Social Justice Warriors Thread

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by GloryofGreece » Tue May 08, 2018 9:44 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
GloryofGreece wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:

Most women believe the narrative, dude.

Women mostly function according to social approval, and as long as the left controls the media, schools and universities, and the social networks, the left controls women in general.

You really cannot reason with most women regarding this stuff. You can only manipulate them with social approval and disapproval.
Same is true for most men.

A little different.

Most men in our society have been raised and indoctrinated to believe their self-worth is measured by their utility and fealty to women. So they are constantly trying to signal how they care more about women than the other guy.

This is not natural, though, and can only be sustained through state/leftist control and influence of education, media, etc.

Women are naturally outward looking in general. They care more about what others think of then then you can imagine. Shame a young woman enough and she will hang herself.

Shame a young man enough and he will try to kill you.
Or he'll runaway, or go ask for help, or hide, or give up, or kill himself. There's options. Its not that black and white.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue May 08, 2018 10:05 am

GloryofGreece wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
GloryofGreece wrote: Same is true for most men.

A little different.

Most men in our society have been raised and indoctrinated to believe their self-worth is measured by their utility and fealty to women. So they are constantly trying to signal how they care more about women than the other guy.

This is not natural, though, and can only be sustained through state/leftist control and influence of education, media, etc.

Women are naturally outward looking in general. They care more about what others think of then then you can imagine. Shame a young woman enough and she will hang herself.

Shame a young man enough and he will try to kill you.
Or he'll runaway, or go ask for help, or hide, or give up, or kill himself. There's options. Its not that black and white.

All of those options imply there is a place to run away to (there is not, since all of society does this to men), there is a place to hide (there is not), or that he lacks the intellectual resources to realize that it is not him that is the problem and he kills himself (which is quite common these days, actually). But if the male does swallow the bitter red pill, more shame is going to lead to violence. It's really only a matter of how much injustice a man can bear.

Most of the garbage that feminists talk about is 180 degrees backwards, and really only applies to men. This is why feminist films and literature appeal to me. If you look at something like Kill Bill, it applies to only a very small percentage of women, but a HUGE number of men who have been destroyed by their ex-wives, left for dead basically on the street, shunned by society, and even their children stolen from them. Think about it.

Wage gap. Young women without children get paid more than men. Affirmative action gives them a wage gap advantage. Women with children work less hours, and when you look at it in terms of what they are paid for the hours worked compared to men with the SAME jobs, they still come out ahead of men. Women are a net cost on society. As a group, women don't actually contribute more taxes than they take in. It's a massive wealth extraction scheme to take from men and give to women. This does not even account for what they are stealing in child support and alimony.

Nor can you reason with most women. You can lay these facts out to the average woman, and it won't matter because she only thinks emotionally. We have laid these facts out to several women in this forum for years and they still to this day refuse to acknowledge them.

Beta males are at least reasonable. They can and will reason about these things, but it's extremely difficult to accept that most of your life has been defrauded from you by women. That's a really, really hard truth to accept, despite the evidence which is plain as day. That's what keeps men in line with the "narrative" right now, but it's not really working. The numbers of men taking that red pill are growing pretty fast these days.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by GloryofGreece » Tue May 08, 2018 10:27 am

You, me, and all men are ruled by emotion. You might think you're more "reasonable" or "logical" etc. but you're still swayed by fear, hate, shame, lust, envy, pride, love, compassion etc. etc. You apply ad hoc post rationalization to your decisions and choices like all people do.

Alimony laws need to be changed for sure. That's a legal issue. As far as women making more than their "worth" well that's speculative and subjective like most life. You seem to think engineering and mathematics hold a higher value to you than raising kids, nursing, teaching, day care, etc. etc. Its all arguable and subjective. We can decide as a society that raising a family is the most valuable thing anyone can do. Or someone can decide that for themselves and then go do that. But obviously b/c we live in the world we live in you need money to pay bills. So you go to "work" to get money to pay the bills. Still if there is children in the household someone needs to teach them all the things that need to properly develop. That's valuable to me. And most the time its mostly women doing that.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue May 08, 2018 10:30 am

Men are far more prone to be reasonable than women. It's not that we are never ruled by emotion. We just have the natural capacity to be reasonable, accountable, etc. For women, that is learned behavior. It's not natural for them. They operate in an entirely different frame from us. That's the problem a lot of men don't understand in my experience. They go through life assuming women are thinking and operating within the same paradigm and even evolutionary biases and constraints, when that is totally false.

As far as the wage issues being subjective.. no. They are as objective as you can get.

Another example: women as a group are CONSTANTLY harping about their threatened reproductive rights when, in actual fact, they are the only one of the two sexes to have any reproductive rights at all. No women can be forced to be a mother. If she wants to abort the baby, then the father cannot stop her. If she still delivers the baby and still does not want the baby, she can adopt it out. If the father wants the baby, and the woman finds it in her heart to allow the father to have is own child, she will NOT be enslaved to the father for said child. For men, the exact opposite is true. If a woman gets pregnant, including deliberately, and the man does not want to be a father. Too bad. He's a slave now. If the woman decides to adopt his baby out and not let him have his own child, too bad.

Pretty much the entire feminist program is ass backwards from reality. These are not subjective things. The reproductive rights issue I just mentioned is a fact.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by GloryofGreece » Tue May 08, 2018 10:41 am

The wage issue is objective. The value of raising kids is subjective. And we as a culture do not value it apparently.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue May 08, 2018 10:45 am

It's not at all subjective. It's a matter of plain fact that women possess reproductive rights and you do not.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Kath » Tue May 08, 2018 1:14 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Kath wrote:Blech... Nasty piss water
Of course I’ll drink anything else available. Just talking about the picture.
Why are all the Gods such vicious cunts? Where's the God of tits and wine?

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Fife » Thu May 10, 2018 1:43 pm

It's been kind of a rough day for some of you all. Here's something for a sensible chuckle. ... mg00000004

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Kath » Thu May 10, 2018 2:08 pm

OMFG - I'm starting to believe that some of these people are just seeing how much shit they can stir by trolling with this shit. ... 1621715c1b
AN AUTHOR and educator has been ridiculed after saying parents should ask babies for consent before a nappy change, and watch for a response through body language.

Deanne Carson said in an ABC News segment that families could set up “a culture of consent” in the home by asking newborns: “I’m going to change your nappy now, is that OK?”
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by DBTrek » Thu May 10, 2018 2:11 pm

Yet the SJWs never ask our consent before subjecting us to their idiocy.
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