I never disputed the breakdown in the family structure or the social cohesion within black american communities, I simply refuted the assertion that it was the result of a CIA plot.Smitty-48 wrote:The cohesion within the Iraqi factions is hardly a given, the factions within Iraq are internecine to the extreme, plenty of intertribal and intersect violence and disorder, a constant cycle of strongmen attempting to wrest control from competitors within their own ranks, what agency the Iraqis have within that context seems limited to say the least.
In terms of black Americans, the social cohesion breakdown was asserted by you, when you described the black community as "tar pits of criminality, illiteracy, and absentee fathers", so you've come full circle to contradict yourself at this point.
The CIA ain't that good. The welfare state owns most of that credit, not Langley.
Which is why the same dynamic is not on display in black immigrant populations of immigrants from africa and central america.
Unless you are going to tell us the CIA was conducting genetic tests to target their programs towards only the descendants of slaves, while excluding immigrants, your theory falls apart.