I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DBTrek » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:40 am

DrYouth wrote: What's happening to whites right now is that whites in a position of power are discriminating against whites.
Which, I have to admit... is sort of messed up.

Electing Trump was a reaction to that scenario.
Messed up ... or calculated to ensure they remain in power. I mean, if you can get every vote except white males you’re going to win every election, right?

It is wise “not to attribute to malice that which is sufficiently explained by stupidity”, but in this case It seems the political positions are borne by cynicism and self interest, not stupidity.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DrYouth » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:46 am

DBTrek wrote:
DrYouth wrote: What's happening to whites right now is that whites in a position of power are discriminating against whites.
Which, I have to admit... is sort of messed up.

Electing Trump was a reaction to that scenario.
Messed up ... or calculated to ensure they remain in power. I mean, if you can get every vote except white males you’re going to win every election, right?

It is wise “not to attribute to malice that which is sufficiently explained by stupidity”, but in this case It seems the political positions are borne by cynicism and self interest, not stupidity.

And here we have the parallels with the Gracchi Brothers in Rome.
They put forth the interests of the Plebs.
Their power depended on the power of this subgroup to keep them in power.
As time went on the interests of the Plebs became something the power elite would wrestle over.

So... women and minorities have become "the plebs".
Their interests are being played as a source of power... at the expense of white male's interests.
Of course white males are very numerous among disenfranchised americans .... making up a substantial number of the actual "plebs".

This is a dynamic that is tearing the social fabric apart with some vigor.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by K@th » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:54 am

What specific powers have white men lost? They still have a majority of power positions. Trump's entire health care team was white men. No women.

I guess you could argue that they no longer have 100% representation in Congress, but they still have a majority of the power. White men have 80% of Congress. That's not really representative of the demographics of the country.

So, let's continue to blame women, Hispanics and black people for the problems in this country.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:59 am

DrYouth wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:There is nothing wrong with people organizing around their racial interests. It's not wrong when blacks do it and it's not wrong when whites do it. What's wrong is when you use a position of power to discriminate and punish entire racial groups unjustly for the benefit of your own (i.e. what is happening against whites across the board right now).
What's happening to whites right now is that whites in a position of power are discriminating against whites.
Which, I have to admit... is sort of messed up.

Electing Trump was a reaction to that scenario.

Yep, and take a gander over in the "Another one bites the dust" thread to see the related debacle of men punishing other men while putting women's interests before men's interests.

As far as Trump.. Trump won because of the white working class vote, sure, but it still only happened because the democrats put forth the worst-possible candidate. A lot of men are sick and tired of this man-hating bullshit and the demands by certain types of other men that they not be allowed to criticize women and that they should subordinate all their concerns to those of women. Fuck that noise. If the democrats had put a competent woman up there, I am not sure Trump would have won.

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DBTrek » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:04 pm

Any policy you can name that “advantages” groups explicitly for being neither white, nor male, is a “power” taken directly from white men. Taken, because it’s a benefit/resource/freedom we’re pointedly excluded from by circumstances of our birth.
Examples could include colleges we can’t get into because a spot is being held for a favored demographic. Jobs we can’t be hired into because a company needs to hit a racial quota. Or, in James Damore’s case, opinions we cannot voice, but other demographics can voice freely.

If women or minorities can point to systemic policies in 2018 that strip their “power” in similar fashion, I’m unaware of it. And even with the annoying side effects of SJWism spreading through government, education, and the private sector - life in America is still pretty great.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by C-Mag » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:05 pm

This will be taken as racist, but I can't argue with history so Fuck It.

It doesn't really matter if you look at 100 minutes ago, 100 years ago or 100 generations ago. History says when you compare all cultures, skin tones and genders, white males get more done, are more successful and create civilization.............. they are pretty good at destroying stuff too.

I just don't know how to get around those facts. Jared Diamond had his theories on this and others do too. South Africans, Mayans and Aboriginal Australians were not oppressed by White guys. White guys gave us the lion share of what we call civilization. Sure exceptions can be pointed out. But across the board it's white guys. And white guys have given away their technologies and advancements in science and art to all other cultures too.

White guys right now could be treating women, foreigners and people of different religions the way these groups are treated in the Middle East, Africa or any number of Shitholes around the planet, but we choose not too. Modern Social Justice wants to punish White Men in particular for this. And White Men are getting a little sick and tired of being painted as the ultimate villain. I can't blame them.


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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by heydaralon » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:07 pm

I'm not even white and I agree with this point.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DBTrek » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:07 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:

Yep, and take a gander over in the "Another one bites the dust" thread to see the related debacle of men punishing other men while putting women's interests before men's interests.
Jesus, crybaby.

Hey genius - who is going to pay for the other half of your benefits when you disenfranchise over half the productive citizens?

Even basic survival instinct is beyond some of these folks.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:07 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Who's crying? Seems to be you, princess, but you're not my wife, so you probably need to take your sobbing, manipulative act to some other man. It doesn't work on me, no matter how big your titties, and I am sure you have some big ones.

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DBTrek » Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:15 pm

That sounds like a stable, adult response.
Who’s buying your helpless ass meds and food again when you disenfranchise half the work force?

Man titties something something?
Right on.
Last edited by DBTrek on Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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