I know some states, especially on the East coast, teach math faster, but much of the rest of the nation doesn't. I'm using more than Texas- although you are right to point out the limitations of personal experience- but Algebra 1 is perhaps less complex these days than you realize. I'll look for stats soon, but for now: these classes are necessary in high school. I'm just arguing that they are less developed for many students nationwide than you may believe.Okeefenokee wrote:tisk, tisk, don't use Texas as your metric. Georgia teaches algebra as early as 6th grade. There's nothing in those equations that wouldn't be covered in algebra 1 expect for them being multi-variable.katarn wrote:Schools don't teach that to twelve year olds.
A standard path for high school in the mid-West at least is algebra 1, geometry/algebra 2, algebra 2/geometry, trig/pre-calc.