Trump's SCOTUS

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Speaker to Animals
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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:43 pm

C-Mag wrote:Who's leaving the court next ?

Red Ruth ?


The dems realize their world is getting blown up. That's why they are throwing a fit.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by clubgop » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:41 pm

Kath wrote:
clubgop wrote: They did it to us so we do it to them.
And pretty soon they'll change the rules so two guys in the john can make law.

There's no US and THEM..... all these clowns forget the other team will be in power in the not-too-distant future and play tit-for-tat. Congress is filled with 3rd graders. These are not thoughtful people. They are every bit as short sighted as their corporate masters.
No one forgets that they will be out of power, they know that they will be spared no mercy then either. Its called the nuclear option for a reason, Kath. It was MAD. The lauched the first salvo and the daisy chain that follows.
Congress is filled with 3rd graders. These are not thoughtful people.
Have you read Roberts Rules of Order? Do you know anything about Parliamentary procedure? It is "tag, you're it double stamp no cutsies!" for grownups. These games have been played since the invention of democracy. If you want full grown adults that's "Heads I win, tails you lose. Don't like it? I paints the walls with your brains." And someone with splattered brains aren't very thoughtful now are they? Now that's not chaos that is orderly and its leadership. Great exactly what Kath wants.
Last edited by clubgop on Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by clubgop » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:54 pm

Kath wrote:
StCapps wrote:
Kath wrote:You misunderstand me. So great, we passed a bunch of shit laws but if we just wait a few years, we'll revoke them and pass some other sort of shitty laws.

Both teams pass shitty laws... Congress would be nothing more than undoing what the last Congress did. That's chaos, not leadership.
They can lead if they want and they don't need a super majority in the Senate in order to lead. That's less chaos and more leadership, not vice versa.
So you truly believe that the best laws are made when there is no discussion, no opposition, no devil's advocate presenting a wide range of opinions on potential unintended consequences?

Because that's what a filibuster free congress gets you.
So these are your objections to the Westminster style of Parliament?

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:04 am

Kath wrote:
clubgop wrote: They did it to us so we do it to them.
And pretty soon they'll change the rules so two guys in the john can make law.

There's no US and THEM..... all these clowns forget the other team will be in power in the not-too-distant future and play tit-for-tat. Congress is filled with 3rd graders. These are not thoughtful people. They are every bit as short sighted as their corporate masters.
Two hundred years of policy, interrupted by nine years of a rule enacted by democrats, and a return to the policy of the past two centuries, and we can be sure that fake news consuming shitlibs will eat up hook line and sinker that a return to two centuries of procedure is in some way a deviation from the norm.

Make sure you make some more posts in support of military intervention.
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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by PartyOf5 » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:07 am

Dems screwed themselves into this twice now.

First, when Reid ended filibusters for all other levels of court appointments.
Second, when they decided to play chicken with a GOP that let them know ahead of time that this was coming.

I'm sure Dems see this as a win for them. Now they will whine about the nuclear option being used without ever mentioning how they used it to their advantage the past few years. This move just helped to widen the divide between the 2 parties and their supporters. It also now leaves us with 1 more way a simple majority will rule. All this to try and score political points. They wasted their ammo on a selection who was as spotless as you are going to get, and is respected by people on both sides. Now the path is clear to nominate more polarizing figures and they have no recourse to stop or even slow it down. What a bunch of fools.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:21 am

Roe v. Wade is walking dead now.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Martin Hash » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:25 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:Roe v. Wade is walking dead now.
With all the precedence behind it, that seems extremely unlikely.
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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:29 am

Martin Hash wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:Roe v. Wade is walking dead now.
With all the precedence behind it, that seems extremely unlikely.

Not really. It's widely regarded as one of the worst rulings since the Dred Scott case. Leaving aside the moral issues of claiming ownership of another's human being's life and killing them, if we accept their argument at face value, it still should be up to the states whether they want that practice in their jurisdiction or not.

The abortion issue itself is a separate issue from the legal problems with that ruling.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:36 am

For that matter, every single federal intrusion on your health care could be killed by the same corrupted logic of Roe v. Wade. Why should the DEA get involved when I go to my crooked doctor to get a prescription for narcotics I don't need? That's an issue between me and my doctor, no? One could make a long list of things that violate the principle of Roe v. Wade.

Lefty judges have always been the bane to our rule of law. This shit goes back to Roger B. "blacks are animals and therefore not citizens" Taney. Roe v Wade is the Dred Scott decision of our era. Talk about being on the "wrong side of history". Jeesh.

We could feasibly put a stop to this in our own age if Trump would stop being such a fucking douche.

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Re: Trump's SCOTUS

Post by Martin Hash » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:48 am

Dude, whatever moral objections you have with abortion, it's been upheld several times by past Supreme Courts. There's no way legal scholars are going to overturn it now. It's a Law issue, not a moral one.
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