has claimed, and it has been reported on Breitbart itself, that Breitbart provides a platform for the alt-right, along with many other non-mainstream views. He also allows himself to define the alt-right in a way that I have no real way of knowing if the alt-right embraces.

(http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... tionalist/)

While acknowledging that the alt-right has a 'racial and anti-Semitic overtones' he claims Breitbart has 'zero tolerance' for those sentiments.

Now, when a short blog post from Breitbart claims two, apparently, mutually exclusive things about itself, it makes it very difficult for a non-adept such as myself to scry the truth... liberal fake news narrative notwithstanding.

As I said, I have no problem with accusations of being stupid or having bad information, but I am being honest when I claim confusion over certain, more opaque, details of Bannon, Breitbart, the Alt-Right, and Trump's views.

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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:59 am

It's already been explained to you people. You have no interest in the truth. You only care about pushing a totally bullshit fake news narrative.

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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:30 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:It's already been explained to you people. You have no interest in the truth. You only care about pushing a totally bullshit fake news narrative.
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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by Dand » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:38 am

Penner wrote:

It is all stupid but I really don't know why there would be a cross-country "false flags" stage by liberals across the country. Sure, there were a few stories of hate that turn out to be false but the majority turned out to be true. Which, in my opinion, is disturbing that there is a raise in more people being shitty to others, but the idea of some kind of massive false flag- that would somehow be spread from coast to coast, doesn't sound logical.
Do you actually have any evidence of this?

I can point to 3 from the past 6 months that were covered by the media and then proven to be hoaxes/false flags. Poop swastika, burned Black church, and the college girls that made up stories of harassment after the election.

That's great for you if you're a virtuous person that would never carry out a hoax to damage your opponents but obviously some people are more devious and willing. This type of vandalism helps those who are vandalized and we should all be able to recognize that.
Last edited by Dand on Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Who's vandalizing at Jewish cemeteries?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:39 am

Virtually all of these stories turned out to be hoaxes or fake news.