Degenerate Faggots Starting Civil War2.0

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Hanarchy Montanarchy
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:52 am

That is why I think the Berkeley cops handled this right.

Clamping down on civil disobedience would have made martyrs of these babies... as it is, shutting down free expression in the name of 'anti-fascism?' Everyone sees that as the fraudulent bullshit that it is.

Throw the book at 'em for any crimes committed in a court for sure... no one should go to a protest if they ain't prepared for that, but a crack down in the streets would be a disaster.

Her needs America so they won't just take his shit away like in some pussy non gun totting countries can happen.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:01 am

Well, everyone here on the Right, raise your hand, if you give two shits about the Kent State "massacre"? Anyone? No? Yeah, me neither.

I don't mind a little martyrdom here and there, go ahead and put a bit of stick about on these wannabe anarchists, if they die, they die; death by misadventure, I wouldn't shed one tear.

No need to machine gun them down in the streets, but go ahead and pound the shit out of them with the riot batons, have at er.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:12 am

I will just add it to the long list of folks you want to hang from a yardarm or beat to death in the streets... no real surprise.

No one would ever accuse you of 'not keeping it real' of course, but I prefer restrictions on my country's jackbooted federales... tears shed notwithstanding.

I guess it is because we on the left are suspicious of the state and are loathe to bring it to bear against our political opponents (was that your excellent phrasing? close enough right?). 8-)

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:18 am

Oh, Posse Comitatus in effect, I'm not saying they are terrorists worthy of a JSOC hit squad, but as far as riot police, and perhaps the National Guard, with the Governor as Executive?

Well, go head and put a little stick about, no sense just letting them run amok, there needs to be some deterence, they don't own these Universities, and these communities surrounding should not be simply left at their disposal to wreck at their leisure.

No Federales required, keep the Federales out of it, this is State business.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:30 am

So like... 15-20% boot, local boot only?

I am comfortable with that.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:39 am

It's up to Californians as to how they want to deal with this, that is the American way, now, I would submit, that if the Democrats in California were to allow this sort of thing to escalate and run amok, become entrenched? I think that would backfire on them, that's a recipe for a moderate Republican, socially liberal yet law and order Governor.

In 1969, that was Ronald Reagan, would probably have to be more liberal than that now, Governator Schwarzenegger style liberal, but still willing to put a bit of stick about, to bring the Civil Tantrum to heel.

Essentially, if this becomes routine, and Jerry Brown & Co aren't willing to do anything about it, one would guess that Jerry Brown & Co might find themselves tossed out on their asses by a fed up with the tantrum public.
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Xenophon » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:14 am

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:That is why I think the Berkeley cops handled this right.

Clamping down on civil disobedience would have made martyrs of these babies... as it is, shutting down free expression in the name of 'anti-fascism?' Everyone sees that as the fraudulent bullshit that it is.

Throw the book at 'em for any crimes committed in a court for sure... no one should go to a protest if they ain't prepared for that, but a crack down in the streets would be a disaster.
If I lived in that community, I would not want seditionists fighting in the streets while my wife and daughter sleep in the other room. The police have failed in their duty to the people they are sworn to protect, because they've been compromised by the democratic machine.

I'm no big city lawyer, but it seems to me that these anti-fa militants are in dire need of a wake up call. Martyrdom my foot. These are children playing make-believe, not Che Guevara's ilk. I ger-awn-tee that once you throw the hammer down on these people enough times, you won't have to deal with them for very long afterward.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:29 am

Berkeley is the genteel side of the Bay; pampered college white kids, you don't usually get the real thing going, unless it is Oakland.

If the Race Hustlers can get Oakland whipped up into a frenzy, then you'll probably see some stick about, right quick.

If the Campus Anarchists can form an axis with the Afro-Hispanic looter brigades, then we might see some National Guard action.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:45 am

Xenophon wrote: If I lived in that community, I would not want seditionists fighting in the streets while my wife and daughter sleep in the other room. The police have failed in their duty to the people they are sworn to protect, because they've been compromised by the democratic machine.

I'm no big city lawyer, but it seems to me that these anti-fa militants are in dire need of a wake up call. Martyrdom my foot. These are children playing make-believe, not Che Guevara's ilk. I ger-awn-tee that once you throw the hammer down on these people enough times, you won't have to deal with them for very long afterward.
Sedition? Hardly. I might respect a little sedition. These little idiots were complaining and shutting down free expression and debate.

I appreciate the right of people to peacefully assemble, but I imagine it is tough to separate the rioters from the people who have exercised that right in the moment. Living in a community where the authorities show restraint in such circumstances is, on balance, a positive.

Her needs America so they won't just take his shit away like in some pussy non gun totting countries can happen.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:53 am

Didn't actually seem to be a whole hell of a lot of them, when Reagan sent the troops in, the protests weren't even rowdier than this one was, this one looked pretty rowdy by 1960's standards, but the difference in 69'-70' was; much bigger, doing basically the same thing, just a hell of a lot more of them.

But again, that was Vietnam, this was Breitbart, so, "Larping" rather than the real deal, it's not like Trump is drafting the little dears and sending them up the A Shau Valley to fight the NVA.
Nec Aspera Terrent