The simple reason that you have cheap energy is geography: you have a lot of hydropower. And basically everything when it comes to energy resources.Smitty-48 wrote:Here in Ontario, 10¢ per killowatt hour is astronomically expensive, in Quebec, they pay 3¢ per kilowatt hour, we're not competing with Denmark, we don't care how expensive power is in Denmark, what matters here, is how much is it in the US and Mexico, we don't care what France pays neither, but compared to Quebec, France is paying a ridiculous price, 19¢/killowatt hour is highway robbery, that's six times the market rate here, because the market rate for hydro, is 3¢
Obviously if France was in an integrated market with the Americans as we are, charging 19¢/killowatt hour, every business in France would pick up and move to the USA.
Canada is the fourth largest producer of energy after the US, China, Russia and Saudi-Arabia. With the fraction of the people of three of them. So believe it or not, you have low prices, Your the largest exporter of energy to the largest consumer of energy, Trumpland.