You are thinking of it in the colloquial sense. You are a definite Yankee. Yankee culture is puritanical in nature. I don't mean that in the sexual sense. I mean puritanical in the religious sense. Puritans were a utopian group who believed they needed to live according to a set code in order to create a heaven on Earth, and they were fanatical about imposing that upon all the people around them. They were keen on shunning, ostracizing, and socially punishing those who dissented from the utopia ideology. From Day One Puritans set out to convert the entire continent to Puritanism.
These days, the original religion is mostly gone from the Yankees and replaced by a new religion of progressivism. But the basic qualities are the same. Everybody has to behave in a certain way or face extreme social punishment. If we all don't live in that way, then society is going to become hell on Earth, but if we follow the program, utopia will ensue. The new original sin is white male guilt. One can go on, but the fact remains, you guys are not very different from your cultural ancestors in some important ways that are negatively affecting our nation today.
That's not to say your main rivals, Deep Southerners don't have their own foibles. The problem is that, right now, all this chaos and violence is coming from the people who are acculturated into progressivism, and you guys now control most of schools, universities, and the media. So you are going apeshit trying to indoctrinate the nation.
There are good things about your culture too. Industriousness and value in higher education are what make it so strong. It's not all bad. But right now, we can't help but see the bad. It's all over the place.