Social Justice Warriors Thread

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:55 am

I am curious what exactly you think people are supposed to respond to here, GCF? There's nothing substantive that you posted except cuntlike snark and feminine passive-aggressiveness. Do you have a case to be made or not?

You claimed the Church discourages national identities and I gave you an example of quite the opposite. You don't seem to understand anything about the matter, and your only response to being shown wrong is to act like a little girl.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:56 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:


You claimed the Church discourages national identities. I showed you an example of how it actually does encourage unique national identities. Indeed, every Catholic nation has it's own unique identity, their own feasts, and their cultures are defended. It's hard to see in our own culture because Catholic culture in England was culturally genocided in 1600s. In the general sense, it's difficult to see because you are blind to your own culture.

You want to believe that all we do is exterminate everybody in the world because you hate your own people, and your self-loathing miscolors your perception of history and, indeed, reality itself.
You're actually doubling-down on this? Seriously?
I guess you can try to make an argument here. I am not sure what I am supposed to respond to other than your ignorant incredulousness. Argument from incredulity is still a fallacy..
I can't even name a continent or region where Catholics didn't actively demand military subjugation of the locals, occasionally even full-on genocide (the actual meaning of it), in the name of their faith. Holy shit, man.

EDIT: Japan would be an exception, I think?
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:57 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
You're actually doubling-down on this? Seriously?
I guess you can try to make an argument here. I am not sure what I am supposed to respond to other than your ignorant incredulousness. Argument from incredulity is still a fallacy..
I can't even name a continent or region where Catholics didn't actively demand military subjugation of the locals, occasionally even full-on genocide (the actual meaning of it), in the name of their faith. Holy shit, man.

EDIT: Japan would be an exception, I think?

LOL, what?

Are you conflating Spanish with Catholic or something??

Just because people happen to be Christian and carry out a conquest doesn't mean conquest is encouraged by our religion. On the other hand, Islam commands conquest. It's a pretty big difference you don't seem to grasp here. Not that I expect you to be capable of engaging rationally with these facts and differences.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:59 am

People need to realize that Islam divides the world into two houses: the house of Islam and the house of war. They are commanded to make war upon the rest of us, to enslave us and force our submission to Islam. That's what it means to be in the house of Islam: submission.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:00 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
I guess you can try to make an argument here. I am not sure what I am supposed to respond to other than your ignorant incredulousness. Argument from incredulity is still a fallacy..
I can't even name a continent or region where Catholics didn't actively demand military subjugation of the locals, occasionally even full-on genocide (the actual meaning of it), in the name of their faith. Holy shit, man.

EDIT: Japan would be an exception, I think?

LOL, what?

Are you conflating Spanish with Catholic or something??

Just because people happen to be Christian and carry out a conquest doesn't mean conquest is encouraged by our religion. On the other hand, Islam commands conquest. It's a pretty big difference you don't seem to grasp here. Not that I expect you to be capable of engaging rationally with these facts and differences.
Dude, just because they carry giant crosses around, institute religious schools, demand conversion on sight, and seek papal blessings for everything they do doesn't mean it's a "Christian Thing"... But things that Islamic countries did were totally because of Islam.

Watching you bend in half to fit a narrative is kinda sad at this point.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:01 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:People need to realize that Islam divides the world into two houses: the house of Islam and the house of war. They are commanded to make war upon the rest of us, to enslave us and force our submission to Islam. That's what it means to be in the house of Islam: submission.
I don't know how you even function in society.

Oh wait..
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by DrYouth » Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:01 am

Speaker to Animals wrote: There again, you are not exactly correct. Islam only "tolerated" Christianity and Judaism to a limited extent. Muslims exterminated pagans. Christians just tried to convert them. But even where Muslims allegedly tolerated Christians and Jews, it wasn't really toleration at all but a form of enslavement.

The difference here is that, in Islam, extermination and enslavement of non-Muslims is baked into the cake. For us, in our history, it was more of a historical phenomenon that was not inherent to the religion. To wit: it doesn't matter how long you allow Islam to fester. It's never going to become like us in terms of human rights because their religion forbids it. Their religion literally commands them to make war upon us and exterminate or enslave us. Islam means submission. Muslims believe we must submit to Islam as slaves or converts. Full stop. That's why they don't belong here.
I agree with you actually.

The Muslim religion will not on it's own lead to Western Values as Christianity did.
The Muslim world remains largely tribal and divided along tribal lines.

