StCapps wrote:Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:I am not convinced you are entirely clear on what the word reactionary means.
Shit, I am the only one around here to make a proactive case for diversity since I don't get all triggered when someone calls me a liberal.
Why would you make the case for a neutral term that can mean both the good kind of diversity and bad of diversity, all in the same term? You that into semantics?
It is a discussion forum. Semantics are sort of part of the deal.
Are you asking me "why" I would make that case in an existential, or ethical sense, or are you asking me why I would make that case in the context of this debate?
In the context of the discussion, the prompt was basically: does homogeneity increase quality of life? An argument had been made that it does; instead of just saying 'nuh uh... prove me wrong' I made an argument against the proposition, in the grand tradition of Lincoln-Douglass debate.
In the context of a larger ethical discussion, well, it was sort of illuminated already in a number of TL;DR posts I have contributed to this thread. I mean, golly, if ya'll really like reading and rereading different iterations of my positions, I could probably drum up another essay on the subject... lord knows I love the sound of my own voice.