Degenerate Faggots Starting Civil War2.0

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:18 am

BjornP wrote:I'll give it a go, nuke:

tl;dr version: "Don't copy the Left's fear and hysteria about painting everybody on the right a Nazi. It's the hysteria that is the disease. Deny the hysteria altogether. "

The angry bits...well, I may never have been the most prolific poster, but I've known and respected most of the old DCF posters for a long time. I sincerely consider this hysteria as them belittling, humiliating and dimishing themselves. No one should do that to themselves.
Yeah... this is actually well fucking played. You have actual anarchists and commies (possibly funded by big money Jewry or not, actually... ok fuck it not getting into it right now,) that are not even on the liberal's side. Then you have the silent majority and screw ball right wingers like myself that want to tackle the immigration issue to some degree, or sometimes even not. But there is a huge divide now. Everyone is becoming radicalized and I am no exception to this. And the worst part is, this riot didn't measure up to a Friday night football game in Scotland. I would have liked the police to have cracked some skulls though.

Idk man. I still need more time to digest. I think everyone is wound up and I'm part of the problem possibly for egging everyone on because I care so much about demographics and have to live in its consequence and my son will face worse.

Idk that was tldr shit.

Fuck Muslims and fuck communists.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:24 am

You know the funny thing is I warned Doc things would get more heated as time goes on and the demographic tide starts effecting more people. I didn't understand that just trying to roll it back would in fact warrant this level of animosity. And it's always the same fucking people agitating this shit or if it's not it's white people, our own worst enemy.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:26 am

I don't see how the Fascist thing can work with a pacifist isolationist bent, Fascism needs an agressive militarized offensive component, Fascism doesn't work in the retreat, Fascism only works on the advance, when the Fascists are in retreat, passive, beta, pussified, I don't see it really taking off.

Like, sure, maybe you don't want to do nation building operations, clearly not Fascistic, but you have to be anihilating somebody, can't just be sitting around making videos on youtube, Fascism needs to be out in the tall grass, on the march, the Legions, the Panzers, the Wolfpacks, what have you.
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:33 am

Who says that's even what I want anyway? Sure I'm partial to it and would have loved to serve in the osfront but it gets kind of boring after you remove the romanticism of being one people united against the world. All I've ever advocated on this board and the last, when I take the time to explain at least, is questioning Jewish influence on our policy and media while being a proponent of mitigating immigration. That's really it. And that makes me a Nazi so I take the piss out of everyone by saying "fuck it yeah I'm a Nazi here's some badass Nazi YouTube vids and cool memes!"

Oh and I'm pro worker so I guess that makes me a Nationalist socialist lulz.

I mean when I look back at what Hitler did, besides lose, was he even wrong? Like was he not trying to prevent what is currently happening to Germany?

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:42 am

Hitler had two components, so there was the Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy, that's like the enemy in the shadows, so that would be like Islamists, but that's not eenough to really get the movement charged up, I mean, you need a glorius war, a big war, with a formidable enemy, there's really only Russia, so an American Fascist movement shouldn't be shrinking from a confrontation in the Donbass, they should be leaning into one.

Bear in mind, America was at maximum Fascist and maximum unified, when? Height of the Cold War, I mean, you need Cold War 2.0 with the Russians as much as the Russian Fascists need Cold War 2.0 with you. The Pact of Steel 2.0, must be severed, at some point at least.

Terrorism just ain't scary enough, immigrants ain't even scary, you're gonna need a looming nuclear holocaust, brink of war with the Russians, to really get people spooked up into Fasicst mode.
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:48 am

Why are you telling me this? A fascis is a united bunch of sames. Would you carry a bunch of different sticks around in a bundle? No. You would choose same sticks to carry in a bundle efficiently. It's too late for America and never was in the cards looking back on it rather.

I don't know what's going to happen but the people fucking us over know damn well it won't be fascism. It's a fucking bogeyman. Let Milo speak. Let Spencer speak. Let all the fucking dangerous faggots speak and come to your own conclusion.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by BjornP » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:54 am

TheReal_ND wrote: But there is a huge divide now. Everyone is becoming radicalized and I am no exception to this. And the worst part is, this riot didn't measure up to a Friday night football game in Scotland. I would have liked the police to have cracked some skulls though.

Idk man. I still need more time to digest. I think everyone is wound up and I'm part of the problem possibly for egging everyone on because I care so much about demographics and have to live in its consequence and my son will face worse.

Idk that was tldr shit.

Fuck Muslims and fuck communists.
If the mayor held off sending in riot police because he wanted to cash in politically, or whatever motives he had, are true, that's obviously legit big news. That's corruption. And hopefully grounds for losing office or if he directly ordered police not to intervene, arrest. But yeah, a hooligan match in Scotland is not gonna make Scots fearful of the impending fall of Britain, either no. Nor should it.

As for wounding people up: People are responsible for their own reactions to whatever you post. They, themselves, alone. And even while they agree with you on some issues, most don't share your views on race and your demographic fears. I can't personally relate to your race worries. I can relate to cultural worries, though.

There is no shame in worrying. No shame about fearing for the future. But there is shame in becoming afraid of the shadows of cats and screaming that you're being threatened by tigers. Or shame in declaring anybody who disagree with you, a Nazi/Communist, not because they are, but because those are words that you know that your peers associate with things to be afraid of.

You are afraid your son will grow up in an America that becomes steadily more non-white. Googling it, that seems to be a fact. I don't agree with you that it should be a thing to worry about perhaps, but it's undeniable that it's happening. You may not be able to do anything to.... save the white race in America, nuke. But if your son can maintain and pass on your culture and your genes, and possibly stories about you personally, even if your great-great-grandchildren become mixed-race, enough of the part of you that really matters will live on.
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:55 am

TheReal_ND wrote:Why are you telling me this? A fascis is a united bunch of sames. Would you carry a bunch of different sticks around in a bundle? No. You would choose same sticks to carry in a bundle efficiently. It's too late for America and never was in the cards looking back on it rather.

I don't know what's going to happen but the people fucking us over know damn well it won't be fascism. It's a fucking bogeyman. Let Milo speak. Let Spencer speak. Let all the fucking dangerous faggots speak and come to your own conclusion.
Well, then basically, Bjorn is right, the Alt-Right is just Larping as much as the Antifa are Larping, you're all just Larping, it's just a big Millenial Larp festival of wanh wanh, typical fucking Millenials, Hitler would have you all gassed.
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:57 am

Then give us Zion.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:00 am

TheReal_ND wrote:Then give us Zion.
"Take it by force of arms, or you're not worthy of it"- Smitty Wolf

The Zionists didn't sit around in the waaaghmbulance, bro, they took Israel from the Arabs, in a war of conquest.

Nobody "gives" you Zion, Zion, you take.
Nec Aspera Terrent