EconomicDBTrek wrote:Solid points.Speaker to Animals wrote:It's misleading, though.
There are 1.3 billion Indians living just within India. Their best engineers, scientists, and business types tend to leave India for the west in search of a better quality of life. There are only about 320 million people total in the United States, and of those, I suspect only about 150 million or so actual whites. With open immigration from nonwestern nations and absolutely no quota system whatsoever, it's only a matter of time before Indians and Chinese engineers flood these job sectors.
There just are so many potential engineers from those places because their populations are so freaking huge. Somewhere around have of the total human population lives in China and India alone.
Most of the people who live in India are not top-tier anything. I'd guess that our average is quite a bit higher than their average. They are running on a r-selection-based society whereas whites (until recently) ran on a k-selection-based society. You can't really compare them without considering that fact. They have lots of engineers, but they have MANY more people living on the streets who can't read or calculate the change in a financial transaction.
China is a bit different in that their average IQ really is higher than our average IQ. I suspect most of their citizens, if raised in the US instead of China, would fair better in life. Another interesting thing about China is their deliberate transition from the r-selection style society to a k-selection style society in the previous century. They are becoming more like us, but with the higher IQ, whereas we are degenerating with lower IQ each generation.
The average Indian lives on $1.80 per day.
The average Chinese lives $7 on per day.
The average American lives on $97 per day.
So it's safe to say most Indians are probably struggling to get by and not off in fancy colleges pulling down engineering degrees.
It was more of a statement on National pride. I suspect Indians could post something like the meme I cited and not get fired from Google. Likewise, I suspect white guys posting a similar meme would be terminated, black balled, and dragged through the press. That's the double standard that troubles me.
I don't have a problem if Indians want to take some pride in the members of their culture that have achieved phenomenal things.
It's something I think all cultures should be able to do without backlash, scorn, or punishment.