Fife wrote:Speaker to Animals wrote:BjornP wrote:
If you're genuinely under attack, you ought to have every right to defend yourself by lethal means, right? So... if you seriously, truly, in your mind and in your heart, genuinely believe that you're at "war", then you of course should start organizing into militias right now and planning attacks at your earliest convenience. You know, as pre-emptive defense.
That is, if you truly believe what you're saying about being at "war". I've been hearing talk of impending civil war on these pages for eight years in some form or another. Somehow none of you have started killing the other side, yet. Either get to it, already, or stop mouthing off about it like a drunk with no teeth.
I'm just standing my ground, dude. I dindu nuffin.
Just enjoying my coffee, man. I'm staying.
Also, Bjorn, please fuck off. What evils IRL in your neighborhood did you perceive today that you did not stick a knife in, just to "get to it, already, or stop mouthing off about it like a drunk with no teeth?"
:goteam: :drunk:
Not gonna do that, Fife..
And this isn't about me. I'm not giving StA advice based at all on what
Iwould do, or based on the problems in my own country, or my own beliefs. No civil war here.
I am simply encouraging them to act on their
own logic. If there's really, genuinely, a war on against people to the right of "The" left, then the right have natural right to self-defense.
What, you don't believe in StA's or Carlus' right to defend themselves?
Or... can you just not bring yourself to tell these two that their notion of actual war isn't real? I respect you wanting things to be chummy around here. I respect both Carlus and StA. But they are both fear mongerers, like children around a campfire making up more and more scary stories for each other. It demeans them and they demean themselves. So I want them to either admit to themselves that calling an article by two madmen a declaration of war, is pathetic unmanly hyperbole and stop it... or to treat it as a real declaration of war.
So... you may not agree with my tactic, but fuck you if you think I'm doing this just to be glib or sarcastic.
Fame is not flattery. Respect is not agreement.