Social Justice Warriors Thread

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Ex-California » Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:23 pm

C-Mag wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:56 pm
California wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:17 pm
C-Mag wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:52 pm
Senate Dems Introduce Bill To Include Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity On Census

What the hell ever happened to what goes on in my bedroom is private ? ... 86f49cb4ac

I guess this is so when the Radical Lefties regain power they will have a good list of where to start the Purges of the Cis-Het traditional folks. They should also include political, religious and dietary beliefs as well.
I'm pretty surprised to see dietary habits getting politicized as well

Many libertarians and others on the right are using different types of LCHF diets, while Lefties are vegans, vegetarians, or still believe the nonsense of the SAD
Dietary habits was me being sarcastic bro. But I will say this, if they could, they would shame and attack all meat eaters.
You might be being sarcastic, but I've seen the exact argument that correlated with political beliefs break out multiple times in other outlets
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Ph64 » Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:35 pm

I need to get a hat with the propeller on top, then I guess all I need is to get a doctor to sign off on me identifying as an attack helicopter and I can sue the state if they don't allow my drivers license, passport, etc, to allow my sex to be shown as "H" for helicopter. I should be able to get the ACLU these days to pay for it since they've swung way left - who wants to identify as a unicorn ( "U" for gender?) and join me?

Actually I think there's something like 76 genders now, so I think we'll have to push for the states to spend potentially $billions in IT costs to allow more than one character for gender identification... They should allow for growth in there too, we might have 180 genders next year, and potentially thousands by 2020, and we need to be sure not to discriminate y'know.

Not sure how we should handle gender fluid, I mean you might change gender identities multiple times a day even, that might add even more complexity - does your ID need to then list all your possible identities? And what if you use multip!e names? You could go by Jack in the morning, Jill in the afternoon, and Huffletranpinklepuff that evening... Hmm...


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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by The Conservative » Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:46 am ... 898917289/

If there was a YouTube version I’d post it.

But there’s not. It’s about how the Democrats treat black voters.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Zlaxer » Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:50 am

The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:46 am ... 898917289/

If there was a YouTube version I’d post it.

But there’s not. It’s about how the Democrats treat black voters.

Blacks deserve what they get and how they're treated by the DNC - its a consequence of voting blindly for the DNC for the last 60 fucking years.

They'll never leave though.....

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by The Conservative » Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:58 am

Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:50 am
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:46 am ... 898917289/

If there was a YouTube version I’d post it.

But there’s not. It’s about how the Democrats treat black voters.

Blacks deserve what they get and how they're treated by the DNC - its a consequence of voting blindly for the DNC for the last 60 fucking years.

They'll never leave though.....
Nor so sure, this election cycle may be different than others.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Ph64 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:06 am

The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:58 am
Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:50 am
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:46 am ... 898917289/

If there was a YouTube version I’d post it.

But there’s not. It’s about how the Democrats treat black voters.

Blacks deserve what they get and how they're treated by the DNC - its a consequence of voting blindly for the DNC for the last 60 fucking years.

They'll never leave though.....
Nor so sure, this election cycle may be different than others.
Few black *women* will ever vote non-democrat. Too many gibs from the dems ensure that.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Zlaxer » Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:13 am

The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:58 am
Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:50 am
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:46 am ... 898917289/

If there was a YouTube version I’d post it.

But there’s not. It’s about how the Democrats treat black voters.

Blacks deserve what they get and how they're treated by the DNC - its a consequence of voting blindly for the DNC for the last 60 fucking years.

They'll never leave though.....
Nor so sure, this election cycle may be different than others.
No - the blacks will be good little proles and not wander off the on it.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by The Conservative » Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:28 am

Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:13 am
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:58 am
Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:50 am

Blacks deserve what they get and how they're treated by the DNC - its a consequence of voting blindly for the DNC for the last 60 fucking years.

They'll never leave though.....
Nor so sure, this election cycle may be different than others.
No - the blacks will be good little proles and not wander off the on it.
With Maxine Waters at the forefront. Not too sure... hope you are wrong.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:08 am

Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:13 am
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:58 am
Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:50 am

Blacks deserve what they get and how they're treated by the DNC - its a consequence of voting blindly for the DNC for the last 60 fucking years.

They'll never leave though.....
Nor so sure, this election cycle may be different than others.
No - the blacks will be good little proles and not wander off the on it.


I think they are close to a new rennaissance like what happened in the early 20th century before Democrats destroyed their families and communities.

I do not think they will be republicans either. They really need to focus on themselves. Which I think is what is starting to happen right now. Democrats cannot control black racial awareness and subordinate that to the democratic party's will to unaccountable political power.

Republican party is becoming the party mainly for white interests. So they do not really have a place there either.

My guess is that the democratic party will be taken over by Hispanics eventually, Republican party goes default white, and black form their own voting bloc that splits the two and becomes the swing vote.

Instead of constantly bitching about identity politics, all of you need to simply accept that this is what multiculturalism degenerates a nation into. This is how we must operate now whether you like it or not.

Instead of thinking in terms of ideologies, if you just look at America as it is, there exist three major identity blocs (white, Hispanic, and black), and maybe one minor bloc for the non-high functioning Asians/Muslims/etc. When you argue about principles and ideas, you might as well be yelling at a brick wall. This whole exercise is stupid. Just look at the identity groups and figure out compromises based on that.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by The Conservative » Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:26 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:08 am
Zlaxer wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:13 am
The Conservative wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:58 am

Nor so sure, this election cycle may be different than others.
No - the blacks will be good little proles and not wander off the on it.


I think they are close to a new rennaissance like what happened in the early 20th century before Democrats destroyed their families and communities.

I do not think they will be republicans either. They really need to focus on themselves. Which I think is what is starting to happen right now. Democrats cannot control black racial awareness and subordinate that to the democratic party's will to unaccountable political power.

Republican party is becoming the party mainly for white interests. So they do not really have a place there either.

My guess is that the democratic party will be taken over by Hispanics eventually, Republican party goes default white, and black form their own voting bloc that splits the two and becomes the swing vote.

Instead of constantly bitching about identity politics, all of you need to simply accept that this is what multiculturalism degenerates a nation into. This is how we must operate now whether you like it or not.

Instead of thinking in terms of ideologies, if you just look at America as it is, there exist three major identity blocs (white, Hispanic, and black), and maybe one minor bloc for the non-high functioning Asians/Muslims/etc. When you argue about principles and ideas, you might as well be yelling at a brick wall. This whole exercise is stupid. Just look at the identity groups and figure out compromises based on that.
I think the RNC is becoming the party of American Interests, by force because of Trump's "America First" mentality.

This means all Americans, black, white and other, as long as they put America First, he is for them... anything else he, like me, tells them to fuck off, more politically correct. (if by a little)

If we can get back to the old school America, where we were a true melting pot and get rid of this fucking quilt mentality, I would be so happy. We don't need to be reminded of what race we are, we are god damned Americans and we should not be afraid to show it, or be afraid to be one.

The last 8 years under Obama were some of the worse in US history for that kind of mentality, Trump is doing a 180 on it, and I believe it is going to help us in the long run.

The problem is that the Democrats are on the wrong side of history again, and because of it, they are kicking and screaming as their power, and power base gets ripped away from them, and rightfully so.