The Fucking Thatcher Thread

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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:50 pm

Oh Iron Lady, you're the gift that keeps on giving, still trolling the lefties into hysterics, and Brexit bombing their sacred cows, from beyond the grave.

She's the Obi-Wan Kenobi of right wing nutjobs.
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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by DBTrek » Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:54 pm

The idea of Britain electing anyone to the right of Che Guevara seems like a work of fiction.

They have these cats over there who are like “We just love Britain, folks. It’s our homeland and we’re proud of that, so like, Britain First, you know?”
.... and the hate crime hammer comes down on them and they’re hunted down like rabid dogs as I understand it.

So this whole idea that some conservative woman had power over there ... sounds like some serious Knights of the Round Table bullshit. Did she have a magic sword too?
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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 3:05 pm

Well Thatcher was no libertarian, she had no compunction about bringing the hammer down, no doubt she'd be putting a bit o' stick about too, but generally, she waited for the opposition to overreach first, whether that be the unions going full bolshie, or siding with the IRA, or blubbering for an Argentine fascist junta, then she would pounce.

At this point now, Thatcher would have easily tarred all these SJWs as Islamic Terrorist Sympathizers, and she'd be in full attack mode, clubbing them left and right like baby seals
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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by DBTrek » Mon Dec 18, 2017 3:26 pm

Smitty-48 wrote: At this point now, Thatcher would have easily tarred all these SJWs as Islamic Terrorist Sympathizers, and she'd be in full attack mode, clubbing them left and right like baby seals
THAT would be something to see!
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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 3:31 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote: At this point now, Thatcher would have easily tarred all these SJWs as Islamic Terrorist Sympathizers, and she'd be in full attack mode, clubbing them left and right like baby seals
THAT would be something to see!
Well it was something to see, when she first called the lefties bluff, they started waving the Hammer and Sickle around in the midst of the Cold War, and then she pounced, whap! Right in the kisser. They're still smarting about it, almost forty years later.

Turns out the British public writ large, wasn't so sympathetic after all, to a bunch of clowns siding with Yuri Andropov & Co, and Thatcher sensed the opening and exploited it to the max. And as she was so skilled at trolling the lefties into hysterics, wasn't hard for her to bait them into that trap, over and over, all the way to reelection.

Now she did take one huge gamble, in the South Atlantic, and if that had gone completely off the rails, she would have been finished, no doubt, but in the end, the military came through for her, and then she was unstoppable.
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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Dec 18, 2017 3:49 pm

DBTrek wrote: Did she have a magic sword too?
More of a mighty handbag.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:00 pm

Rejoice, rejoice, at the cometh of the mighty handbag, scourge of the Argentine Junta and Labour Party fops.

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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by DBTrek » Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:04 pm


Just rejoice at the news, and bugger the fuck off with the rest of your navel gazing twaddle.

Fair response, I’m down. Sign me up for the newsletter.
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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:36 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Rejoice, rejoice, at the cometh of the mighty handbag, scourge of the Argentine Junta and Labour Party fops.

All that censorship of the press and suppression of the right to protest giving you a chubby Smitty?
The people may not have been ready to storm Parliament and exile Thatcher to France, as they did James II. Freedom of the press is an issue that excites the press and intellectuals more than anyone else. Yet it wasn't only the ''chattering classes'' (as disdainful Tory columnists refer to the Charter 88 constituency) who were up in arms. Even the glossy Illustrated London News published an article by the novelist Ludovic Kennedy in its December issue chronicling the Government's authoritarian drift: the British Broadcasting Corporation, long the showcase of British culture, was being brought to heel by attempts to censor programs hostile to Thatcher's policies; a ban on live radio or television interviews with terrorists was in effect, and Parliament was considering a revision of the Official Secrets Act that would essentially do away with the ''harm,'' or public interest, defense, making the disclosure of Government information a crime - no matter what kind or whether disclosing it would pose a danger.

The remarkable thing about Kennedy's enumeration of grievances was the ideological diversity of the politicians he enlisted on their behalf: Roy Hattersley, deputy leader of the Labor Party; Richard Shepherd, a Conservative Member of Parliament; even J. Enoch Powell, a former Member of Parliament not known for his liberal sentiments.

None of Kennedy's deponents was prepared to say that totalitarianism loomed on the horizon, but clearly something had gone wrong. ''Liberty is ill in Britain,'' warned the American legal philosopher Ronald Dworkin, a professor of jurisprudence at Oxford, writing in Index. ''The very concept of liberty - the universal, seamless idea at stake in all these separate and diverse controversies - is being challenged and corroded by the Thatcher Government.''

CERTAINLY ''THE INTENSIFICATION OF AUTHORITARIAN rule'' that the authors of Charter 88 detected in contemporary Britain was more than a reflexive protest against the growing political power of Thatcher's ''regime'' - as her long tenure in office is often and without irony described, even by the Prime Minister herself. In the last few months, newspapers of every political persuasion have been obsessed with the new measures her Government has put forth, especially the Official Secrets Act reform and the protection of privacy bill now before Parliament, an attempt to crack down on the excesses of England's gossip-mongering tabloid press.

The biggest furor was over ''Death on the Rock,'' a Thames Television documentary about three Irish terrorists who were gunned down by the Special Air Services regiment in Gibraltar in 1988. In Parliament, Thatcher denounced the program as ''trial by television,'' and tried to have it suppressed, even threatening to suspend the network's license. After an independent inquiry largely vindicated the program's findings this winter, Thatcher rejected the report as biased and inaccurate. By the end of January, even the normally conservative Sunday Times of London was warning that ''the defense of personal freedom has now slid alarmingly low in the priorities of Mrs. Thatcher's Government.''

The press wasn't the only constituency under assault. Civil libertarians could point to the Public Order Act, designed to restrict the public's right to engage in political demonstrations; and, perhaps most sinister of all, a change in legal procedure that would limit a defendant's right to not testify. The purpose of this proposed amendment was to make it easier to convict terrorists unwilling to testify on their own behalf - but Home Secretary Douglas Hurd would like to see it become law throughout England, and in the end it probably will. ... wanted=all
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: The Fucking Thatcher Thread

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:55 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:Rejoice, rejoice, at the cometh of the mighty handbag, scourge of the Argentine Junta and Labour Party fops.
All that censorship of the press and suppression of the right to protest giving you a chubby Smitty?
Well, Parliamentary Supremacist as I am, I'm no republican, I have no compunction about putting a bit o' stick about, and as neither do the lefties, I certainly shed no tears for them, it's club or be clubbed, so indeed, club the stuffing out of them, whenever you get the chance.

Democracy is merely a peaceful transfer of power, I put no faith in protests, and brook no legislating from the streets, and if the press is siding with the bolshies, to the yardarm with them too.
Nec Aspera Terrent