GloryofGreece wrote:What was he's hologram girlfriend's name? I know "she" was only programed to say and do things he liked or was likely to want etc. but at the end it made me really start to belive she loved him.
I'm slower so bear with me and help me out, but Im guessing Joe's "memory" of the horse wasn't real it was programmed, or was it? Does anyone think the replicant child was really a half human half replicant (being that she had to be in a quarantined environment and has some type of immune system issue)? Also if Deckard is a replicant why is slower and old now?
Do not read this if you have not seen the film. Don't fuck this up. Go see the film first.
(1) The replicant that was the right hand of Wallace was named Love. The AI girlfriend of K was named Joy. Love murders Joy. K has to drown Love to death in order to save lives and keep the war at bay.
(2) It's deliberately ambiguous as to whether Joy was truly self-aware. That was the entire point of that scene where he was walking by the hologram advert using another copy of her AI and she called him Joe. He questioned whether she ever really loved him or if it was just a script playing out, which mirrored his doubts about himself.
(3) It's ambiguous as to Deckard's humanity (as opposed to the original novel when he was clearly human). Wallace suggests that Deckard may in fact be a replicant specifically designed to fall in love with Rachel as part of Tyrell's project to create reproducing replicants. But there is no confirmation either way. The daughter could be a hybrid or maybe not. They never discuss exactly how the replicants are constructed, but it's strongly implied they are more accurately described as biots, so it stands to reason they have DNA just like natural humans.
There is quite a lot in there to unpack. The interplay between joy and love was just something I realized right away. I want to watch it again to pick up some more details.