Public School Education System Thread

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:12 pm

Unions are doing their job here, they are ensuring their member employees are receiving a good wage for the important jobs that they do. We've already gone over in this thread that schools are failing because funding is going to the wrong place, i.e., administrative bloat and failed technological incentives

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:26 pm

AndrewBennett wrote:Unions are doing their job here, they are ensuring their member employees are receiving a good wage for the important jobs that they do. We've already gone over in this thread that schools are failing because funding is going to the wrong place, i.e., administrative bloat and failed technological incentives

Should we attack highly-paid police officers who work in crime-ridden cities? Because the police who make the most work in the worst shitholes
Th oil executive who makes sure you have gas in your tank has more of an impact on your daily life than teachers, but I doubt you'd defend them if someone said they were overpaid.

Median police officer salary is $60,270 for 12 months. That's $5023/month. Paid less than teachers with a much more difficult job.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by StCapps » Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:08 pm

AndrewBennett wrote:1. I went to Parochial schools all the way through. We were never taught creationism. Hence the outperforming.
Unless you have data that shows that parochial schools that don't teach creationism outperform parochial schools that do by a good margin, then I do not follow. Why do you think whether or not creationism is taught is some big factor in how a school performs?
AndrewBennett wrote:2. I'm not limiting "free choice" by demanding the ban of private or religious schools. Creationism is what is actually fighting free choice because its pushing a religious tenet on a state-run entity. On top of that, this is being pushed on everyone in those areas by a strong religious lobby, where's the free choice there?
Teaching creationism isn't fighting free choice, not teaching creationism when the taxpayers desire it is fighting free choice in the name of what you perceive to be a "greater good". That's the reality, no matter how much you wish to attempt to twist this into bizarro world.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Ex-California » Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:18 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
AndrewBennett wrote:Unions are doing their job here, they are ensuring their member employees are receiving a good wage for the important jobs that they do. We've already gone over in this thread that schools are failing because funding is going to the wrong place, i.e., administrative bloat and failed technological incentives

Should we attack highly-paid police officers who work in crime-ridden cities? Because the police who make the most work in the worst shitholes
Th oil executive who makes sure you have gas in your tank has more of an impact on your daily life than teachers, but I doubt you'd defend them if someone said they were overpaid.

Median police officer salary is $60,270 for 12 months. That's $5023/month. Paid less than teachers with a much more difficult job.
The oil executive does nothing of the sort beside figurehead on top of an industry that runs itself. The drillers, refiners, truck drivers, etc. have an effect, but not the executives

And unless you were homeschooled, every single one of us has had multiple teachers that have helped refine what we are today. Teachers are just behind parents and family in the creation of children into functional members of society

And your police officer salary number isn't considering the 25-50% extra on top of the base salary in overtime that they all make money one. There's not a single police officer I know, and I know a lot, that is making under $100k.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:23 pm

Yeah, corporations run themselves. :roll:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:28 pm

Corporations make profits, the taxpayer however, is not a profit center, to the public sector unions, we are not shareholders, and they do not fight for a fair share of profits, they engage in extortion, enabled by state force against the citizenry, they are not the have-nots fighting against the priveleged, they are the priveleged, defrauding us all at gun point.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Fife » Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:18 pm

What's the difference in government schools and government vouchers for schools?

Not a trick question.... there really isn't any, except the vouchers/charter plan is more intellectually dishonest.

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“But this is different,” the conservative objects. “Public schools are clearly not the best education. We’re talking about a means of ensuring that kids really do have the best options.”

Yes — “regardless of income.” That’s the key. Once one accepts the premise that government funding of education, designed to obviate supposed disadvantages caused by income inequality, is necessary and good, one has completely adopted the grounding of socialized education, namely that without government equalization, there is no “social justice” in learning. Is this a premise conservatives ought to be defending? Is this a principle that is consistent with genuine political freedom, let alone educational freedom?

How is this principle — that the best way to ensure better communities is through government redistribution — separable from any and every other arena of social existence, once one accepts it in the realm of education?

Close 'em down. ... z4WADUUKxq
And what is compulsory or "universal" schooling, in a nutshell? It is the legally enforced diluting of parental authority over the raising of children, with intellectual and moral lessons, goals, and methods regulated by the government. It is usually undertaken in government buildings away from the family home, and under the supervision of various levels of government agents trained in accordance with government standards to represent and administer government policy regarding the proper rank-ordering of society, the attitudes and skills deemed by the government to be most socially useful, and the pre-emptive extinguishing or subduing of beliefs, attitudes, and behavior judged to be undesirable to the government for any reason. It weakens the natural attachments to family and familial associations in favor of cultivating alternative attachments to government officers, and to the artificial, government-designed social order of the school. Broadly, it encourages feelings of submissiveness to, and dependence upon, the opinions and judgments of an abstract collective, thus effectively discouraging independent thought, thwarting the development of self-reliance, and in general ensuring that no one ever actualizes his full intellectual and practical potential.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Zlaxer » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:17 pm

Fife wrote:What's the difference in government schools and government vouchers for schools?

Not a trick question.... there really isn't any, except the vouchers/charter plan is more intellectually dishonest.

Excited About Betsy DeVos for Education Secretary?
“But this is different,” the conservative objects. “Public schools are clearly not the best education. We’re talking about a means of ensuring that kids really do have the best options.”

Yes — “regardless of income.” That’s the key. Once one accepts the premise that government funding of education, designed to obviate supposed disadvantages caused by income inequality, is necessary and good, one has completely adopted the grounding of socialized education, namely that without government equalization, there is no “social justice” in learning. Is this a premise conservatives ought to be defending? Is this a principle that is consistent with genuine political freedom, let alone educational freedom?

How is this principle — that the best way to ensure better communities is through government redistribution — separable from any and every other arena of social existence, once one accepts it in the realm of education?

Close 'em down. ... z4WADUUKxq
And what is compulsory or "universal" schooling, in a nutshell? It is the legally enforced diluting of parental authority over the raising of children, with intellectual and moral lessons, goals, and methods regulated by the government. It is usually undertaken in government buildings away from the family home, and under the supervision of various levels of government agents trained in accordance with government standards to represent and administer government policy regarding the proper rank-ordering of society, the attitudes and skills deemed by the government to be most socially useful, and the pre-emptive extinguishing or subduing of beliefs, attitudes, and behavior judged to be undesirable to the government for any reason. It weakens the natural attachments to family and familial associations in favor of cultivating alternative attachments to government officers, and to the artificial, government-designed social order of the school. Broadly, it encourages feelings of submissiveness to, and dependence upon, the opinions and judgments of an abstract collective, thus effectively discouraging independent thought, thwarting the development of self-reliance, and in general ensuring that no one ever actualizes his full intellectual and practical potential.
None of that fucking matters....most charter schools are in districts where the parents are fucking slobs.....their spawn wouldn't have a chance in any school....except for maybe a boarding school (which is actually being considered where I live)...Money is not the problem....terrible parents who espouse a terrible culture are the problem....

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Fife » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:21 pm

Uh, I'm arguing against any kind of compulsory education, not for government charters. Is that the same thing you're trying to say? Signal garbled.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Zlaxer » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:35 pm

Fife wrote:Uh, I'm arguing against any kind of compulsory education, not for government charters. Is that the same thing you're trying to say? Signal garbled.

We're on the same page.....make education non-mandatory so only the students who give a rats ass remain.....the others are a lost cause anyways...forcing them to school only makes it harder for those who want to better themselves....