by Smitty-48 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 12:37 am
Communism is the end state, a global post scarcity utopia achieved by world socialist revolution, socialism is the transitional stage, socialism is the path to communism, but you don't get communism until you effect the world socialist revolution.
The policy enacted by Stalin, was a compromise, called Socialism in One Country, though it wasn't Stalin who came up with this theory, it was Bukharin, Stalin merely implemented it.
The Soviet Union was socialist, they never achieved communism, nor did they claim to have, communism is only achieved, when the whole world has become socialist under a one world government, that was the aspiration of the communists, but they never achieved it, because the world socialist revolution failed.
So when you say you're a communist, that's means you're a socialist who is striving towards achieving this post scarcity utopia at some point, it doesn't mean you have achieved communism, that's merely your goal, in the meantime, you carry on being a socialist.
And this is all central to why Stalin operated the way he did, because initially, the Bolsheviks beleived that the world socialist revolution would spread rather quickly, they were starry eyed idealists, they thought their revolution would go worldwide and in relatively short order.
When it didn't, then Bukharin came up with the theory of Socialism in One Country, in essence, the Soviet Union would be a model, a demonstration, a showcase of socialism, to show the world what communism would be like, if the revolution came to pass.
So Stalin went about implementing this as state policy, but as it was a demonstration to the world, it had to be jump started and achieved quickly, they didn't have time to wait, it had to be done in a short period of time, and so it had to be done by force, they had to make it happen and make it happen fast.
That's what Stalin was all about, Lenin and Trotsky talked a big game, but didn't actually do anything, Stalin was the man of action, he wasn't going to wait, he was just going to do it, come hell or high water, by hook or by crook.
When Stalin started to do it, the rest of the Bolsheviks started getting cold feet, a bunch of intellectuals who liked to sit around talking about it, but who didn't have the courage of their convictions to actually do it, and so they started to resist Stalin, they tried to undermine him.
That was when Stalin decided that they had to go, they were in the way, so they had to be gotten out of the way, and so he started to eliminate them, one after the other, systematically.
When you try to implement communism, the bourgeois intellectual socialists always get cold feet, they don't have the courage of their convictions, they always chicken out and try to go for half measures and thus become de facto counterrevolutionaries.
Stalinism; is simply when you ain't having that, and so; bullet to the head for the non hackers.
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