Christianity was multiethnic... but not really multicultural.
It did however allow "pagan" traditions to remain that became part of the Christian practice (e.g. Christmas trees, local dance and art) and these meant that Christian nations around the world look quite different from one another.

That being said Christian values gave birth to Western values....
Like Judaism birthed Christianity.

Christianity may not always see it's offspring as Legitimate... perhaps a bastard child... but it's in the DNA.
Last edited by DrYouth on Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:02 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
I can't even name a continent or region where Catholics didn't actively demand military subjugation of the locals, occasionally even full-on genocide (the actual meaning of it), in the name of their faith. Holy shit, man.

EDIT: Japan would be an exception, I think?

LOL, what?

Are you conflating Spanish with Catholic or something??

Just because people happen to be Christian and carry out a conquest doesn't mean conquest is encouraged by our religion. On the other hand, Islam commands conquest. It's a pretty big difference you don't seem to grasp here. Not that I expect you to be capable of engaging rationally with these facts and differences.
Dude, just because they carry giant crosses around, institute religious schools, demand conversion on sight, and seek papal blessings for everything they do doesn't mean it's a "Christian Thing"... But things that Islamic countries did were totally because of Islam.

Watching you bend in half to fit a narrative is kinda sad at this point.

That's not really what happened. The Spanish couldn't care less if the American civilizations they conquered converted. The bishops couldn't convert the people because the Spanish were so evil. The people of Mexico didn't convert because of the Europeans. They converted because the Mother of God converted them.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:03 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:

LOL, what?

Are you conflating Spanish with Catholic or something??

Just because people happen to be Christian and carry out a conquest doesn't mean conquest is encouraged by our religion. On the other hand, Islam commands conquest. It's a pretty big difference you don't seem to grasp here. Not that I expect you to be capable of engaging rationally with these facts and differences.
Dude, just because they carry giant crosses around, institute religious schools, demand conversion on sight, and seek papal blessings for everything they do doesn't mean it's a "Christian Thing"... But things that Islamic countries did were totally because of Islam.

Watching you bend in half to fit a narrative is kinda sad at this point.

That's not really what happened. The Spanish couldn't care less if the American civilizations they conquered converted. The bishops couldn't convert the people because the Spanish were so evil. The people of Mexico didn't convert because of the Europeans. They converted because the Mother of God converted them.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:08 am

DrYouth wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote: There again, you are not exactly correct. Islam only "tolerated" Christianity and Judaism to a limited extent. Muslims exterminated pagans. Christians just tried to convert them. But even where Muslims allegedly tolerated Christians and Jews, it wasn't really toleration at all but a form of enslavement.

The difference here is that, in Islam, extermination and enslavement of non-Muslims is baked into the cake. For us, in our history, it was more of a historical phenomenon that was not inherent to the religion. To wit: it doesn't matter how long you allow Islam to fester. It's never going to become like us in terms of human rights because their religion forbids it. Their religion literally commands them to make war upon us and exterminate or enslave us. Islam means submission. Muslims believe we must submit to Islam as slaves or converts. Full stop. That's why they don't belong here.
I agree with you actually.

The Muslim religion will not on it's own lead to Western Values as Christianity did.
The Muslim world remains largely tribal and divided along tribal lines.

Christianity was multiethnic... but not really multicultural.
It did however allow "pagan" traditions to remain that became part of the Christian practice (e.g. Christmas trees, local dance and art) and these meant that Christian nations around the world look quite different from one another.

The Christmas tree is actually pretty Christian. It goes back to the Thunderoak story about St. Boniface.

St. Boniface had traveled through Germany to convert pagans. He had converted a group of people in the past, but after returning to their village, he found they many had reverted to paganism. They were about to sacrifice a young boy by an oak tree that the people associated with Thor. St. Boniface, in a demonstration of God's power, struck Thor's Thunderoak down with his bishop's staff. The people reconciled with God, and he ordered them to love their boy, decorate an evergreen tree in commemoration (since the evergreen is symbolic of Christ's everlasting life), and worship God instead of demons.

Like a lot of this stuff I see from atheists on this forum, what you think you know about the history of Christianity (and your own history for that matter) is pretty damned wrong. From the Enlightenment myths about the crusade and inquisitions to the origin of the Christmas tree.. it doesn't help you make valuable judgments. Most of this stuff you guys say is "George Washington never told a lie" level myth.