Public School Education System Thread

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:08 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Okeefenokee wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Right, and I admitted that I misunderstood the article.

However, I am wondering what use any of that is in a highschool education. It seems completely unnecessary. If you're going to use it, great, but that's not going to happen without a degree anyway.
do burger flippers need to know about the battle of new orleans? should we remove history from school, too? how far are we going to gut education before we get it close enough to the minimum needed by the lowest rungs of society to satisfy you?
Enough for the opportunity to absorb some culture and perspective on human life. I'd prefer more focus on history/art/science... pretty much anything to a useless and easily forgotten math skill.
So, in other words, less STEM, and more gender studies.

One thing I love about my engineering professor, the head of the department, is that all of it, to him, is about national strength. He's a Mexican dude from California. His favorite project was working to develop the Marine Corps hovercraft, which involved creating the military GPS satellite array. He views all of his work as part of the effort to maintain American dominance.

A young dude yesterday brought up Newton during class. He had some naive questions about the wonder of knowledge. The professor cut him off. He said Newton's work, and the work of many other British scientists, was funded by the government, not because of any hippy dippy feelgood crap, but because Britain was a world power, and wanted to keep it that way.

If you were to tell him that the focus of education should be to increase cultural awareness and perspective on human life, he'd laugh in your face.

It's the height of ignorance to think that what is important for a nation is more knowledge and understanding of the people who have less than you, want what you have, and would take it from you in a heartbeat, if given the chance. You talk about the bare necessity of what a person should know. That is the bare necessity. The simple understanding that the sole global power, having more than any other nation in the history of the planet, better be able to defend it.

You don't defend it with lectures on Chaucer and gender studies.

The baseline bottom rung of what people should be taught in primary school is that the fact that they can go to school depends on not being run over by whatever menacing horde might appear on the horizon tomorrow. After you've established that, you seek out the best minds who can make sure that doesn't happen. Only after you've established dominance in that field can you entertain ideas about wasting human capital on liberal arts degrees.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:19 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Martin Hash
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:26 pm

Without religion, without community, without the Protestant Work Ethic, we've got hordes of people without an anchor, without direction in life; their only refuge is Chaucer & gender studies. (They can't fucking do STEM.)
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:55 pm

Martin Hash wrote:Without religion, without community, without the Protestant Work Ethic, we've got hordes of people without an anchor, without direction in life; their only refuge is Chaucer & gender studies. (They can't fucking do STEM.)
Should they vote?

What do you think will be the product of hordes of people who have nothing to offer society other than the ability to read words they can't understand, and write papers at a third grade level, who then vote on the course of the nation?

Should we allow every five year old to drive?

Should we allow anyone to practice medicine?

Should we allow anyone to preside over a courtroom?

If we're going to admit that not everyone can be an engineer, a judge, a doctor, nor even safely drive a car, why do we obsess over this bullshit notion that everyone is fit to decide the course of a nation?

Grumps has stated over and over again that a basic understanding of math, knowledge that is a thousand years old, is useless and not a necessary tool for a citizen. Why should he be allowed to vote?

I know you're answer. He'll take up pitchfork and torch if you don't let him. Spare me. Where are the menacing hordes of plebs burning down the hospitals, courthouses, and DMVs because society has deemed them unfit to carry out the functions of those institutions? They don't exist.

This idea that a society is to be held hostage by people who are the least capable and least accomplished, lest they not be allowed to function in roles they are not qualified for, is horseshit.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:51 am

You should note that I included a heavy dose of science education in my ideal curriculum, along with the rest of a classical education. There should be a class on finance and Econ in each high school grade, art, music, history as well. I also think that geometry and basic trig are important. A requirement to learn basic programming concepts and electrical theory would be good as well.

I do not believe that there's any use for advanced algebra in lower education, any more than they need to memorize Shakespeare. Some things are just not of general use. That's all I'm saying.
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Hanarchy Montanarchy
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Sat Jul 22, 2017 5:23 am

When did we start lumping classics together with gender studies?

Her needs America so they won't just take his shit away like in some pussy non gun totting countries can happen.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:06 am

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:When did we start lumping classics together with gender studies?
They aren't lumped together. They were replaced.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ph64 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:55 pm

They should like trig - there's an infinite "variety" of angles just like there's an infinitely fluid amount of genders... of course there's that pesky thing about "right" angles, but of course anything is right if you self-identify as it... :roll:

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:45 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:You should note that I included a heavy dose of science education in my ideal curriculum, along with the rest of a classical education. There should be a class on finance and Econ in each high school grade, art, music, history as well. I also think that geometry and basic trig are important. A requirement to learn basic programming concepts and electrical theory would be good as well.

I do not believe that there's any use for advanced algebra in lower education, any more than they need to memorize Shakespeare. Some things are just not of general use. That's all I'm saying.
Turn in your voter registration. You're unfit.

Hey guys, I totes think science is cool, but all that middle school level algebra isn't necessary. What do you mean I sound like a loon?
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:32 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:You should note that I included a heavy dose of science education in my ideal curriculum, along with the rest of a classical education. There should be a class on finance and Econ in each high school grade, art, music, history as well. I also think that geometry and basic trig are important. A requirement to learn basic programming concepts and electrical theory would be good as well.

I do not believe that there's any use for advanced algebra in lower education, any more than they need to memorize Shakespeare. Some things are just not of general use. That's all I'm saying.
Turn in your voter registration. You're unfit.

Hey guys, I totes think science is cool, but all that middle school level algebra isn't necessary. What do you mean I sound like a loon?
You first, genius.

The gotdam system werks, so don't fuck with it! Merica number uhhhh... one bitches weeeeew! I'm gonna be rich sumdee if dem liberals quit taxin me
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

Formerly GrumpyCatFace