Degenerate Faggots Starting Civil War2.0

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:44 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Please no bully.
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:48 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:What is that, Pepe le Goth? That's what you'll end up with, he'll be wearing make up n' shit. lol.
High fade. Skin.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:54 pm

So gay.
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:07 am



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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:30 am

He looks gay.

"He's not gay, it's the Faschy look"

Looks like Depeche Mode.

"Depeche Mode weren't gay"

They looked gay.

"He's not Depeche Mode, he's the Hitlerjugend"

Oh, that's totally fuckin' gay.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:33 am

Well Spencer is probably gay tbh. Wait till you hear him speak (or not because Antifa) :P

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by BjornP » Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:56 am

Okeefenokee wrote:

Seriously, how is that you find these hysterically, blubbering pussies to be your voice of reason? Are you that much of a hysterically, blubbering pussy yourself?

Pathetically, hysterically, blubbering leftist kids claiming to be "anti-fascist*" smash stores, beat up people exercising their freedom, and demand that everybody accept their feelz that people that offend what they insist is "Fascist" as a carte blanche to ignore the constitution and the law. Your response: If they can hysterically blubber and call both us, and everyone to the right of center, Nazis, WE get to hysterically blubber and call THEM terrorists. Waaaah-waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! They did it, toooo-oooo! :( " :roll:

Dude, some "revolutionary"-larping kids smashing up stores in one city or two is not "Civil War". It's not "terrorism". It's crime. Small shit. Enforce the law. Riot police, shield walls, break shins and faces, repeat untill streets cleared. That's how you deal with these "Civil Tantrums" (good word, HM). Feeling existentially threatened because of a little riot in one city and because some Hollywood liberals are screaming things they - like most of what they say - will never follow through on? Are you devolving into a pre-pubescant momma's boy, Okee who hides behind mommy's skirt when things you don't understand scare you? Or are you going to realize that the media putting the same riot scene on repeat 24/7 for several days does not, in fact, mean that the whole of the US is falling to a couple of unarmed, spoiled brats in California?

And anarchists are no more "Liberals", than Ben Shapiro is literally Hitler rather than a Conservative. Fuck that hysterical, undignified shit of blowing shit out of proportion, or strawmanning shit, because it's the only way you think you can win. Have some self-respect and faith in your convictions, instead. I fucking hate to see you guys do this to yourself. You're like guys in a circle-jerk, moaning and groaning whenever your fellow jerker to the side climaxes you with stories of how dangerous "The Left" is, or how close to "Civil War" you are, or whatever else gets you patheticos turned on.

Seriously, can it with that hysterical bullshit and at least pretend to act like a man. Being that afraid, blowing differences that much out of proportion is weak, pathetic, undignifying and I. Don't. Give. A. FUCK if The Left "does it too". If you are better than them, fucking act like it instead of copying them and their "logic".
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:57 am

Woah hoss. Can I get a tldr please? My ADD has a hair trigger these days. Thanks.

I should clarify the thread title was complete satire. Milo calls himself a dangerous faggot and Berkeley riots are going to be construed as civil war in the current age of hysterics. The entire title was a joke brah.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by BjornP » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:05 am

I'll give it a go, nuke:

tl;dr version: "Don't copy the Left's fear and hysteria about painting everybody on the right a Nazi. It's the hysteria that is the disease. Deny the hysteria altogether. "

The angry bits...well, I may never have been the most prolific poster, but I've known and respected most of the old DCF posters for a long time. I sincerely consider this hysteria as them belittling, humiliating and dimishing themselves. No one should do that to themselves.
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:15 am

TheReal_ND wrote:Well Spencer is probably gay tbh. Wait till you hear him speak (or not because Antifa) :P

Meh, the actual Nazi video was way better, can't go from the OG Herr Wolf to this guy going "hail Trump!", that was lame.

Mind you, I guess this is why you have to blow $40 billion on a concrete wall, I get it now, but also lame.
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