Trump's SCOTUS

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by StCapps » Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:30 pm

Kath wrote:Whatever you have to tell yourself, Capps.

You're talking about people who call Michelle Obama a man, repeatedly; refer to the Muslim president, pick on Hillary's looks.... all as a means of degrading their opponent, but I'm supposed to just shrug off all the ACTUAL instances of Trump being a pig?

Pfft. Hypocrite much?
You are allowed to call them out on their worst arguments against Clinton as well without getting called a Clinton sycophant, just as I am allowed to call you out on your worst arguments against Trump without getting called a Trump sycophant. It's not my fault some can't see the double standard you mention, so don't take it out on me.

If you kept your powder dry for your best anti-Trump arguments instead of trying to come up with as many anti-Trump arguments as you can come up with to explain why you don't like him, then fewer people will accuse you being so biased against Trump because your signal to noise ratio will be much higher.

Pick your battles better, and call out the other side when they pick their battles poorly as well. Don't just excuse your inability to pick your battles with Trump wisely because the other side is not picking their battles with Clinton optimally either. Don't stoop to their level, you're suppose to be better than that, so act like it.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by K@th » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:03 pm

StCapps wrote:
Pick your battles better, and call out the other side when they pick their battles poorly as well. Don't just excuse your inability to pick your battles with Trump wisely because the other side is not picking their battles with Clinton optimally either. Don't stoop to their level, you're suppose to be better than that, so act like it.
I'll pick my battles as I see fit and please, quit pretending to be a paragon of virtue by saying "them." We all have times where we get a little blind about a topic. You're quite guilty of this at times. Some of worse then others. You're not the worst, but you're not the best, either.

I admitted I got a bit off. This election was not bipolar friendly. That's all I am going to say about it. Case closed.
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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by StCapps » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:48 pm

Kath wrote:I'll pick my battles as I see fit
The more anyone picks their battles poorly, especially regarding hot button topics, the more of a hack they are going to seem like to other forum members and the worse their forum experience is going to become as these other members lash out at them for such behavior. Pick your battles as you see fit accordingly.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:56 pm

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by clubgop » Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:11 pm

Kath wrote:
clubgop wrote: Yes that what I think because that is what you do. As for your second statement I dont see any proof that you took this position, you rely on the DCF going poof it gave all the undercover hack bitches a clean slate.
Really, all you do is make yourself look foolish. I know me far better than you do, and anyone who reads this forum knows I'm not a liar. I've spent my entire adult life believing that one party should never be given too much power. While my presidential voting record would show mostly Republicans, I usually went blue team for other government positions, like Senator & Representative. My personal sweet spot is party in WH gets the House and opposition gets the Senate. SCOTUS is optimal at 5:4, and I always hope there's at least one swing vote in there. I've believed this my whole life, so why on earth would I hold a position like you claim? Answer? I didn't. I don't. Never have. Never will.
No one cares about your fantasy lineup. You are predictable, see a partisan pissing contest I can predict what position you'll take because it will be the opposite of mine. I'm just honest about it. Now I get to sit back and watch you call out Capp for the same exact shit you did. Hell there was a time during the primary you were more of a Trump fan than I was, but then you got infected with fear by the msm bullshit. The most zealous partisan is a convert. You are a MSM convert congrats they lost the trust of millions but gain the devotion of one woman in Florida.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by clubgop » Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:24 pm

While Cappy and Kath go at it, and DeO decides to chime in I am dancing to this in the background.

Member during the primaries when between you 3 and myself, I was the least fan of the Trumpster?

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by StCapps » Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:45 pm

clubgop wrote:Member during the primaries when between you 3 and myself, I was the least fan of the Trumpster?

I Member!
Yeah, I Member!

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by clubgop » Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:16 am

StCapps wrote:
clubgop wrote:Member during the primaries when between you 3 and myself, I was the least fan of the Trumpster?

I Member!
Yeah, I Member!
That's right I'm a dead honest human being and when I call Kath out for being an undercover dishonest hack it's because she is an undercover dishonest hack.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:48 am

For what its worth I agree with Kath and Deo. Capps has Trumpsplained away since before the election. No one here missed all the art of the deal , 4D chess nonsense he came up with to explain his support for Trumps worse lies and excesses or how he defends himself by just accusing anyone who criticizes of being dishonest. I recommend you go back and read your posts from 2 months ago.
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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by StCapps » Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:13 am

Montegriffo wrote:For what its worth I agree with Kath and Deo. Capps has Trumpsplained away since before the election. No one here missed all the art of the deal , 4D chess nonsense he came up with to explain his support for Trumps worse lies and excesses or how he defends himself by just accusing anyone who criticizes of being dishonest. I recommend you go back and read your posts from 2 months ago.
Just because you think Trump did something bad doesn't mean that he actually did. Like Kath you pick your battles very poorly while thinking you are attacking Trump's worst excesses. You just don't like that I don't let you get away with that nonsense. You pretend that I'm the ultimate Trump nuthugger so you can dismiss my arguments out of hand because you are sick of getting your ass kicked and need a delusion to protect your ego. Just because it is a shared delusion doesn't make it any more real, it's all in your heads.