Public School Education System Thread

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:42 pm

Zlaxer wrote:
Fife wrote:Uh, I'm arguing against any kind of compulsory education, not for government charters. Is that the same thing you're trying to say? Signal garbled.

We're on the same page.....make education non-mandatory so only the students who give a rats ass remain.....the others are a lost cause anyways...forcing them to school only makes it harder for those who want to better themselves....
I was talking about this with the wife earlier. It's a waste of time for the students who don't belong as well.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by PartyOf5 » Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:24 am

That's fine as long we we don't turn around and give them some kind of government paid for living wage to do nothing.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by katarn » Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:50 pm

PartyOf5 wrote:That's fine as long we we don't turn around and give them some kind of government paid for living wage to do nothing.
Which many of them would demand. One solution would be a bread and circus type system to keep them entertained and content (since the employment they find with little/no education today won't be too great for most of them).
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:03 pm

katarn wrote:
PartyOf5 wrote:That's fine as long we we don't turn around and give them some kind of government paid for living wage to do nothing.
Which many of them would demand. One solution would be a bread and circus type system to keep them entertained and content (since the employment they find with little/no education today won't be too great for most of them).
If, instead of wasting decades in an education system that doesn't give them anything much that they'll use later, they'd had a decade or half of one to apprentice in a trade instead of learning geometry, they'd do much better in life.

There is a small skill set that is taught in schools, and it is primarily scholastic. Manual skills are declining in society. I learned them because my old man couldn't afford to pay someone to change belts, frame additions, or replace well pumps. I learned those skills because I had someone to teach them to me, and because I was able to go further, I wasn't limited to them.

People who can't make it in the academic world have their heads smashed into it year after year, come out no more prepared to compete in a world they were never fit for, without the ability to thrive in the world they would very likely be able to survive in, because of our prejudice against manual skills.

I can strip my cars down to the frame and rebuild them, but the more money I make, the less inclined I am to do so. A project car is one thing, but this fucking Jeep that keeps needing repairs is not a project. My mechanic, Bruce, has to be a fucking millionaire. He ought to be. Since I found him, I'm shifting money as fast as I can to get the rest of my cars in for the repairs that I don't have time for.

The people I've gone to school with who struggle with what I find easy, could very well be able to google some shit. That's all repairs is today. Be it automotive or electronic. You IT fuckers know I'm right.

The autobots are coming, but for the time being, we still need people to do a tire change while we grab a bite across the road. It costs me twenty bucks in shop fees to do my own tires on post. A tire shop costs me a couple hundred. The dude who does them every day can do them faster, and makes way more than I save doing them myself.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by skankhunt42 » Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:55 pm

Zlaxer wrote:
Fife wrote:Uh, I'm arguing against any kind of compulsory education, not for government charters. Is that the same thing you're trying to say? Signal garbled.

We're on the same page.....make education non-mandatory so only the students who give a rats ass remain.....the others are a lost cause anyways...forcing them to school only makes it harder for those who want to better themselves....
Who decides who is a lost cause? Repeat what you wrote out loud again, because it's ridiculous. Also, It's called tracking, the kids you are talking about don't even deal with the higher achieving kids in some cases as early as 4th grade. If a kid wants to be in an AP class in HS, even if he can't handle it, parents can bitch and moan and make it happen, FWIW. So yea, no one is stopping your highness from his education.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:10 am

skankhunt42 wrote:
Zlaxer wrote:
Fife wrote:Uh, I'm arguing against any kind of compulsory education, not for government charters. Is that the same thing you're trying to say? Signal garbled.

We're on the same page.....make education non-mandatory so only the students who give a rats ass remain.....the others are a lost cause anyways...forcing them to school only makes it harder for those who want to better themselves....
Who decides who is a lost cause?
The grading system.

Next question?
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:35 am

“It is in fact nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for what this delicate little plant needs more than anything, besides stimulation, is freedom. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.” – Albert Einstein
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Zlaxer » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:15 am


Nah man.....Skank's gonna do it.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by skankhunt42 » Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:49 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
skankhunt42 wrote:
Zlaxer wrote:

We're on the same page.....make education non-mandatory so only the students who give a rats ass remain.....the others are a lost cause anyways...forcing them to school only makes it harder for those who want to better themselves....
Who decides who is a lost cause?
The grading system.

Next question?
So what is your final solution? Test children into oblivion, and if it at a certain age they don't meet your criteria academically we cast them into an intellectual holding cell or worse? How would that even work? You don't think this would divide society even more than it already is?

Do you even have a plan? I mean a real plan, one that you thought out in detail? Because as far as I can tell when it comes to the American education system (public or private), you're a faux elitist who gives hot takes on a random message board.

Nothing you have written is feasible, ethical, or what is best for society. To generalize and write off young people at such a young age from any intellectual opportunities because you feel they are inferior and disrupting your learning environment is short sighted and possibly makes you a bigot. Our education system despite its flaws is one of the things that separates us from the rest of the world. We attempt to educate everyone, we don't just write off a selection of individuals.

To be sure, most of the problems that we have in education are direct results of other factors that effect certain communities. Your stupid plan to remove kids from their education wouldn't fix that. If anything, you're going to unleash a catastrophic version of Murphy's Law on the next generation. Believe that.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Zlaxer » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:27 am

skankhunt42 wrote:
So what is your final solution? Test children into oblivion, and if it at a certain age they don't meet your criteria academically we cast them into an intellectual holding cell or worse? How would that even work? You don't think this would divide society even more than it already is?

:shhh: You're the only one here talking about kicking kids out of school for failing tests. I was proposing making it non-mandatory.

Do you even have a plan? I mean a real plan, one that you thought out in detail?

Isn't that what we were discussing? A plan to improve public education by making it non-mandatory so that the kids who don't give a rats ass about learning can leave. Your position that we should attempt to educate all by force at the expense of those who actually want to improve themselves is misguided IMHO - it assumes that you're going to "reach" all of "the kids," or that the problematic kids are worth more than the studious ones. You're letting your emotions control your logic - as hard as it may be for your to grasp, not all kids are teachable (mostly due to failed homes)....It's not the role of the tax payer to play parent.....its a right to an education, its not the government's job to force the education on its citizens....Would my proposal cause some people to stay in poverty? sure, but IMHO, more people would make it out of poverty under my proposal than do in the current system - and thus result in a more educated society...20% of the people cause 80% of the problems...quit wasting time on the 20% to provide what the 80% are entitled too...a decent learning is not the reason many schools feel like jails

Because as far as I can tell when it comes to the American education system (public or private), you're a faux elitist who gives hot takes on a random message board.

Classy :clap:

Nothing you have written is feasible, ethical, or what is best for society. To generalize and write off young people at such a young age from any intellectual opportunities because you feel they are inferior and disrupting your learning environment is short sighted and possibly makes you a bigot.

Bigot? seriously?

Our education system despite its flaws is one of the things that separates us from the rest of the world. We attempt to educate everyone, we don't just write off a selection of individuals.

That's your problem right believe the government should force education on people, where I believe that the government should only provide the opportunity to be educated - if you don't want it, don't take it.

To be sure, most of the problems that we have in education are direct results of other factors that effect certain communities. Your stupid plan to remove kids from their education wouldn't fix that. If anything, you're going to unleash a catastrophic version of Murphy's Law on the next generation. Believe that.

I disagree - the kids who would leave school under my proposal are the very kids you have no chance of teaching under the current system - If you were a doctor, your patients would die from gangrene because of your emotional fixation with saving their arm.